Ticketek Reviews

: 20

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

50% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Mr Big concert tickets
I've just bought a couple of tickets for the Mr Big concert happening in Newcastle this June...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Ticket purchase for Leann Rime
I bought some tickets for the Leann Rimes concert this week on 8th May. But, I've had some t...Read on

Review with most votes

Booking two venues for Coventr
I've managed to book two venues through an SMS link for Coventry in October and York Barbica...Read on
J. Hall

Reviews (20)






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    Would buy here again

    Difficulty booking show due to password issue

    I recently had a bit of a nightmare trying to book tickets for a show. The website just wouldn't accept my password, so I thought I'd reset it. But, I had so many problems with the whole password reset process, I was nearly put off from buying the tickets altogether! In the end, I had to start a brand new application, which was a real pain and not at all a smooth experience. This way of resetting passwords could definitely deter people who might have the same issue. It would be a lot better if the password reset function was easier to find on the booking page itself, instead of having to go back to the main website.

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    Would buy here again

    Concert ticket purchase

    The process of ordering concert tickets online was quite simple to begin with. However, once I had made my purchase, I noticed that I had been charged for four tickets instead of the two I had ordered. This was a bit frustrating, so I had to get in touch with the venue box office to sort it out. After a short wait on hold, I managed to speak to someone who quickly sorted out a refund for the extra tickets. It was nice to hear that I wasn't the only one experiencing this issue, as they had been getting similar complaints from other customers too.

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    Would buy here again

    Mr Big concert tickets

    I've just bought a couple of tickets for the Mr Big concert happening in Newcastle this June. It was all pretty straightforward to get them, no hassle at all. As soon as I made the purchase, I got the e-tickets sent over straight away. But, gotta be honest, I do have some reservations about the ticket prices. They were a bargain at £17.95, which is a lot cheaper than other sites selling them for around £40. That big difference in price has got me a bit concerned about whether the tickets are legit or not.

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    Would buy here again

    Xmas lights tickets purchase

    I purchased tickets for a Christmas lights event, but then I realised that one of my family members would be away on the day I chose. I contacted customer service to see if I could change the date or get a refund. To my surprise, they agreed to refund the original price as long as I booked for a different date. The whole process went really smoothly, and I got my refund within 24 hours of getting in touch. I was really happy with the customer service and how they were willing to help me out.

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    Would buy here again

    Girls Aloud tickets not received

    I bought tickets to see Girls Aloud at their show on 2nd June, but I still haven't got them. I've been trying to contact customer service to sort it out, but no luck so far. When I click the link they gave me, it says the tickets aren't available. It's really frustrating and now I'm not sure if I'll even be able to go to the event.

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    Would buy here again

    Booking tickets at the arena

    I booked my tickets at this place and oh my gosh, it was honestly the best experience ever! The people there were so friendly and helpful, especially considering I'm disabled. They answered all my questions and really made me feel at ease. I'm absolutely delighted with my experience and would definitely book here again, without a doubt! Two thumbs up from me!👍👍

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    Would buy here again

    Event ticket

    My experience trying to buy a ticket was really stressful. At first, I couldn't see any tickets when I clicked the link. I kept clicking off, then back on, and refreshing the page lots of times. It took me 23 minutes of trying over and over again before I finally managed to get a ticket for the event. Even though it was frustrating at the start, I felt so relieved when I finally got that ticket.

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    Would buy here again

    2-4-1 sale, collect at box office, hassle free, great night, half the price

    I bought some tickets in a 2-4-1 sale recently and was a bit unsure at first because they were so cheap and I had to collect them at the box office. But it turned out to be really easy and stress-free. I picked up my tickets with no problems and had a fantastic night out for half the usual cost. I'd definitely think about using this service again next time.

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    Would buy here again

    Ticket purchase for event

    I thought picking and buying my tickets was pretty straightforward. But I opted for SMS delivery and haven't gotten anything yet, so I'm feeling a bit worried. If I'd gone for pdf delivery, I'd feel better knowing I have my tickets ready to go.

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    Would buy here again

    Ticket purchase for Leann Rimes concert

    I bought some tickets for the Leann Rimes concert this week on 8th May. But, I've had some trouble downloading them to my Apple Wallet or getting them on different apps. Even though I tried to follow the instructions from Ticketek, I couldn't get hold of my tickets quickly. It was really stressful and frustrating because I was worried I wouldn't be able to go to the concert without my tickets. The whole thing was pretty disappointing, so I would advise people to think twice before using this service.

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    Would buy here again

    Booking process frustration

    Although booking at first was easy enough, the payment part was a real pain. I had to try three times with three different ways just to get my order confirmed. It was a hassle and took away from what was otherwise a smooth booking process. I was left feeling annoyed and inconvenienced. I'm not sure if this was just a one-time problem or if it happens to other people too.

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    Would buy here again

    Girls Aloud concert tickets

    I've gone and booked tickets for the Girls Aloud concert next Friday. I thought I'd print them out, but there's no attachment in the email. I'm feeling so stressed as I forked out £224 for 2 tickets and now I haven't got them. Could anyone give me some advice on what to do next?

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    Would buy here again

    Shared tickets for Girls Aloud concert

    My mate sent over three tickets for the Girls Aloud gig on the 2nd of June through email. All was going well at first, they showed up on my Ticketek app with no hassle. But then things went downhill when I had to reset my password. To my surprise, the tickets vanished from my account. The concert was just around the corner and customer service wasn't around until Monday, leaving me in a bit of a pickle. It was really annoying, especially after shelling out a good amount of cash for those tickets.

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    Would buy here again

    Girls Aloud Tickets for Newcastle on 31st May

    I'm just another frustrated customer who still hasn't got my Girls Aloud tickets for Newcastle on 31st May. I bought them back in November, and it's really annoying that I haven't heard anything from the company since. With the event getting closer, I'm starting to get really worried and don't know what to do next. The fact that Ticketek or TEG LIVE UK LIMITED London aren't responding is just not on. It's so disappointing and frustrating to think I might have to buy the tickets all over again, even though I've already paid for them.

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    Would buy here again

    Family ticket purchase

    I tried to buy a family ticket and some extra kids' tickets online the other day. It was a bit of a nightmare, to be honest. At first, I got an email saying everything was fine, but then I couldn't actually pick the tickets because of some tech problems. I tried logging out and in again, but that didn't help. In the end, I had to move to a different computer and start all over again from the beginning to finally get it sorted.

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    Would buy here again

    Quick purchase, no information or tickets received

    I found it really easy to buy my tickets, but it was a shame that I couldn't choose my seats within a specific area. What's more, I opted to get my tickets via text but they still haven't come through and I haven't been told when to expect them. The links in the email don't work either, which is quite annoying.

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    Would buy here again

    Girls Aloud Tour Ticket Purchase

    I'm really disappointed with the lack of communication and confirmation about my ticket purchase for the Girls Aloud show. I booked it days ago but haven't got any email confirmation. The money was taken from my account, so I know the booking went through, but I've got no proof of it without the confirmation email. It's stressing me out because I need to sort out my travel plans for the show. I've tried contacting the support team, but still haven't heard back. This lack of communication and confirmation is unacceptable - it's putting me in a tough spot.

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    Would buy here again

    Concert tickets purchase

    I bought some tickets for a concert from this website the other day and to be honest, it wasn't a great experience. I didn't get an email confirming my booking, which really stressed me out. I couldn't even find a phone number to call them for help. Eventually, I got an email confirming my booking, but it still didn't feel right. Then, a couple of days before the concert, I got the tickets but they had the wrong details on them, which made me even more upset. The lack of communication and confusion from the company just made the whole thing feel really disappointing and unprofessional.

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