Gigaclear Reviews

: 26

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77% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Minimum speed plan with Gigacl
When my 18-month contract with Gigaclear came to an end, I found myself facing another price incr...Read on

Most relevant negative review

We have been waiting over 18 months to be connected. Originally we were told we would be connecte...Read on

Review with most votes

Amazing custom support
I really happy that i changed my broadband few months backs.. i previous was seriously the worst ...Read on
Mat Nicole

Reviews (26)






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    Would buy here again

    Fibre broadband purchase

    I've just got fibre broadband and had a bit of trouble setting it up. Luckily, there was this guy called Alexander from customer service who was really helpful and polite. He sent us easy-to-follow instructions by email, which worked a treat. Then he gave us a call to go over anything else we needed help with and to make sure everything was working fine. His expertise and support were crucial in getting our problem fixed quickly.

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    Would buy here again


    We have been waiting over 18 months to be connected. Originally we were told we would be connected at the end of 2022. That didn’t happen. We keep being fobbed off with delays. We were given an installation date of next week and received a confirmation the installation was going ahead, then 2 days later our installation was cancelled as they had identified a fault. Don’t waste your time with this company, full of false promises. We have been out of contract with Sky for over a year so paying excessive fees because we have been regularly informed we will be connected to Gigaclear soon. Shocking service

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    Would buy here again

    Their 300Mbps package

    They made the same mistake twice and learned nothing. They promised me a date at the end of Augest and then prospned becuse they got the install type wrong. We rescheduled for november, and five days before the install they call up asking to pospone again.
    If they are so incapable of getting an install right for a new customer I hate to think what their customer service is like for an existing customer.

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    Would buy here again


    Stay well away from this Cowboy out fit everything about this company is awful and these people giving 5... definitely work for the company you can go on any review sites for these and nobody gives more than a 1... they offer you the world and give you nothing I'd say wait for swish if you can get it..

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    Would buy here again

    Gigaclear Broadband

    We had Gigaclear while in a rental property. Prices are high for pretty average (by today's standards) internet speed. It was the only option in village we lived in.
    The real issue is the customer service level which makes dealing with either local or national government a real joy! Think of root canal surgery without anesthetic and you are pretty close to the pain you will get in my experience. E-mails will go unanswered for days. If you can get a response - this is not followed up upon. It has taken over a month to finally close an account. Opening the account wasn't that easy either. Frankly avoid if you can.

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    Would buy here again


    During the installation period contact with Customer Services was hopeless, the only sensible person was Scott who could resolve problems. Since using the service the line speed is good but I have had several planned interruptions. Yesterday the system went down in the morning and it is still down the following morning. It is obvious from the Gigaclear e mails the team did not work during the evening and night to fix the problem. In my experience with water/gas/electricity services engineers work as long is takes to fix the problem, clearly Gigaclear do not have this arrangement with whoever does their repairs. With people working from home this type of service in unacceptable.

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    Would buy here again

    Amazing custom support

    I really happy that i changed my broadband few months backs.. i previous was seriously the worst i ever tried in my life time. Not with this one, they have the latest fiber network so its easy and fast to work now.

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