Cotton On Reviews

: 25

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

32% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Clothing and gifts
The customer service in this shop is absolutely amazing! Maria is just so lovely and always goes ...Read on
Alfie Brown

Most relevant negative review

Misleading product description
I'm really disappointed with the customer service at this store. I've been a loyal cust...Read on

Review with most votes

exciting experience shopping f
I am plus-sized and getting fitting wear is always a herculean task for me. I go from shop to sho...Read on

Reviews (25)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online order for delivery

    I wouldn't recommend ordering from this place online. I placed an order recently and it was a total disaster. Got a notification saying my parcel was delivered and signed for, but when I checked, it was nowhere to be found. I used to be a regular customer, but after this mess, I won't be buying from them again.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bella Bootleg Pants

    I recently bought two pairs of Bella Bootleg Pants from the store. At first, I was happy with how they looked and how they fitted. But then, when I wore one pair for the first time, I saw that the seam was starting to come undone. Worried about the quality, I got in touch with customer service to talk about it. I said I could fix them myself but asked for a discount because the product wasn't up to scratch. But, they just said I could only get a refund if I sent the trousers back. I think that's not great, and it's not good for the environment either. These days, with everyone talking about sustainability, it's disappointing to see a company not owning up to its mistakes like Cotton On. It's not just that their stuff isn't very good, but they also don't seem to care about how they affect the environment.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    New jeans and t-shirt

    I purchased a pair of jeans and a t-shirt from this shop, but the woman running it was really unfriendly and disrespectful. She kept interrupting me, raised her voice on the phone twice, and basically said my issue wasn't her concern. The ceramic item I bought ended up breaking, but she showed no interest in helping. She definitely needs some training in how to treat customers properly, and she needs it soon.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Green jeans purchase

    I recently bought a pair of green jeans from this shop and, to be honest, it was a total let-down. After I washed them just once, the colour got all patchy, which meant I couldn't really wear them anymore. When I tried to swap them at the shop, they flat-out refused to help me out. So, I decided to get in touch with their online customer service team, who told me to send the jeans back by post because it was a fault in the product. But, guess what? When the jeans came back to me, there was a note saying that I had to return items bought in-store... in-store. The whole situation was a real headache and left me feeling really annoyed and like I'd wasted my money. I splashed out $70 on these jeans that I couldn't even put on, and it seemed like nobody wanted to sort it out for me. I've made up my mind now - I won't be giving this company any more of my business.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    4 items online purchase

    I recently bought 4 items online and it was a total nightmare. I spent a lot of money expecting them to arrive in 4-5 days but they never showed up. Customer service was no help, with vague responses and excuses. The tracking info wasn't updated and it seemed like no one knew where my parcel was. They blamed the courier, leaving me clueless. Dealing with unhelpful reps who didn't care was frustrating. It felt like a scam and the whole thing left me really disappointed.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bikini return issue

    I've had a really bad experience with my return at this shop. I returned some unworn bikinis with all the hygiene labels still on, but when I got my refund, three items were missing. I tried to get in touch with customer service through emails and live chat, but I didn't get anywhere. The customer service advisors didn't seem to understand my issues and didn't fix the problem. I really wouldn't recommend ordering from this shop if you think you might need to return something.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    jeans and t-shirts.

    I bought some jeans and t-shirts from this place thinking they would be cool, but they turned out to be rubbish. When I tried to send them back, they made it really difficult for me. I had to wait ages for my refund and to top it off, they didn't even apologise. They really need to improve their customer service. After this bad experience, I definitely won't be buying from them again!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    T-shirt purchase

    I recently ordered a t-shirt from this shop and it was a complete nightmare. I ordered it on the 27th of November and after waiting for 10 days with no shipping updates, I decided to chat with their customer service. To my surprise, they told me my order had been cancelled due to the item being out of stock. I wasn't even told about the cancellation, and I had to ask for a refund on my own. Their lack of communication and bad planning is really disappointing. I won't be shopping here again, that's for sure.

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