Double Boxed Toys Reviews

: 22
91% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Kyber Crystal purchase
I have to say, DBT really impressed me with their customer service. I bought a Kyber Crystal from...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Missing order issue
I'm a loyal customer of Double Boxed Toys and I’m really disappointed with how they've ...Read on
A. Robertson

Review with most votes

Funko Pops
Not recommended at all. They don't allocate stocks for orders properly, keep delaying for months ...Read on
Mohammed Hefny

Reviews (22)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Birthday Mystery Box

    Definitely did not receive items worth the value of the box. I ordered 3 of the Birthday Disney Mystery Box as there were only 50 boxes advertised but instead I received all my items in one box and they are worth barely the value of the box. Was ideally going to gift one of the mystery boxes to my partner however I cannot as there is not individual box and the contents are disappointing to say the least. I only live a 15 mins drive away so was hoping to visit in the future but after this experience that's unlikely

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Funko Pops

    Not recommended at all. They don't allocate stocks for orders properly, keep delaying for months blaming it on suppliers or manufacturers while the same item is already available everywhere else. After 6 months of waiting for my order I gave up and asked to cancel only to lose 15% as according to them, they already sourced my items. (which i highly doubt)

    Honestly one of the worst pre-orders and online shopping experiences I ever had!

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