Geronigo Reviews

: 25

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48% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Fun activity with a cool guide
We went on this amazing adventure with this guy called John and he was just so cool. He explained...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Outdoor activity purchase
The customer service was proper rubbish at the outdoor event place and the head office. They woul...Read on

Review with most votes

Clay pigeon shooting
After a few misunderstandins I can now say everything has been dealt with I would like to apologi...Read on
kevin emmett

Reviews (25)






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    Would buy here again

    Amazing time

    I had such a great time at that place! The staff were really lovely and welcoming, which made me feel so at ease and cheerful. I had a blast and I'd definitely go back and do it all again!

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    Would buy here again

    Indoor skydiving voucher

    I bought a voucher for indoor skydiving, but when I tried to book it in Truro, they said it was an old website and the activity wasn't available there. They basically took my money and refused to give it back. Total scammers!

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    Would buy here again

    False tour, poor customer service, fight for partial refund

    I can't believe how cheeky this company is. They sold me a tour that didn't even exist and then had the cheek to refuse to give me a full refund. The customer service was absolutely terrible. I had to really argue just to get a partial refund, which didn't even cover the full amount I paid. It's obvious that this company doesn't care about their customers and will do anything to avoid owning up to their errors. I strongly suggest booking your tours somewhere else to avoid the hassle and letdown that comes with dealing with this unprofessional company.

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    Would buy here again

    Canyoning experience

    I booked a Canyoning experience for me and some mates not long ago. We were well up for the adventure and got to the spot early, but no one turned up to take us. I tried calling the numbers they gave us loads of times, but no one picked up. The lack of communication really wound us up. It felt like a total rip-off and left us feeling let down and annoyed. Just a waste of time and money, really.

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    Would buy here again

    Land Yachting

    We booked a land yachting experience with this company on Greatstone beach in Kent.
    We were at the given location 15mins before the allotted time as requested, no sign of anyone. 20mins later, still no sign of anyone so I tried to call Geronigo and was on hold for 15mins before anyone answered the phone (so now 20mins after our "experience" was due to start). We were told they would phone us back - absolutely no one did. At the same time, my husband was trying to phone the third party provider of the experience and finally got through to him, only to be told they hadn't used the beach for 4 years and were now in a small field 6 miles away.
    We rushed in the car to the new location and finally got about 1hr 15mins of a 2 hour experience.
    The whole reason we booked this was because it was on the beach. I've written to Geronigo and they have failed to respond. They are a complete rip off, they miss-sell their activities, they are next to impossible to get hold of and do not respond as promised.
    If it had not been for the fact that we managed to get hold of the third party provider directly we would have missed the whole thing and this company would have £162 of my money for having provided nothing. Thus my advice would be to avoid them.

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    Would buy here again

    Clay pigeon shooting

    After a few misunderstandins I can now say everything has been dealt with I would like to apologise for my negative comments I have been shooting before with no issues and really enjoyed it

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