London Eye Reviews

: 21

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57% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Fast track ticket purchase
I bought a fast track ticket for the London Eye and honestly, it was totally worth it. The view f...Read on
Eden Reid

Most relevant negative review

Buying a combined ticket for the London Eye and river cruise turned out to be a nightmare. I thou...Read on

Review with most votes

Combination ticket of river cr
The ticket we got for both the river cruise and the attraction was absolutely brilliant. The crui...Read on
B. Stevens

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Tickets for a specific time slot

    I can't believe how cheeky this attraction is. It's so unfair that you have to wait in line for hours even after buying tickets for a specific time slot. What's the point in booking if they're not going to stick to it? It's a total waste of time and money, not to mention really annoying. And the lack of flexibility is just ridiculous - no chance to change or cancel, you're just stuck if something comes up. It's as if they want you to have a bad time. Honestly, someone should look into their dodgy behaviour.

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    Would buy here again

    London Eye ticket

    I took a trip to the London Eye with my family, and it was absolutely brilliant! The views of London from up high were truly spectacular. However, when we arrived, we realised that we had only booked tickets for the London Eye and not Madame Tussauds as well. The staff member informed us that we couldn't make any changes, even though I was really looking forward to visiting both attractions. I don't understand why they couldn't just upgrade our booking; it would have made the experience so much more enjoyable.

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