Netflights Reviews

: 22

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Repeat customer for years
I've been using this service for a few years now and I've always been happy with how ea...Read on
Evie Rose

Most relevant negative review

AVOID AT ALL COST! SCAMMERS! I recently purchased flights for myself and my family. I received a...Read on
ViYen Tang

Review with most votes

Flight and hotel booking
Sometimes planning a trip, a holiday or business trip may not always be about having the money to...Read on

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Flight to Texas canceled

    I had to cancel a flight for my partner and me to Texas. I called a few times and they always kept me updated on the cancellation. Laura was really helpful and understanding, and she sorted out any problems I had. Thank you so much, Laura, you're amazing!

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    Would buy here again

    Booking made easy

    Booking our holiday with Mark was so easy thanks to his excellent service. He really listened to what we wanted and sent over a quote in just 10 minutes. We had everything sorted within an hour, which made the whole experience really smooth and hassle-free. I would definitely recommend booking with him!

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    Would buy here again


    I recently purchased flights for myself and my family. I received a booking confirmation and the funds were taken out from my account. I then received an email 24 hours later to say the flight prices has increased and I have 3 options... 1. to pay the difference, 2. to put me on a different flight at the same cost BUT it has stop off's (initially booked as a direct flight) or 3. for a full refund. I went back and forth with them and said it's false advertisement! They took my money to then tell me it cost more and 'it weren't their fault' because the airline increased their cost. Firstly, I booked at 12.37pm and I received the email to say the price increased at 10.00am the following day! Why did it take almost 24 hours to inform me?! Had they looked into it sooner and paid the airline when I purchased the ticket, I would not of had to pay an additional £380.50!

    P.S. to Netflights, DO NOT reply back and give me an automated response like you have with others and to say it's resolved! Yes I paid the additional cost because I had no choice as it a very important flight I have to go on. As discussed with the supervisor, you need to sort out your misleading confirmations starting with a header not stating booking confirmation because it is NOT a booking confirmation and the funds should not be taken out if it's not 100% booked! It's not 100% booked!

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