Wellform Reviews

: 20

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

25% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Recent purchase experience
I had a bit of trouble with the online order form which stopped me from getting the discount I wa...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Fruit trees
I'm really not happy with the fruit trees I bought from this company. Their website said the...Read on

Review with most votes

First order disappointment
I recently made my first order with this company and I have to say, I was really disappointed wit...Read on

Reviews (20)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Serum order mix-up

    The customer service at this company is just fantastic! I had a really pleasant chat with a representative who picked up quickly, was friendly, and sorted out my problem in no time. I've been using their serum product for ages and it's done wonders for me. However, my last order came in tablet form by accident. When I got in touch with customer service, they told me to send it back and sent me a replacement serum right away. They even gave me a refund for the postage costs. Big thanks to the customer service team at this company for being so efficient and providing top-notch service!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Three column fruit trees

    I bought three column fruit trees from this company not long ago, and I have to say I'm really happy with them. Some people might have had problems with their trees, but mine actually looked really nice when they arrived. After planting them in some good compost and big pots, they've all started to grow well and produce leaves. I don't think I'll get many fruits this year, but the trees look like they'll do well in the long run. It was a bit surprising to find out they were grown in Slovakia, but it doesn't seem to have stopped them from growing nicely here.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Fruit tree purchase

    Honestly, I was a bit unsure about ordering from this place at first, especially after reading some reviews. But I thought I'd take a chance and ordered 3 fruit trees. Turns out, the service was top-notch and the quality of the goods was even better than I expected. I was really pleased with everything and didn't have any complaints. Ordering was a breeze and the delivery came right on schedule. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this place to anyone in search of high-quality products and excellent service.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Miracle prostate solution

    You know, I've tried loads of things for my prostate problems, but this miracle prostate solution is absolutely fantastic! It's seriously changed the game, no word of a lie. If you're facing the same issues, you really should give it a go. It's like a genuine miracle worker and has given me so much relief and peace of mind. Completely unmatched, believe me.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Fruit trees

    I'm really not happy with the fruit trees I bought from this company. Their website said the trees would only grow up to 2m, but the EU Plant Passport tags on the trees said they could reach up to 4m. My garden is too small for that. I felt like I was given wrong information on the site. When I called customer service to talk about it, they didn't even listen when I mentioned consumer protection law. They just said I had to send the trees back myself. The cost of returning them was more than half the price of the trees, and they couldn't guarantee a refund.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Recent purchase experience

    I had a bit of trouble with the online order form which stopped me from getting the discount I was supposed to have, but the Customer Services Department was really helpful. They quickly sorted out the issue and refunded the discount straight into my bank account. It's good to give credit where credit is due, especially with all the bad reviews going around.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Unauthorized charges

    I had a worrying incident with a company that was taking money from my bank account without my permission. I first noticed a small deduction of £1.99, which set off alarm bells for me. I decided to dig deeper and found out that this company was sharing my bank details with other companies, leading to larger unauthorized charges. It's completely unacceptable for businesses to do this, and it's important for everyone to keep a close eye on their bank transactions to avoid getting caught up in similar scams. I strongly suggest using secure payment methods such as PayPal or Amazon to protect your financial information when online.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Overwhelming subscription fee

    I'm really gutted about how things went down with that company. I made a quick phone order and then get hit with an £89.99 subscription charge on my bill. As a pensioner trying to make ends meet, there's no way I'd have signed up for that knowingly. The company's lack of honesty and care for their customers is just shocking. I'd advise others to be careful and keep their eyes peeled when dealing with them.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Razor purchase

    I bought a new razor the other day but was pretty annoyed to find that it came with replacement blades only, and no actual razor! The whole situation was a bit of a hassle and felt like a waste of time. I ended up spending ages on the phone trying to get through to the company, with long waiting times and being passed from person to person. When I finally did speak to someone, I was told to call back later because their systems were down. It's not fair for companies to trade like this, so I think Trading Standards should look into it. Overall, it was a frustrating experience that left me feeling disappointed and frustrated.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Junk mail with offensive content

    I can't believe I got some really inappropriate junk mail from this company. They sent me a small catalogue and a leaflet promoting erection spray, with a naked woman on the cover in a suggestive pose. It looks like something straight out of a porn magazine! I am absolutely disgusted and really offended by it. Why hasn't this company been shut down for sending out such disgusting stuff?

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Out of stock item

    I bought something recently from a mail order catalogue and used my credit card to pay for it. But when I got the order confirmation, turns out the item was actually sold out. Only found out when I contacted customer service for the delivery address and they told me it wouldn't be back in stock for nearly 2 months. I was really let down and annoyed by the lack of clear information and communication. Now I just have to wait for my refund instead.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Fruit trees purchase with cheque payment

    I ordered some fruit trees from this company, like many others, and paid by cheque. But, even though the cheque cleared, my order never arrived. It's really left a bad feeling, especially because my 84-year-old father-in-law was also scammed. It's really not nice to see well-known publications accepting ads from these dodgy companies.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Wrong tree variety

    I bought some new trees from this place and when they showed up, they were all the wrong types! I specifically wrote on the order form that I wanted particular varieties, and even followed up with an email and a call to confirm. Still, they messed up. Now I'm trying to send them back, but it's been a nightmare. They just sent me an email with a return number, but no instructions. According to consumer rights laws, they should refund my postage costs and cover return postage because the items weren't as advertised. I've sent loads of emails, but no response so far.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Patio fruit trees

    I purchased a couple of patio fruit trees from this place and I was really looking forward to it because the photos on their website made it seem like I would have loads of tasty fruit to harvest. However, when my trees showed up, they were small and looked quite sorry for themselves. And, believe me, they didn't grow any fruit at all even after waiting for months. I felt really let down and like I had been conned. The ads are so deceptive and I reckon it's completely unfair. I wish I hadn't wasted my money here.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    2 x 3 fruit trees

    I bought some fruit trees, but when they arrived, they were in a right state! They looked like they were on their last legs. I planted them as directed, but they haven't done anything at all. On top of that, trying to get in touch with customer service for a refund has been a real headache.

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