Sprout Social Reviews

: 26

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38% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Social media tool
I really don't understand why some people are hating on this tool, because our team really l...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Social media management tool
As someone who's been using this social media management tool for a while now, I've sta...Read on

Review with most votes

My business became known when I used Sprout Social. There was a particular social management app ...Read on

Reviews (26)






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    Would buy here again

    Social media management platform

    I don't normally bother leaving reviews, but I had such a bad experience with this platform recently that I just had to speak out. They promised me fantastic results and really convinced me to spend my time and money on their services. But once I'd handed over my cash and done what they asked, I was conned. The agents vanished into thin air, leaving me completely stuck with no way to get my money back. It's just not right or fair that they would target people who are just trying to boost their social media profiles.

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    Would buy here again

    Subscription cancellation

    Cancelling my subscription with this service was an absolute nightmare! They really make you go through so much just to say goodbye. You can't cancel directly on the platform, oh no, you have to send them an email and explain why you're leaving. It's so frustrating! Other companies make it so easy to cancel with just a simple click, but not these guys.

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    Would buy here again

    Unwanted Charges

    I was really let down by my experience with this company. I thought I was getting a free test but then they asked for my card details. I agreed and then got charged $99.95 without any notice. I felt like they weren't being honest or trustworthy. To prevent any more surprise charges, I had to cancel my card, which shouldn't be necessary for a free trial.

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    Would buy here again

    Online social media management tool

    I don't even know where to start with this terrible company. I tried out their trial period, and it was a complete disaster right off the bat. Their website was so confusing - none of the buttons worked and nothing would open. It was like trying to find my way in the dark. After struggling with their platform that wasn't working, I decided to cancel. But then, shocker, they still charged my credit card two months later! The customer service was absolutely dreadful. 'Mike' was supposed to be the support expert, but he was nowhere to be seen until more than a week later, and even then, he was no help at all. This company is a complete joke, I would definitely steer clear.

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    Would buy here again

    Social media management software

    This social media management software used to be really great. But now, the customer support team has really dropped the ball. Not only has the price doubled, but the software doesn't work as well as it used to, and the customer support team doesn't seem to know what they're doing. They can't even find active accounts or solve problems for their customers. I wouldn't suggest using this software at all.

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    Would buy here again

    Account issues

    I tried to cancel my account because they weren't doing anything on my Instagram. But instead of cancelling, they charged me 95.13€ for a service I didn't even want, and it wasn't the amount we agreed on. They had said it would only be 24.99€. What a bunch of scammers! Avoid them at all costs, it's just terrible!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Trial period feedback

    I recently gave a social media management tool a go for a trial period of seven days. At the start, I was following 586 accounts, but after using the tool, it made me follow about 1100 accounts in those seven days. Despite following more accounts, I only got back 6 followers, which is just 1% of the accounts I started following. I tried to unfollow some accounts, but sadly couldn't undo it, so I had to manually do it myself.

    Compared to another social media management tool I've used, where it was easy to spot accounts that didn't follow back and unfollow them efficiently, this tool didn't measure up. The tool promised a 20% increase in followers, but in reality, I only saw a 1% bump. My overall experience made me feel like I wasted my time and effort and didn't get the results I was hoping for.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Social media management software purchase

    I bought some social media management software as a customer, and I have to say, I was really let down by the whole experience. It didn't do what it said it would, and it didn't even have the basic stuff you'd expect from a social media planning company. It felt like a con trying to take my cash without giving me anything good in return. The features didn't work properly or weren't there at all, so I couldn't manage my social media accounts like I needed to. It was especially frustrating for my small business, as we depend a lot on social media for our marketing.

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