Newmarket Holidays Reviews

: 23

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100% Would buy here again

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Lake Como holiday
Our recent trip to Lake Como was truly unforgettable, all thanks to our amazing tour manager, Ele...Read on

Review with most votes

Hebridean Tour May 2023
My sister and I took a coach tour of the Hebrides from 15-20 May 2023 with Newmarket Holidays and...Read on
Jenny Greenfield

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Holiday package to Western Sicily

    I was really looking forward to my holiday in Western Sicily as the schedule seemed really exciting with different activities planned for each day. However, I have to say I've been pretty disappointed with the place we're staying at. It looks nothing like the beautiful pictures in the brochure. The standard of the accommodation is really poor, it almost feels like being at a shabby British holiday camp. On top of that, the dining hasn't been great either. I was hoping for a fancy three-course meal served at the table, but instead, it was a disappointing buffet where I had to wait in line for average food. Overall, my experience with the accommodation and dining has not been up to scratch.

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    Would buy here again

    Booking experience

    When I booked my holiday, everything was really clear and helpful. Lorraine was like a superstar and helped us a lot. She told us about discounts we didn't even know about and was so lovely when we had questions. It was all positive vibes from the beginning to the end.

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    Would buy here again

    Mix up in payment

    So, I was trying to book my holiday and there was a bit of a mix up with the payment, which was pretty stressful, you know? But then Carole was really lovely and helped sort everything out super quickly. She was really helpful and made me feel a lot better about the whole situation. Thanks a lot Carole, you're a star!

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    Would buy here again

    Classical Spain May 2024

    My holiday in Spain was absolutely fantastic! Our Tour Manager, Jude, was brilliant and made the trip so enjoyable. She looked after us really well and made sure we were all happy. The itinerary was full-on but we got to see some amazing sights. The hotel we stayed in was lovely and the staff were all really nice. The pool was definitely the highlight on our days off. Honestly, I would highly recommend booking this holiday, you'll have an awesome time!

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