Straight My Teeth Reviews

: 24

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38% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Retainers making a massive dif
I've just had a go with the clear aligners from this company and honestly, they've tota...Read on
Pauline Allen

Most relevant negative review

Clear aligners purchase
I am completely gutted by my experience with this company. I dedicated so much time to straighten...Read on

Review with most votes

Night aligners
So at first I was really happy to go with Straight my Teeth. They were cheaper than other online ...Read on
Laura Burrows

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Teeth straightening treatment

    They were great at first, but now they don't respond or answer calls. I'd recommend not using them and saving your money.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Teeth alignment treatment

    Alright, so I decided to sort out my wonky teeth because of the gaps. The initial treatment didn't quite do the trick, so I had to have it redone. The second attempt was an improvement, but one of my bottom teeth wasn't cooperating. Had to have another redo for a bit more money. Then they asked for more cash for the molds, which wasn't great. Plus, there were customs fees, which was a pain. Customer service was great at the start, but now they seem a bit hard to reach, which is disappointing.

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    Would buy here again

    Teeth straightening treatment

    I've had this treatment to straighten my teeth and it was going well until the last aligners didn't finish the job properly. I needed a few more to close the gap between two teeth, but the company went out of business. Despite that, my teeth look much better than before. I'm planning to get some bonding to fix the little gap. My teeth hurt and there were some gaps during the treatment, but I guess that's normal, isn't it? I feel sorry for those who got left hanging halfway through their treatment.

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    Would buy here again

    Teeth straightening treatment

    I've just finished up my teeth straightening treatment with this company, but it didn't quite turn out how I expected. Even though I did everything they told me to do, my front teeth still overlap a bit. Plus, brace number 10 out of 20 was completely off, and the person I spoke to just told me to keep biting down on the soft material. I tried emailing them to talk about my issues and let them know that one of my retainers broke, but I never heard back from them. To top it all off, I found out that the company has shut down. Now, I'm trying to get a refund through PayPal, feeling really let down and kicking myself for not checking out the reviews beforehand.

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    Would buy here again

    Clear Aligners

    You have probably had gappy/squint/overcrowded teeth your entire adult life... please, please just put up with it a while longer to save enough money for treatment from a reputable dentist.

    I wish I could attach a "before and after" photo to you show you the outcome of 6 months of treatment. You'd see zero change on bottom row of teeth and the appearance of two large gaps on the upper row. In addition to this, my "bite" has been affected and my back teeth no longer meet.

    Customer service has abysmal. They have, at least, admitted the treatment did nothing to address the overcrowding on the bottom row and had not met expectations for the movement of teeth on the top row. But beyond that I am no further forward.

    I am Ā£800 out of pocket and face paying at least 3 times that amount to correct the functional problem (bite) and the new cosmetic problem (gaps) caused by SMT. I've now started proceedings against them, but that is going to take months.

    So, as I said above, please just wait. Save up a bit more or agree a payment plan with a proper dentist.

    Hi Nicola,

    How awful! Im in the same position. They have wrecked my teeth and i even paid extra as they told me i needed refinements, which i didnt, i just needed them to correct their own mistake.

    I've tried many no win no fee claims companies and none of them are touching it.

    How have you managed to start proceedings?

    Many thanks


  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Clear aligners


    It was really hard to do the impressions, honestly, they are not user-friendly and should be done by a professional. I wasted my first kit that was sent, in it were 4 chances to get it right, didn't go right so I had to pay Ā£15 to have another kit sent. after 3 more tries, I got it wrong, but the last try was the best so far so I sent it. it took about 2 weeks and they sent the 3d scan via email, this shows what my teeth will look like after treatment has finished.

    The main reason why I wanted to sort my teeth out is because of my overbite, I can fit the tip of my finger under my overbite. I also have overlapping front teeth and overlapping bottom teeth. In the 3d scan that was sent the overbite didn't change at all, in fact, they made it worse. One of the front teeth is protruding out because it is crossing over the one stuck under it. In the scan, they brought the tooth that was stuck under the protruding tooth straight and to the same level as the one protruding. so then I had two protruding front teeth. That didn't fix overbite at all. I told them all this and again another 3d scan was sent, but the overbite did not change. That was the whole reason why I went with this company as I have seen other reviews online with them fixing an overbite. I was not happy with the results of the 3d scans sent and they claimed to not be able to fix my overbite. This doesn't make sense to me as I have seen others with the same problem being fixed.

    I told them that I want a refund, and they came back 6 times and said in emails that they will give a discount. I refused each time because why would I spend over Ā£600 when they can't fix my issue, still now there is no proper explanation for why. The company is trying to make me pay Ā£69 for a refund. it has been weeks and I still refuse to pay. Their reasoning is because that is how much it cost for the kit. but I only paid Ā£15 for a new kit to be sent to me, with all the exact same stuff in as the one sent to me in the first place. Initially, they didn't send a cheek retractor that was meant to come with the kit, so they should be discounting that at least, as not everything that was meant to be in the kit was sent. So why am I being made to pay Ā£69? Especially when they can't even provide the service that I need! I am refusing to pay it, I want my refund. I will spread this same review and message everywhere I can till the company responds to me properly and sort this out.

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    Would buy here again

    Clear aligners

    Was wary of using this company as they are cheaper than a lot on the market but after reading reviews decided to give them a try.

    What an absolute rip off company with horrendous customer service who speak to their customers with utter disrespect.
    So many people I have spoken to have told me that they have been offered refunds in exchange for them to take their negative reviews down hence the majority of the reviews being positive.

    I canā€™t speak badly of this company enough.
    I purchase the plan in January 2022 and was looking forward to doing my impressions.
    First set of impressions were ā€˜compromisedā€™ no other explanation so I had to do them again. I was told to use the lower trays for my upper teeth as well as my lower teeth for my next impressions as the smaller trays did not fit.
    Second set of impressions I did this and sent pictures off to be told that they were also ā€˜compromisedā€™ and asking why I had used the large trays for both as I shouldnā€™t be doing this.
    After days of trying to get some sort of contact with them to explain that this is what I was TOLD to do, I was told I needed to buy more impression kits to redo the impressions again.
    These impression kits then took a month to arrive. I kept trying to contact them to ask where they were and they kept saying ā€˜they were sent today or sent yesterdayā€™ which clearly wasnā€™t the case.
    When they finally arrived 5 weeks later, I booked the phone consult as I didnā€™t want anything to go wrong with these impressions to which I was told it was a 3 week wait. I waited 3 weeks for the phone consult for them to cancel it the day of with no reason given. I then had to wait another 2 weeks for the rescheduled appointment.
    I then tried to log into my video consult and was told that I had missed it - I was sent the wrong date and time so I had to reschedule. I rescheduled for the following week and was told the wrong day again so missed the appointment again and was told to reschedule but they couldnā€™t fit me in for another couple of weeks.
    By this point it was then May and 5 months later had still not been able to do my impressions and was sick of the lack of customer service or contact from the company as it took 2-3 days per email to received a generic response so gestating any information from them was impossible so I then asked for a refund instead.
    It has took 10+ request emails and countless other chase up emails taking a further month to get anywhere with the company as they just kept offering me discounts and teeth whitening kits etc to keep me as a customer but by this point Iā€™d lost all trust in the company. I actually felt very pressured by them to take the discount over s refund but Iā€™m glad I stuck to my guns in requesting a refund as I would hate dreaded the whole process if this was how difficult it was to do the simple impressions. It took me saying I would report them to trading standards for with holding money and offering a service they were unable to provide for then to finally agree to a refund.
    I have FINALLY been issued a refund3 weeks after the agreement but MINUS the cost of the impression kit and extra product I had to buy that I still havenā€™t used because of how many times they messed up my appointment.
    I have emailed to request this be refunded and this was the response I have received

    ā€œHello Rianne,

    Thank you for your email and I hope that you are doing well. You have been issued a full refund already, count that towards your wins and move on, no further inquiries will be discussed. Looking forward to hearing from you, your support is greatly appreciated.
    Please feel free to contact us, should you have any questions or concerns. We promise you the highest level of satisfaction!ā€

    Count that towards your wins and move on? You still have Ā£75 of my money for a service that I could not use. What an absolutely disgusting way to speak to a customer.

    Absolutely horrendous experience with this company and will be looking to take things further as I am well within my rights for a full refund. Wish you could give 0 stars as they donā€™t deserve 1.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Night aligners

    So at first I was really happy to go with Straight my Teeth. They were cheaper than other online aligner companies and they seemed small and personalised. With only a few employees. During the week I was chatting with one of their employees, Sarah, before I went chose to go with them, they brought out their first night time aligners. My interactions with them about them was the start of the issues. When asking extra questions about the night time aligners, which I was nervous about as Invisalign and some dentists suggest against using them, I was met with annoyance Nas dismissal. Despite this red flag,I did manage to make a deal with them for the price and felt chuffed with my decision once again. The process from then was smooth and when the aligners arrived I was pleased to get on with them, the 12 month treatment period would have them straight in time for my 30th birthday! However, half way through, the aligners stopped fitting as well. I would speak to what seems to be multiple different women called Sarah in their team and each time would get a different type of answer. Mostly claiming it was my fault. My fault my aligners didn't fit on my teeth and that their team gave minimal help to fix that. Multiple of these Sarahs treated me like I was unintelligent and some didn't really bother to answer my concerns all together. Never the less, hopeful I kept going. Up to my 19th tray out of 25, I used them carefully, took photos and spoke to them (if I was ever away btw and didn't manage to email them the exact day if the week they expected they would hound me with copy and pasted repeated emails). At my 19th I was concerned, I had receded areas of my gums, four of my teeth where very wobbly (which I had alerted them to, only to be fobbed off) and their where triangular gaps between my teeth at the gums where my teeth didn't fit together. They looked worse than before. But I was hoping that would change. That a family member died suddenly and with the upset, although I carried on with the trays I stopped emailing back "Sarah" as my issues where ignored. I carried on until my 24th tray, when a dentist I visited advised. I stopped as the receding and and gaps were getting worse and were likely to be worsened by my last tray. I stopped had the dentist clean up and take care of my teeth and thankfully the receding has not gotten worse. However, I continued to get emails from straight my teeth for months. So finally I emailed back. I explained all my situation and how terrible I felt now having spent all that time, money and pain just to have teeth worse that they originally were and now damaged permanently with receded gums around four of my front teeth. I feel uglier than I did before and self conscious around my 30th birthday instead of confident. I will have to have costly dental surgery to fix my teeth now. Teeth that I have never needed fillings, crowns or any other treatment for as I have cared for them so well are now ruined. And I know it was my fault for gambling on this ... company. But when I told them about my experience, they blamed me again. It was my fault for not doing it properly. Scandalous and shameless company. Go to Invisalign.

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