AirCon Direct Reviews

: 17

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82% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Air conditioning unit purchase
I bought an air conditioning unit from AirCon Direct recently and I have to say, the whole proces...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Noisy Air Con Units
I bought two air conditioning units that were meant to be quiet at 56db but they ended up being r...Read on

Review with most votes

Multi-split air conditioner
I bought a multi-split air conditioner from this company not long ago and must say I was really l...Read on
O. Mason

Reviews (17)






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    Would buy here again

    Air conditioning unit purchase

    I bought an air conditioning unit from AirCon Direct recently and I have to say, the whole process was really smooth and hassle-free. I was pleasantly surprised by the excellent customer service I received through the online live chat. The representative was super helpful, giving me instant advice and guiding me through the ordering process step by step. It made my decision to purchase much easier and I felt confident in the product I was getting. Overall, I found the whole experience efficient and convenient, and I would definitely recommend AirCon Direct to anyone looking for air conditioning products.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    electriq ecosilent aircon

    The ElectriQ Ecosilent aircon is really good, I mean, literally cool. It works fine, but I find that the dehumidifier function isn't ideal for me because it's set to a higher humidity level than I need for my asthma. The smart cool function takes a bit longer to reach the right temperature, but if you start with the normal cool function, it works better (not sure if that's the correct way to do it though). The self-evaporating system is excellent - I haven't had to empty the tank yet. My only complaint is that the water removal tube arrived folded and was almost unusable.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Air conditioner unit

    I recently bought an air conditioner from AirCon Direct and I have to say, I am really pleased with their service. Ordering it was a breeze, and I found exactly what I was looking for without any hassle. When I went to pick it up, the staff were really helpful and knew their stuff. They even helped me get the 40kg unit into my car and gave me some great tips on how to install and set it up properly. Their knowledge made everything so easy and smooth. I would definitely recommend AirCon Direct to anyone looking for top-notch air conditioning products and great customer service.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Air conditioner

    I recently bought an air conditioner from this company and I have to say I was really impressed with the service they gave. The team was so helpful when I wanted to add more items to my order, and they made it all super easy and convenient. The communication about the delivery was spot on, I was kept in the loop every step of the way which was great. This is actually the second time I've bought from this company, and based on how it's gone, I wouldn't hesitate to buy from them again in the future.

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    Would buy here again

    Quick delivery, faulty unit

    The delivery was really fast, and the bloke who brought the unit was dead friendly, but when I plugged it in, I found a 3Amp fuse in the socket. Seems like it was put there by the original manufacturer, messing up the unit's performance. Pretty gutted about the poor quality of the product.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Dehumidifier purchase

    I was really impressed with how quickly the company got back to me, especially because it was a bank holiday when I bought the dehumidifier online. It's working a lot better than my old one, taking out twice as much water from the air. I would definitely suggest this company to others and wouldn't think twice about using them again. Overall, I'm really happy with how fast they got back to me, how they communicated, and with the product itself.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    12,000 BTU air conditioner purchase

    I just bought a 12,000 BTU air conditioner from AirCon Direct and I have to say, I am really impressed. The air con has surpassed my expectations in terms of how cool it can make the room. When I walk in now, it feels like I've been magically whisked away to the North Pole - that's how well it keeps things chilled. Even though the window kit was a bit fiddly, I thought the whole thing was fantastic. I just want to say a big thank you to AirCon Direct for giving me such a brilliant product.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Quick and Easy Process

    I thought the website was really easy to use and it was simple to find my way around. Ordering was a breeze and there weren't any issues. The delivery came quickly and the product was just like it was described. Although, I was a bit disappointed that the delivery only made it as far as the ground floor and not all the way up to my room on the 3rd floor. It would have been useful to have more details on the different grades of reconditioned products too.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Hepa filters for dehumidifier

    I ordered some Hepa filters for my dehumidifier from AirCon Direct. The website was really easy to use, and I found the filters I needed straight away. Ordering was simple, and I managed to buy them without any problems. The filters turned up the next day, just like they said they would. I was really impressed with how good AirCon Direct's service was. Overall, I'm happy with what I bought and how quickly they got it to me.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Aircon unit

    I was really impressed by how quickly the company delivered my air conditioning unit. The product itself is top-notch and I'm really pleased with it. I would definitely recommend this company to other people. The website was easy to use and there were loads of products to choose from, which made shopping a breeze.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Air conditioning unit purchase

    I bought an air conditioning unit from this company not long ago and was pretty disappointed with how things turned out. They said it would be quiet, but it ended up being quite noisy. On top of that, the whole venting process was a bit of a pain and connecting the pipes was a real struggle, which made installing it a bit of a nightmare.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Epic buy, quick delivery

    I absolutely loved what I bought, it arrived really quickly after I ordered it in the evening. The website was fantastic, loads of options and information. I'm so pleased with the whole experience from beginning to end.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Noisy Air Con Units

    I bought two air conditioning units that were meant to be quiet at 56db but they ended up being really loud at 72-74db. I complained a lot but the company was not helpful and wouldn't give me a refund or fix the problem. Dealing with them has been a total nightmare and I wouldn't suggest them to anyone.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Air purifier purchase

    I just bought an air purifier from this company and I really liked how it looks and how quickly it was delivered. But you know, I found it a bit strange that the website only sells air purifier filters one by one, when the machine actually needs two filters.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Ordered quickly and easily

    It was really easy to find what I was looking for and place my order. The next day delivery was so quick and impressive. Plus, the price was really good too. I'll definitely be recommending this to all my friends and family!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Difficult customer experience

    My experience with AirCon Direct was really frustrating. I had a hard time getting in touch with them at first and when I finally did, they gave me the wrong information about how much my purchase would cost. It made things confusing and really stressful for me the whole way through.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Multi-split air conditioner

    I bought a multi-split air conditioner from this company not long ago and must say I was really let down by the after-sales service. The installation itself went smoothly and was done in a neat manner, but there were problems with missing parts and the external unit wasn't mounted properly. What worried me even more was the buzzing noise coming from the indoor units, suggesting there might be an electrical issue that could be risky. Even though I've reported this problem several times, nobody has made an effort to come and check or resolve it. This lack of response and apparent disregard for customer safety is just not on.

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