Bon Marche Reviews

: 24

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75% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Clothing items
My recent trip to the shop in Paisley was absolutely lovely. The store itself was so bright and t...Read on
F. Collins

Most relevant negative review

Red t-shirt with sparkles
I tried to take back my red sparkly t-shirt but the shop was shut, even though the website said i...Read on

Review with most votes

Ordered straight leg jeans, received something a teenager would wear. They were so tight on the l...Read on
Mrs wood

Reviews (24)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    grey cardigan

    I bought this grey cardigan thinking it would look nice, but when I tried it on at home, it was really itchy and uncomfortable. I wanted to return it, but it turns out they don't accept returns for this item in the store. I wish they had told me that before I bought it.

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    Would buy here again

    Cropped trousers

    Ordered two pairs of cropped trousers from bon marche never received them asked numerous times for my money back still havent had it called customer services who clearly didnt care still waiting for an answer i wont shop on line with these again

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    I bought a pair of jeans, a blouse and a raincoat which were not very good quality so I returned them. The jeans and blouse were packed back into the bag they arrived in with a return slip and the coat was packed in the bag it had arrived in with a return slip and both these bags had their order number on them. I then put the two bags into one outer bag and sealed it. The return label supplied was placed on the bag. Purepay Retail refunded for the jeans and blouse but not the coat. They have obviously received the coat but customer service do not want to know and refuse to help...Bon Marche used to be an excellent shop before it was bought out and now, along with a few other stores, is owned by Purepay Retail and is no longer a store to trust. As far as I am concerned they have stolen £50 from a pensioner and people should be careful when dealing with them. Who or what is Purepay Retail? Stay clear.

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    Would buy here again


    Horrible horrible customer service manager that isnt upto the job position.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    Ordered straight leg jeans, received something a teenager would wear. They were so tight on the legs they should be called skinny jeans. Bon marche usually cater for older women so thought I was safe, cost £3.50 for delivery and now have to pay to return them as all their shops have closed. Will not use them again although have shopped there for years. E mailed customer service but no response

    You have had a refund due .to me for a month i due have proof of poastsage

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