Garden Trends Reviews

: 23

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78% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Defective product
The item I got was faulty, which was a bit of a bummer. But the company's service was top-no...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Outdoor parasol
I bought an outdoor parasol from your store recently, and I have to say, I was really let down by...Read on
K. Baker

Review with most votes

Very stylish
Though it cost me hard but a big relaxation by heating in garden around where really it is badly ...Read on

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    BBQ and Stainless Steel Doors

    My delivery took some time due to COVID which is acceptable but there were items missing when I received it. I could only contact by mail and waited two months for a response. I only received any help when I disputed my PayPal transaction. Eventually I received another set of doors which are different from the first set. The BBQ is also missing a grate for the coals. I would never order from them again, horrendous customer service and total inefficiency with order fulfilment.

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    Would buy here again

    Beefeater bbq

    Avoid at all costs. On purchase said 3 to 5 days. Still waiting 3 weeks later. No response to line no longer working. MONEY IS TAKEN IMMEDIATELY.
    this company is exploiting the current covid situation to mske financial gains.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Garden furniture

    Order placed middle of May. No goods yet but payment taken. Have emailed and phoned but no success. Phone calls not being taken and email responses are automated saying, due to number of emails being received will take 10 days to respond?
    I have also asked for an immediate refund.
    The company should not be trading if they cannot supply the goods .The current Covid crisis is not an excuse as all other on line orders I have placed have been supplied and delivered within the times given.

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    Would buy here again

    Very stylish

    Though it cost me hard but a big relaxation by heating in garden around where really it is badly needed in cold waves days
    Before this I was connected with one requirement of canopy .
    Excellent products,they have.

    The quality of the product is fine, however Garden Trends are only a reseller, so have no control over the quality. They also experienced significant supply chain issues with my order, which took 7 months to arrive, however, this was out of their control. What fundamentally let them down was the complete lack of customer service. I have never experienced anything as poor as this. They took my money and gave me a 2 month lead time on my order, which due to the supply chain issues took far longer to arrive. If anyone had taken the time to explain the situation or even bothered to proactively update me, it could have changed the whole experience, but no.... I had to chase them weekly and ask them what was happening. When I did, I was both lied to and mislead. I asked to be updated on a weekly basis, even if the update was that there was no update. This basic customer service request was however ignored, continously. Only once was I called back, on every other occasion I had to waste my time in chasing them, fruitlessly. Would I purchase anything from them again? No, unequivocally not. The general lack of care was stunning. I imagine I was one of many whose order was delayed due to supply chain issues, however, if Garden Trends had bothered to be proactive in their approach to managing their customers expectations (customer services 1-0-1), then I would have been happy to offer more stars based on them managing a difficult situation well, however they didn't, they made me feel like a nuisance and showed no interest in anything other than getting me off the phone.

    If you're thinking of ordering anything from them, make sure it is in stock, if it has to be ordered, in my personal experience, it will take a lot longer than they say, and when you ask them for the truth, they will lie to you.

    Not a great experience at all.

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