Floraqueen Reviews

: 25

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32% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Flowers for mum's birthda
I have to say, I was really impressed by the amazing service I got when I ordered flowers for my ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Premium selection bouquet rece
I felt really let down by the bouquet I got from this company. I went for the top-tier peony bouq...Read on
Lewis Harris

Review with most votes

£60 worth of flowers
Due to be delivered on the Sunday and didn’t arrive until the following day. I have sent at least...Read on
Sue Magnus

Reviews (25)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Overpriced bouquet disappointment

    I bought a bunch of flowers for a special event, but I was really let down by what I received. The flowers were droopy and nothing like how beautiful they looked on the website. The quality was honestly rubbish and definitely not worth the high price I shelled out. On top of that, the customer service was useless and didn't care when I tried to voice my complaints.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Mother's day flower delivery

    I don't usually leave reviews, but I felt I had to this time. I ordered a lovely bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day, but they never arrived. I tried emailing and calling customer service multiple times, but got no response. It's really upsetting to have a special occasion like this ruined by a company that doesn't seem to care. I definitely won't be using them again and would suggest others avoid them too.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    I ordered flowers from Flora Queen to be delivered in Berlin for a family reunion. I received an email from Flora Queen indicating that the flowers were "on their way" and that they would update me when delivered. But the flowers were never delivered, which was embarrassing. Flora Queen took my money, of course. A total of 51 euros. I have tried to contact them by email, on their website, and by telephone, and have received no response. When I call their UK phone number, the outgoing message says that they don't take phone calls, and they redirect me back to the website. I have tried to access my account, or to create a new one, and the website freezes. Worse than worthless! This is a total ripoff! Do not order from this scam outfit!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Flowers + jar + card

    Do not trust this company! They offer the delivery of flowers for special days but they fail to deliver on time and when the flowers arrive they are not what showed on their website and fully dead. The customer service is a joke! The DHL link they shared never said "on delivery" and when I noticed the flowers were not arriving on time, I contacted them and they said I should not trust the DHL link. Then why the ... did you share that in the first place? I requested my refund but they said their delivery policy says the flowers may arrive late and in that case, they just refund the delivery service (10 euros out of the 80 I paid). This is a complete scam! why do they offer a service they can not meet.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    I never write reviews on the services provided by vendors, but today, Floraqueen really outperformed everyone else … This is simply astonishing

    While on the business trip, 11000 km away from home, I decided to send flowers (and a teddy bear) to my daughter on her 10th Birthday (Order number: 77801107). This should be nice, simple, and very sweet …

    This awful vendor (Floraqueen) was able to ...-up even this simple task and spoiled a Birthday for 10-year-old girl. Thanks to you, little girl will cry during her Birthday thinking that her father forgot that very important day in her life.

    You do not understand that you are transporting much more than just flowers and if you are not capable on delivering on your promise, do something else with your life.
    Do not devastate lives of other people with your ignorance.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Birthday Flowers

    Avoid like the plague.
    Flora Queen failed to deliver Birthday flowers.
    They have also failed to refund the purchase price.
    Would never use again. Fraud? .

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    £60 worth of flowers

    Due to be delivered on the Sunday and didn’t arrive until the following day. I have sent at least four messages to FQ who, on one occasion confirmed they would contact me. They haven’t. I consider this company to be unprofessional and completely uncaring of their customer service when things go wrong as they obviously do judging by the reviews. I would very strongly suggest you buy your flowers from another trader. I did warn you FQ that I wouldn’t let this rudeness of yours go without further complaint. You should be ashamed of your company.

    Only to add that NO, I wouldn’t buy from FQ again. I seemed to have missed the part where I should have added No!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Flora queen

    Floral Con Artists
    Hello to all, I would like to tell you that on Monday 14 December , I ordered for a large bouquet to be delivered to a very large solicitors practice in Budapest, Hungary, on Friday 18th December.
    Needless to say , the flowers were not delivered. when I enquired through their website on Monday 21st , I was assured that they would come back to me in a couple of hours. they did come back in the early afternoon, to tell me that my flowers had been delivered. I checked with a contact in the office in Budapest , and was told that indeed , nothing had been delivered. when I complained again late on Monday evening, I got a sincere apology for them telling lies.
    Well , as I write this 24 hours , and several complaints later, nothing has been delivered
    All I have to say now , to tell everybody out there Never, never spend you money with Floraqueen, they are not to be trusted. Never USE THEM

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