Easy Terra Reviews

: 21

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Cheaper car hire with excess i
Easyterra was a bit cheaper than other options and booking with them was a breeze. I had a vouche...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Meet & greet pick-up from
We arranged for a meet & greet pick-up through Easy Terra at 11 pm from Windy Car in Antalya....Read on
M. Lewis

Review with most votes

Car hire made my trip easy
I got to Dublin a few days ago and I urgently needed a car hire service. I checked through the Ea...Read on
Mary Ann

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Booked car online

    I went ahead and booked a car online, and everything seemed fine. However, the only issue was the size of the car I ended up with - it was so small that I felt like a giant driving it. It would've been better if they had bigger cars available.

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    Would buy here again

    Easy booking process, good prices, nice car

    I recently hired a car from this company and I have to say, I was really impressed. The booking process was super easy, and the prices they gave me were really good. When we went to collect the car, we were pleasantly surprised to see that it was a lovely one, all clean and in great shape. All in all, it was a great experience and I would definitely think about using them again next time.

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