Frontier Reviews

: 21

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

71% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

clothes for my school trip
I've just bought some new clothes for my school trip and the live chat service was fantastic...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Insurance claim experience
I had a bit of a frustrating situation with my insurance company recently. Basically, the premium...Read on
Emily Brown

Review with most votes

exciting experience shopping f
The importance of insurance cannot be over-emphasized because they provide support financially in...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    House insurance

    As others have stated, they seem to be cheap, efficient and easy to deal with. Thats until you have to raise a claim. They sent 4 different lots of assessors out to try and wiggle out of paying. We are atill fighting them now 6 months down the line. Id seriously warn anyone thinking of ysing this company to stay very clear of them!

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    Would buy here again

    House insurance

    This company, Frontier, is a UK broker and the real insurance co is in Gibraltar. It all seems ok until you have to make a claim. As per other reviews elsewhere, they do everything to try to wiggle out of a claim. Trying to somehow proove that a decent, honest family, have done wrong so they dont have to pay. Please bear warned to steer very clear of this company!

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