Home Essentials Reviews

: 27

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

33% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Awesome bedding set
The bedding set I bought was absolutely amazing, it had unicorns all over it and it made my room ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Bed purchase
I ordered a bed from this shop and was really disappointed with the service. They first said it w...Read on

Review with most votes

Item not received
I ordered something and didn't receive it! I've been asking for my money back, but they...Read on
Tyler Ross

Reviews (27)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Home Essentials products

    What a mess this company has turned into! They're owned by a group that's really struggling in the stock market. And their solution? Increase the interest rates, of course! Can you believe that back in 2000, the interest rate was a massive 36.5%? Now, in today's world, it's shot up to a crazy 59.5%! My advice? Keep an eye on your credit score, or you'll end up stuck in never-ending debt. It's probably best to avoid this group altogether and do your homework before getting involved. Good luck trying to sort out your account and close it - it's like talking to a brick wall!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Desk lamp purchase

    The desk lamp I bought came in good condition, but it arrived later than expected. They did email me saying sorry for the delay and promised to refund the extra charge for next day delivery. However, I never got the refund even after sending two more emails. It looks like they only care about getting your money and not about fixing any problems with your order. I suggest being careful when ordering from them because their customer service doesn't seem to follow up on things.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Item not received

    I ordered something and didn't receive it! I've been asking for my money back, but they keep saying they're "escalating" my case. It's all lies! I have evidence that they received my return, but I still haven't gotten a refund. I'm so frustrated! Avoid buying from them, they're terrible.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Ordered knives for xmas

    I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I ordered some knives before Christmas and I still haven't received them yet! I've been keeping an eye out for any updates from FedEx, but so far, no luck. They say they attempted to deliver, but there's no card left and no sign of their van on the CCTV footage. I've tried reaching out to Home Essentials via email multiple times, but haven't heard anything back from them. Is this really how they operate? I must say, I'm feeling quite let down by the whole situation.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bedding order

    I recently ordered a large amount of bedding from this company, looking forward to everything arriving on a certain day. When the delivery turned up, only one item from the whole order was there. I got in touch with customer service, but they were totally clueless about the missing items. They even suggested charging me for the one item that did arrive! Fed up with their incompetence, I asked for a refund for that one item and for the whole mess-up with my order. Dealing with such ineptitude was a total waste of my time. This was definitely the worst customer service I've ever experienced, and because of this, I won't be ordering from this company again.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    damaged goods, refund issue, overcharging

    I recently bought something from this company and it arrived all banged up. I got in touch with customer service and they said they would give me a refund, but they didn't actually do it, so I had to keep on at them about it. Also, I saw that they were charging me more than what I had originally paid, so I was never going to be able to clear my debt with them. It basically made me pay everything off in one go and say goodbye to my account with them.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Home essentials delivery service

    I've used Home Essentials' delivery service a few times now, and every time I come across the same annoying problem. I don't actually have an account with them, but no one seems to be able to help me properly. The customer service team has let me down multiple times, even after I've asked for help. It's frustrating that they can't link my name to an account, leading to unnecessary confusion and hassle. I'd advise others to be careful when using their delivery service.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bedding set

    I bought some new bedding from Home Essentials not long ago and honestly, I was a bit let down by the whole thing. It was tricky trying to place my order because there weren't many payment choices. Plus, the service wasn't great - I had to hang on forever to chat to someone about my order. The price wasn't brilliant either, as I felt like I paid too much for the bedding when I saw similar ones for less elsewhere. To top it all off, the delivery took ages and the package turned up all battered and bruised.

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