John Henric Reviews

: 27

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

44% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Orange sweater purchase
I recently popped into one of their shops in Emporia and I was really impressed with the service ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Poor quality clothing
I have to admit, this company sells clothes that are really poor quality and they don't take...Read on

Review with most votes

Tight pants
The trousers I got were so tight, I tried to send them back but I was told I had to fork out €13 ...Read on
A. Fox

Reviews (27)






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    Would buy here again

    Woolen coat purchase

    I bought a wool coat from this company not long ago and I was really let down by the state it came in. The coat was all crumpled up and I had to fork out more money to get it cleaned properly at the dry cleaners to sort out the creases. When I got in touch with the company to let them know about the problem, they were pretty unhelpful and wanted me to send photos. But I couldn't do that as I'd already taken it to the cleaners. Their lack of empathy and bad customer service really got on my nerves and left me feeling annoyed and out of pocket.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Poor customer service experience

    I had such a bad time with this company. I waited a whole week for my package to arrive, but there were no updates. So, I decided to contact customer support, and they were no help at all. They just told me to wait five more days before getting in touch again if my package still hadn't turned up. It felt like they were avoiding taking responsibility and placing it all on me. In the end, I had to ask for a refund due to their poor communication and lack of support.

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    Would buy here again

    Sale item

    I bought a jacket on sale online and was really happy with the customer service I got. The price dropped even more while it was on the way to me, and the company refunded me the difference before it even arrived, which was really nice of them. It just goes to show they care about making their customers happy.

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    Would buy here again

    Sweater purchase

    I was buzzing when I ordered this jumper online, it looked really stylish in the photos. But when it turned up, what a disappointment. The quality was shocking, the stitching unravelled as soon as I tried it on. And the collar was just awful, it seemed like a dodgy imitation. I was really let down by the whole thing, should've just saved my cash for something nicer.

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    Would buy here again

    False advertising

    I was really interested in the idea that the clothes were being made in-house, but turns out that wasn't true at all. The company actually uses outside manufacturers, even though they say otherwise in their marketing. It seems like the people running the brand have experience in global business and marketing, and they're using that to trick customers instead of actually making the clothes themselves. I prefer honesty and transparency, so finding out the reality behind this brand was pretty disappointing. It's sad to see the emphasis move from real craftsmanship to sneaky marketing strategies in our current society.

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    Would buy here again

    Tight pants

    The trousers I got were so tight, I tried to send them back but I was told I had to fork out €13 for the delivery! That's so annoying, why should I have to pay extra just because the trousers didn't fit right?

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    My new blue sweater

    I got this really nice blue sweater from a shop but it started falling apart after I wore it only three times! I was really annoyed because I really liked it. I emailed them to explain what happened but they just said it was my fault for catching the sleeve on something, which definitely isn't true! I only wear it to work, nothing crazy. It feels like they don't value their customers and are only interested in making money. I've been shopping there for years but I might have to look for a new store now. It's really disappointing!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cotton shirt

    I bought a cotton shirt from this company not too long ago, and I have to admit, I was pretty let down by the quality of it. It honestly looked just like those cheap ones you can find on AliExpress, and the material felt really low-grade. On top of that, after wearing it for only two weeks, it already started to show signs of wear and tear. As someone who likes to buy good quality stuff, I was definitely not happy with my purchase.

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