Van Meuwen Reviews

: 25

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

36% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Plant purchase
Ordering was really easy and straightforward. The prices were brilliant, and I was really pleased...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Begonia plug plants via vouche
I recently ordered some plug plants online and I was really let down by the delayed delivery. Whe...Read on

Review with most votes

i like it
my daughter wanted to do gardening and i am working women so i hardly get time for her. Buying st...Read on
Dia Halt

Reviews (25)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Busy lizzie and begonia citrus mix plug plants

    Recently, I bought 70 busy lizzie and begonia citrus mix plug plants but only 24 survived the delivery. Out of those, only 3 actually grew roots. I was really let down by the quality of the plants and the slow delivery. It was just a very disappointing experience overall.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Plants purchase

    I purchased some plants online and they turned out to be really bad quality! I was expecting them to be large, but they were actually quite small and had some dead branches. I spent quite a bit of money on them, so I'm really disappointed now.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    I ordered 10 creeping phlox plants. These arrived as promised. But the plants were yellowish but I potted them on as instructed. After 6 weeks all 10 plants are dead. I wrote to Van Meuwen last 7 days ago complaining about the plants and have had no response. Mist disappointed and won't be buying anything from them again!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    welly stand - £39.99

    Ordered 2nd Feb. 2021. Never received - 3rd April 2021.
    No word... no emails... no explanations. No replies to emails... rude reply on telephone - not interested just want the money from you.
    This company is not trustworthy.
    They are being reported to Trading Standards and the Police.

    Ordering is easy.... paying is easy. You will never receive anything though. If this is for you then go ahead.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Didn't even receive my goods or get a refund

    After years of dealing with this company, I will never deal with them again and keep my business local. I ordered and paid for plants in October 2019 for delivery by the end of April 2020. No correspondence was received with regards to why the items had been delayed. So by the end of May I started chasing I finally got a reply on Facebook messenger and then received a telephone call. I was told they had a delay and the plants I ordered would be with me at the end of July. Unfortunately this date was not acceptable as the items ordered are summer bedding plants and the season is nearly over by then. I asked for a refund and was told that it would be arranged, this was the 30th May 2020. To date nothing has been received and despite me getting assurances that I would receive it, I still haven't received the £105.00 I was promised. I have done everything this company has told me, they promise you it would be done then you get nothing. I would never recommend this company now to anyone, the customer service is terrible, the phone lines they do not answer it is just a recorded message and the only way I seem to get a response is by writing reviews of my experience or messenger. I have now handed it over to my credit card provider to take up on my behalf. My recommendation is stay away from them as they don't rectify problems and you are more likely to see rocking horse muck than them keep promises.

    Report to Trading Standards and the Police. So many people are doing this now and you will get your money back when they are dragged through the court system.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Osteospermum plug plants

    Terrible company, I ordered plants two months ago, I ordered twelve, five arrived and three are completely dead. I will never use this company again!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Don't buy from this comapny

    We received 9 tomato plants about 5 days ago and they were unpacked immediately and watered. I was very disappointed with the quality of the plants. The Beefmaster plants were withered and looked scorched. None of the plants looked healthy or as if they have been hardened off fully but the Beefmaster was the worst. I sent them photos of the withered plants and asked for a replacement of the Beefmaster but they responded today after 5 days and acknowledged that though the plants didn't look good they couldn't replace them. They said they would recover after watering. There was no mention of a refund either.
    I had also bought plants to be delivered to my daughter and she was also unhappy with her plants. Any decent company will replace the plants or offer a refund after receiving photos of withered /scorched plants.
    Will never buy from them again.

    Sent for Bizzie lizzie and begonias in May. B. Lizzies arrived all dead and in bits. Took photos and emailed with photos asking to be replaced or refund.
    Standard reply stating customer service would reply within 7/11 days. Still waiting for reply. Not good enough having taken payment for rubbish plants. Won't be using this fiim again.

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