McQueens Dairies Reviews

: 21

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76% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Online holiday date change
I recently had to rearrange the dates for my holiday delivery from Mcqueens Dairies. Even though ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Milk delivery service
I signed up for the milk delivery service not long ago and at first, I was really happy with the ...Read on

Review with most votes

The subscription system doesn't work, you cancel it or pause it, they will still send you milk an...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Milk, yogurt, eggs delivered to my door

    I'm really happy with the stuff I get from this company. Their milk, yogurt, and eggs are top quality, and it's so handy having them brought to my door. I like that they're a local business and that they're always nice and helpful if I need to adjust my order.

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    Would buy here again


    The subscription system doesn't work, you cancel it or pause it, they will still send you milk and charge you. The deliveries arrive probably 80% of the time, and they are terrible at taking responsibility for the 20%. They don't have a straightforward complaints procedure.

    If you challenge them on this or try to leave completely, they will harass you on the few quid they think are outstanding. The milk is somewhat ok, nothing spectacular, good enough for my cappuccinos, and you will be paying a lot for it... just support the local store. A subscription for milk isn't something that makes a whole lot of sense.

    I have been using them for over a year, and I only had the issue when I paused the order before going on holiday... they still sent the milk out and charged me for it. I never turned the subscription back on due to these missing deliveries, and I've been harassed by them ever since. I'd steer clear.

    What others say about them going door-to-door is also valid... they lie to you.

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