Just You Reviews

: 21

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Fantastic tour manager, beauti
My tour was just amazing, thanks to the fantastic tour manager who really looked after everyone i...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Spirit of India and Amritsar a
I went on a spirit of an India trip with Amritsar add on. It looks good in the brochure, but t...Read on

Review with most votes

Great great services for singl
I was looking for agency who can help me in planning travel tour alone. I really like traveling a...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Organised trip with helpful staff

    The holiday I went on was fantastic, everything was sorted out perfectly and it all went without a hitch. The Tour Manager did a brilliant job keeping us all informed and making sure we knew what was happening so we could enjoy our visits. The local guide was really knowledgeable too, which enhanced our experience. I was really impressed with how professional and organised the staff were.

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    Would buy here again

    Great great services for single traveler

    I was looking for agency who can help me in planning travel tour alone. I really like traveling and I think traveling alone is one of the great way to explore stuffs. And its an challenge as well.however , recently I booked an tour with just you. They offer really quality services and also good for those who are going for first time.
    They are really helpful and easy to connect during whole trip.

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