Keith Prowse Reviews

: 24

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Annual Rose Garden booking
Visiting the Rose Garden with this company has become an annual tradition for us, and it's s...Read on

Review with most votes

exceptional service, great exp
The service we received was absolutely top-notch. As soon as we got there, we were welcomed warml...Read on

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Vegan Catering and Excellent Customer Service

    The vegan catering from the company was absolutely top-notch. I was really impressed by the range of choices and how tasty everything was. You could tell they put a lot of care into making sure everyone's dietary needs were met, and I have to give them credit for paying such close attention to detail.

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    Would buy here again

    Great organization, friendly staff, hot building

    The place was so well-organized, and the staff were really friendly and helpful. The hostesses knew what they were doing, and the wait staff were excellent. I also appreciated how convenient the buggies were. However, goodness me, it was scorching in that building in the afternoon! Honestly, it was like sitting in a greenhouse with no shade on the sunny side. They really need to fix that as soon as possible!

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    Would buy here again

    Food quality excellent, Drinks plentiful, Slow service

    The food at the event looked great, and there were loads of different drinks available. However, the service was really slow, which kinda ruined things for us. The waitress took ages, over 25 minutes, to bring us our starter, and it was a letdown. I was treating a friend to this event, and the slow service made it hard to enjoy the tennis we came to see, instead, we were just waiting around for food.

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    Would buy here again

    Wimbledon hospitality experience

    I was really let down by my Wimbledon hospitality experience this year. The line for hospitality was way longer than last year, which was annoying. It looked like there were more people booked in for hospitality this time, making the waiting times longer. Also, even though I had mentioned that I needed gluten-free food, there weren't many options. I was gutted to not have any bread or biscuits with the cheese course. Despite these issues, most of the staff did a good job. But, some didn't seem to know about providing water bottles for on-court use, which was a bit of a pain.

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    Would buy here again

    Rugby match tickets

    Our experience with Keith Prowse before getting our Rugby match tickets was good. The actual event was fun, with a great game and really nice waiters, especially Millie. The food could have been better, though. All in all, it was a really nice day.

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