Optimum Nutrition Reviews

: 27

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

30% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Protein supplement purchase
I bought some protein powder from a shop not too long ago and I must say, it's top notch. Ta...Read on
S. Anderson

Most relevant negative review

5kg whey protein purchase
I recently received a 5kg bag of whey protein that was delivered in a severely tampered condition...Read on

Review with most votes

Great tasting protein
A major problem I had with other protein products I have tried is their taste. It often feels lik...Read on
Brownlow Lindon

Reviews (27)






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    Would buy here again

    Protein Powder Purchase

    I wanted to let you know about my recent experience with buying protein powder from your company. Unfortunately, I had some big problems with both the delivery and customer service. I spent £400 on my order, but it wasn't delivered properly – it was just left outside a block of flats and someone took it. Even though I showed Optimum Nutrition and FedEx that I'd lost the items, they told me I'd confirmed getting them. When I talked to a representative, they didn't really help me or give me good answers about what counts as a successful delivery or how my rights as a customer were being looked after.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Whey protein purchase

    I ordered a 2.5kg whey protein pack online, but when it arrived, it was the wrong brand of protein. The box was already opened and instead of protein it was filled with wheat flour. It's been a whole month now and I still haven't got my money back from this company. Their customer service hasn't been helpful at all - they keep asking for videos and photos but aren't offering a solution. I've tried calling their customer care number, sending emails, and even reaching out on WhatsApp but haven't received any response. I would strongly advise against making any purchases from this website.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Protein powder purchase

    I bought some protein powder from here recently, and to be honest, I was pretty disappointed with the whole thing. The website said there was a special offer on bulk protein powder for €79.99, but when I went to buy it, the price shot up to €95.20. It definitely felt like they were trying to trick people with the false advertising. I nearly went ahead and paid the higher price without even realising. I reckon lots of other folks might have done the same. It's really irritating to think that some customers might have ended up paying more than they should have.

    To make matters worse, when I tried to get in touch with customer service on Facebook about it, I didn't hear a peep back for over two weeks. The lack of communication and support is just so disappointing and not what you'd expect from a professional company.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Pre-Workout Advanced Blue Raspberry 420g

    I bought the Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Pre-Workout Advanced Blue Raspberry 420g recently and had a really bad time with it. The taste was so bad that me and a friend felt sick right after having it. I contacted customer service for help, but they said they couldn't assist me because I didn't buy it from their website. Even though, I won't buy from Optimum Nutrition again and think it's necessary to tell others about my experience to caution them.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Lost package, unresponsive customer service

    I ordered some stuff recently and you won't believe what happened - my package ended up getting lost! Can you imagine? And when I reached out to customer service for help, they didn't even bother replying. It's really unprofessional, isn't it? Such a waste of both time and money. I wouldn't suggest this place to anyone, to be honest.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Whey protein

    I recently bought a tub of whey protein from your website to top up my gym supplies. But, I've got to say, my experience with Optimum Nutrition was far from satisfactory. The product came all the way from the Netherlands to the UK, which wasn't a big deal, but what happened next was really disappointing.

    I had to wait longer than expected, only to find out that my parcel had supposedly been delivered to a pick-up spot at a Tesco store. When I went to the store to pick it up, the staff told me that it had already been sent back to the depot. The lack of coordination and communication on their part is just not on.

    I tried to sort things out by getting in touch with customer support, but they were not very helpful. They flat out refused to give me a refund, saying that the parcel had been delivered just fine. But where's the proof of that? Who signed for it at Tesco? This lack of transparency and accountability is worrying.

    It's pretty obvious that customer satisfaction isn't a priority for Optimum Nutrition, given their lack of empathy and willingness to sort things out in a friendly way.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Protein powder order

    I bought some protein powder from your company not long ago. However, I've had a bit of a problem with getting it delivered. It's been 3 weeks and still no sign of my order or a refund. I've tried to get in touch with customer service multiple times, but I keep talking to the same unhelpful person who can't seem to fix things. This lack of communication and slow process has really annoyed me. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend this company to anyone because of these problems.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Protein powder

    I'm really not happy with the service I got from Optimum Nutrition as a customer. I bought some protein powder but my order still hasn't been delivered. It's showing as being sent back to the sender, which is really annoying. I wish I had looked into the company's reputation before buying from them. It's worrying that a well-known company like this can't get orders sorted out quickly and properly. I hope they can sort this out soon.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    4KG protein isolate purchased

    I bought 4KG of protein isolate from this company not long ago and I must say, their customer service was shocking. They gave me a tracking number that turned out to be non-existent. When I tried to get help by emailing their customer service, I got no response at all. The lack of communication and inability to give correct tracking details left me feeling really annoyed and let down. I'd advise anyone thinking of buying from them to do some research first.

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