Hotelopia Reviews

: 24

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

25% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Malta Trip
I recently went to Malta with my family for our summer holiday and used this amazing website to b...Read on
L. Lee

Most relevant negative review

Misleading hotel information
I had a terrible experience with this platform. The hotel info was totally wrong and out of date....Read on

Review with most votes

Recent booking experience
I recently booked a hotel through the website and at first, I had to wait a bit for confirmation....Read on

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Reservation nightmare

    My experience with this company was absolutely awful. I booked a hotel with them and when I got there, they said they had no record of my reservation. I showed them my confirmation from the hotel, but they insisted that I was mistaken. It was a complete nightmare and a total waste of time.

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    Would buy here again

    Cancelled holiday, refund delay

    I'm really disappointed with the situation regarding my cancelled holiday with Hotelopia back in June 2020. It's been a long wait for my refund, despite them reaching out to me initially and asking for my email to help. Unfortunately, I haven't heard anything back or received my money. The lack of follow-up and communication from Hotelopia has left me feeling let down, and it doesn't reflect well on how they run their business. I've tried reaching out to them through emails and phone calls, but I keep getting cut off or unhelpful responses. As a last resort, I've contacted my credit card provider to try and sort this out. Overall, my whole experience with Hotelopia has been frustrating, and I would suggest that others avoid booking with them if they can.

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    Would buy here again

    Covid booking problem

    So, I booked this hotel and then had to cancel because of Covid, yeah? They were saying, "Don't stress, you'll get your money back in 5 weeks." But I waited and waited, nothing happened. Emailed them, heard nothing, like, what's that about? Suddenly, they wanted my reference number, but still no refund or anything. Ugh, so gutted, I really needed that money back, you get me? But then, after all that waiting, finally got my refund. Took them long enough!

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    Would buy here again

    Reservation issues with Hotelopia

    I booked two reservations with Hotelopia, opting for the free cancellation feature. Unfortunately, even though I didn't get a confirmation, my credit card was still charged for the full amount. When I tried to cancel my bookings, I found that the website was down and I couldn't reach anyone at customer service. It's worrying, especially with everything going on with COVID-19 - you need reliable service providers. I suggest avoiding this agency, as my experience has just been stressful and disappointing.

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    Would buy here again

    Changed arrival date, noticed on booking confirmation, no cancellation possible, money gone. Be careful!

    They went ahead and changed my arrival date without even letting me know, I only found out when I saw the confirmation! I couldn't cancel and they ended up taking my money. Make sure to be careful and watch out for this!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    One-night hotel booking

    I really wouldn't recommend using this hotel booking site! My experience was not good at all. We tried to book a room for one night, entered all our payment details, but kept getting an error message telling us the payment hadn't gone through and to try again. We tried 3 times, always with the same problem. We didn't get any payment or booking confirmation, so we ended up booking through a different provider with no trouble. Then, 2 days later, Hotelopia took two different amounts from our account - twice! It was a shock because our booking clearly hadn't gone through.

    When we contacted customer service, the person on the other end was in Mexico and could only speak English, which wasn't a big deal for us. We explained our problem and he said he'd check with the hotel and sort it out for us - we just needed to email him. Two days later, he replied saying the hotel wouldn't refund us because they claimed everything had gone smoothly and he couldn't do anything else. We were basically stuck with the charges. Like I said before, I really can't recommend booking anything on this site.

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    Would buy here again

    Payment Issue

    It was an absolute nightmare! They took our money but didn't pass it on to the hotel we were at. They even pretended to speak to the hotel staff on the phone when we were right there! They completely dismissed our evidence of payment and I wouldn't even give them one star. We had to report them to the fraud department because of their dodgy actions. They really should be shut down for ripping people off!

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    Would buy here again

    3-night stay in London for sister and autistic nephew

    I recently booked a 3-night stay at a hotel in London for my sister and autistic nephew as a special treat. I chose a superior studio with city views, but when we got there, we were disappointed to find out that the room didn't have any windows. It was obvious that the hotel didn't have the right information about my booking. It was really disappointing because I had carefully planned this trip to make sure my family had a comfortable and enjoyable stay. I got in touch with the hotel straight away to ask for a refund, but my first email was ignored, which made me feel even more frustrated. I'm still trying to sort this out and I'm genuinely upset about the lack of communication and the difference between the room I thought I booked and what we actually got.

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