Wendy Wu Tours Reviews

: 21

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48% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Uncovered Japan tour
The Uncovered Japan tour was absolutely brilliant. Our guide was top-notch, spoke English like a ...Read on
Tom Butler

Most relevant negative review

Golden Wedding celebration tri
I was really looking forward to our Golden Wedding celebration trip, but it didn't live up t...Read on

Review with most votes

My trip was so good
I planned my trip to India as heard about the country a lot and wanted to visit for so long. i bo...Read on
Brian Wrent

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    'Jewels of Japan' tour

    I've just returned from a tour that was a real let down, from beginning to end. The airport pick up was a disaster, the hotels were not up to scratch, the food was always cold and unappetising, and we were always rushing with no time to chill out. The journey to the airport at the end was a nightmare too, making the whole trip even more stressful. Definitely not the magical experience I was expecting for my 70th birthday. It was a total rip off and a major disappointment. And to top it off, the customer service was appalling, with Wendy Wu dismissing my complaints and offering a measly £100 voucher for my next holiday. Absolutely ridiculous in my opinion!

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    Would buy here again

    Jewels of Japan

    The tour cost me 8k and to be honest, I wasn't too pleased with the service overall. The people in the sales team did their job well, but the service after I paid up was a bit of a letdown. The guide's English skills weren't great, a few hotels were pretty basic, and the tour itself felt so tiring with hardly any time to relax. Those long coach journeys on not-so-great coaches made it even more uncomfortable. Japan is beautiful and all, but better service would've definitely made the trip better.

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