Marks and Spencer Reviews

: 23

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52% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

High-quality products
I recently bought some really great stuff from this shop and I have to say, I'm super impres...Read on
E. Moore

Most relevant negative review

Vegan/Vegetarian Meal Deal
I popped into the shop to see if they had any Vegan or Vegetarian Meal Deals, but it turns out th...Read on

Review with most votes

Love the food section
Great store, especially the food section. I love their special juices and cookies ;)Read on
Lindsey Smith

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again


    When I look back at the quality and prices from a few years ago, it's a bit disappointing to see what's happening now. The clothes I bought were definitely not worth the high price. It seems like we're going through the same thing all over again, and that's not great.

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    Would buy here again

    Food shopping at M&S

    I go to M&S quite often for my food shopping. I like that the products are good quality and reasonably priced, so I always return there. However, I've noticed that the staff at the tills can sometimes be a bit rude, which is a shame because overall my experience is normally positive in the store. Also, I have to say that the women's clothes aren't as good as the food, as the options are often not very stylish or well-made. Lastly, my online shopping hasn't been great either, as some expensive items arrived in bad packaging.

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    Would buy here again


    I recently purchased these shoes online and they are just adorable, but gosh, the delivery took forever! The website promised 3-5 days, but it felt like ages! And the courier didn't even bother keeping me updated on where my package was. It was so frustrating!

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    Would buy here again

    Online purchase confusion

    I went online to order some clothes, but when I got to the store, it was so strange - there were screens on the wall instead of actual people to assist me. The lady there was really snooty and rude when I tried to explain that I didn't know about the new setup. It was really disappointing and made me feel like I was being unfairly treated.

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    Would buy here again

    Summer Beauty Box purchase

    I bought the Summer Beauty Box from the shop not long ago, but it got lost in the post by the delivery company. I got in touch with customer service to sort it out, but they wouldn't send me a replacement box. They did give me my money back, which was nice, but I was still pretty disappointed with how it was handled. I've been a loyal customer for ages, but this whole situation has put me off. I don't think I'll be shopping with them again in the future.

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