Mira Reviews

: 23
9% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Fertility tracking tool
I’ve got to say, the fertility tracking tool from Mira has been a real game-changer for me. I’ve ...Read on
Jane Jackson

Most relevant negative review

Poor customer service experien
I had a bit of a let-down dealing with the customer service at this place recently. Even though I...Read on
Noah Carter

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Overpriced product

    This company really isn't honest with their customers. I made the mistake of buying something without knowing the true cost involved. The app suggests using a crazy amount of wands each month, much more than what's normally recommended. They conveniently leave out this important info until after you've already bought the product. On top of that, it's really annoying that you have to go through three cycles, using a total of 120 wands, before you can actually start seeing any useful data. What's the point of having AI if it needs that much info before it becomes helpful? This company is just not straight up and is misleading in what they do. Just a heads up, make sure you do your research before buying anything from them.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Pregnancy test wands

    I recently bought some pregnancy test wands in bulk from this company, but I was really disappointed. Quite a few of the wands didn't work or were about to expire soon. It was annoying because they weren't cheap, and it was frustrating to find out that some of them were useless. When I contacted customer service to get replacements, I had more problems because some of the new wands didn't work properly either. The whole thing left me feeling let down and frustrated with both the quality of the product and the customer service. It seems like the company cares more about money than making sure their customers are happy.

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    Would buy here again

    Fertility device

    I bought a fertility device from Mira and it was great when it was working. However, I've had lots of technical problems which have been really annoying. Trying to get in touch with the company has been tough, they seem like they don't want to help customers.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    I had a terrible customer service experience! I ordered my analyzer on 31st December but still haven't received any shipping confirmation. Instead, all I keep getting are emails trying to sell me more products. I've emailed Mira Care multiple times but the only response I've had is that my order hasn't been shipped yet, with no indication of when it will be. I find the lack of communication and the way they disregard customer inquiries completely unacceptable. To make matters worse, the product is quite expensive, which makes the whole situation even more disappointing. I really wish I had checked the reviews before making a purchase, as it seems the positive ones on social media might not be as genuine as they appear.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Waste of money and time

    This product is an absolute waste of money and time, honestly. I've given it a go several times now and it's been a total disaster every time. Most of the time, all I get is that "sample error" message, it's actually quite ridiculous. It feels like I might as well be flushing my cash down the toilet! And don't even get me started on how long the analysis takes, it's just such a time-waster. I had to resort to using another brand's ovulation tests because this one was just no good. I tried to return the device to them, but they wouldn't hear of it. All they offered me was some free wands, but I'm not holding my breath that they'll be any better. It's honestly so frustrating!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    False LH surge detection

    Sticks said I had an LH surge 5 days before the blood tests did. I think it was a waste of money. Their money-back guarantee seems a bit dishonest.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Panorama Fertility Lab Test and Mira Tracker

    I recently bought the Panorama Fertility Lab Test and Mira Tracker from this company. The registration process was a total nightmare, to be honest. The website was a real pain to use and I ran into loads of issues. My login details were not accepted, and I couldn't even reset my password. After wasting so much time, I had to give up and create a new account with a different email address. But that came with its own problems. The CAPTCHA thing took ages, and kept saying I got it wrong. Finally, when I managed to create the account, I still had trouble registering the kit. It asked for my info, but didn't ask for my address. I tried to fix it by updating my account, but the error wouldn't go away. So, I missed the 24-hour window to send in my lab sample, and it went to waste. To make things worse, there was no phone number for instant help, just an email address. Now, I have to wait for a response and a refund for the faulty product.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cancelled order issue

    I'm a bit annoyed because I had a problem with the customer service at this company. I cancelled an order, but they didn't give me my money back on my credit card even though they cancelled the shipping. I tried to get in touch with them about the refund, but they never got back to me. This whole situation has really left me feeling frustrated and disappointed with their service.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Shower replacement warranty

    I recently got a new shower to replace my old one which had been around for ages. The new shower is working perfectly fine, but when I tried to register the warranty, it turned into a bit of a nightmare. I had to go through a third-party company who were pushing me to buy additional coverage or pay a hefty sum if the issue wasn't covered. The Guarantee Confirmation code they provided me with was just my name and address! On top of that, they didn't even disclose their identity, simply stating that they handle warranties for many companies. It's pretty frustrating, to be honest!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Faulty product, terrible customer service

    I bought this device and it seemed fine at first, but after a couple of weeks, it just stopped working altogether. I've been trying to get in touch with customer support for about a week now, but I haven't heard back from them at all. It's really frustrating to be left in the lurch with a faulty product and no help in sight.

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