Mira Reviews

: 23
9% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Fertility tracking tool
I’ve got to say, the fertility tracking tool from Mira has been a real game-changer for me. I’ve ...Read on
Jane Jackson

Most relevant negative review

Poor customer service experien
I had a bit of a let-down dealing with the customer service at this place recently. Even though I...Read on
Noah Carter

Reviews (23)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Fertility tracking tool

    I’ve got to say, the fertility tracking tool from Mira has been a real game-changer for me. I’ve tried other products before, but this one really stands out for its effectiveness and accuracy – it’s made a big difference in my efforts to conceive. And I’ve gotta give a big shoutout to the customer service team at Mira as well. They were so knowledgeable, helpful, and really went the extra mile to make sure I had a great experience with their product.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cute design fertility tracker

    I've just bought this really cute fertility tracker with a lovely design, and I have to say, it's impressed me with how well it works. It's accurate in showing my fertility level, and I think the design is adorable. The only small issue I've had is that the Bluetooth connection can be a bit slow at times, but overall, I'm happy with my purchase and plan to keep using it.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Poor customer service experience

    I had a bit of a let-down dealing with the customer service at this place recently. Even though I hadn't even opened the product, it took ages for them to get back to me about my email. And then, they wanted me to send photos of the unopened item before they would tell me where to send it back, which was just an extra hassle. On top of all that, they said I'd have to pay for the postage to return it. It's been two days since I sent the photos, and I'm still waiting for the return address.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    IVF journey, ovulation tracking

    I bought some ovulation tracking products to help me keep track of my cycle while going through IVF. However, even though I followed the instructions carefully, I got inaccurate readings that made me feel worried for no reason. The PDG wands, estrogen/LH wands, and the all-in-one testing kit all let me down, showing inconsistent hormone levels at different times in my cycle. I tried asking customer support for help on how to use them correctly, but they were unhelpful and dismissed my concerns, making me feel like I was overreacting instead of acknowledging that the products were faulty.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Faulty device purchase

    I recently bought a device from this company, but it stopped working after just 10 days. The quality doesn't match the price, which was disappointing. I contacted them for help, hoping for a quick fix, but it's just been stressful. The lack of communication and slow response has been really disheartening. They promised a replacement, but it's been three days without any updates. Dealing with customer service issues around a topic like pregnancy has been frustrating. My overall experience has been unsatisfactory, so I wouldn't recommend this company to others.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Ovulation prediction purchase

    I was really let down by the ovulation prediction product I bought at this store. It was never right, causing me a lot of unnecessary worry. And the rewards system they promised was a disappointment too. I earned all these points but couldn't even use them, making me wonder if it was worth bothering with. To sum it up, my experience wasn't as good as I was expecting.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cashless Purchase of Device and Wands

    I was really let down by the device and wands I bought. The wands didn't last as long as they should have - their expiry dates didn't match up with the ones on the box. The device wouldn't even accept the wands, even though they were hardly used and cost a lot. What's more, the device itself didn't work properly. I definitely wish I hadn't bought it, and I wouldn't suggest it to anyone else.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Delayed delivery

    I placed an order for my item towards the end of October and was told it would arrive soon, but it still hasn't shown up. Customer service hasn't been getting back to me and hasn't been helpful, which has made me feel really annoyed and unsure about whether this company can be trusted. The fact that there's been no clear information or communication about pre-ordering and regular ordering has made me even more disappointed. I'm starting to think that this might all be a scam.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Fertility monitor

    My experience with the fertility monitor has been a real letdown. I bought it hoping it would help me, but instead, I've had nothing but problems with it not working properly. It keeps showing error messages, so I can't trust it to be accurate. The customer service is terrible too - no phone number for immediate help, just emails. It feels like they're taking advantage of people like me who are struggling to have a baby, just to make money. I've spent a lot on this monitor, but it's brought me nothing but frustration. I'm even starting to wonder if the positive reviews are genuine, or if they've been paid for.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Mira with wands in March

    I bought a Mira with wands back in March, thinking they would last for a year as stated in the product description. Unfortunately, they ended up expiring in August, only five months after I bought them. I had to throw away the whole pack because they were made not to work past the expiry date. This has made me feel cheated and annoyed at what seems like a sneaky marketing ploy.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Waste of money

    I've been using an ovulation testing device this month and I was quite excited about it, but it hasn't been working properly. I keep getting errors and it's been a bit of a waste of time. It was quite pricey and the test sticks are also really expensive.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online purchase experience

    I had a bit of a nightmare with a recent online purchase from a company. I gave them the right address when I ordered, but my order ended up being sent to the wrong place altogether. It was such a pain and really got on my nerves, as I had to keep trying to get in touch with their customer service for some help. But no matter how hard I tried, they just weren't able to sort it out for me. It left me feeling pretty let down by the whole experience.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Analyser purchase

    I thought this company would be great based on all the good reviews and the promise of fast delivery, but it turned out to be a complete nightmare for me. I placed my order on 31st December, hoping to get my analyser within 3-7 days like they said on their website. But here I am, almost a month later, and still no sign of my order even being shipped. Every time I ask about it, I just get some generic reply that doesn't really help. It's really frustrating how they're not keeping me in the loop or being clear about what's going on.

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