YorkTest Reviews

: 20

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Intolerance test purchase
I'd been having gut problems for a few months, so I thought I'd give an intolerance tes...Read on
Keeley Phillips

Review with most votes

Food intolerance test
I recently did this interesting test where they work out which foods I should avoid because I oft...Read on

Reviews (20)






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    Would buy here again

    health check, food allergy, food intolerance

    I recently bought three tests from the company to check my health status, food allergies, and food intolerances. The instructions that came with each test were really easy to follow, and I got my results back really quickly. The consultation afterwards gave me some really helpful advice on what to do next based on my results. Since then, I've made some changes to my diet to cut out the foods that were causing me harm, and I've noticed a big improvement in my health.

    It was a surprise to find out that I'm allergic to tomatoes and carrots, which explained why I've been suffering from stomach problems, bloating, and cramps for so long. I'd had lots of tests in the past, including a colonoscopy, but never found out what was causing my issues. The tests from this company finally gave me the answers I've been searching for.

    I'd definitely recommend these tests to anyone looking to improve their health and well-being. The service I got was really great, and the follow-up support was really helpful. Thank you!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Food intolerance test purchase

    My family member recommended this service to me, and after getting a food intolerance test for me and my husband, we were really impressed with how easy it was to order online. The instructions were easy to understand and follow, and we got the results back quickly, even sooner than we expected. The information we got from the test was fascinating and confirmed some things we already suspected, which led us to make some changes to our diets. Once we made these changes, we noticed a big improvement in how we felt within just a few weeks. It was really helpful to know which foods might be causing issues for us. The follow-up consultation was also really beneficial and added even more value to the whole experience. I would definitely recommend this service to anyone wanting to learn more about their food intolerances.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Food intolerance testing

    The food intolerance testing was really easy and smooth. The test kit looked very professional and was simple to follow, which made the whole thing easy. I got my results quickly, and the website was so easy to use and looked nice. I was really impressed with how much detail was in the results, it really helped me understand more about my food intolerances.

    The customer service was amazing. The staff were friendly, helpful, and knew their stuff. They made sure all my questions were answered quickly and well. Their professionalism and quick responses made my experience with the company even better.

    I can't wait for my food tolerance consultation, I'm sure it will be just as helpful and interesting as the testing was.

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    Would buy here again

    Food intolerance test for eczema

    I've been struggling with eczema for years, but it really hit a peak last Christmas when it spread all over my body, wrecking my sleep and general health. I finally took the plunge and got a food intolerance test, and wow, the results were surprising. Turns out I'm intolerant to cow's milk, yeast, and eggs, among other things. Since cutting them out of my diet, my skin has improved a whole lot – I'd say about 70-80% better. Talking to a nutritionist for advice on what foods to steer clear of has been incredibly helpful too. If you're going through eczema hell like me, I can't recommend this test enough – it's honestly changed my life.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Intolerance test purchase

    I'd been having gut problems for a few months, so I thought I'd give an intolerance test a go. The test pinpointed foods that were causing issues, and cutting them out has made a big difference to how I feel. I'd definitely suggest this test to anyone dealing with similar problems.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Food intolerance tests

    I've been a customer for a few years now and I've always found the staff really helpful. Recently, I asked for some extra lancets and they were sent out to me straight away without any problems. The follow-up calls with a Nutritionist after my food intolerance tests have been really useful. They've given me some great advice on how to have a healthier diet.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Intolerance test purchase

    I've been struggling with some stomach issues for quite a while now, and the doctor couldn't find much through the tests, so I decided to give this new test a try. The testing kit arrived really quickly, and the results came back fast as well. I was surprised to discover that I have intolerances to certain foods that I never even considered before! The phone call I received to explain everything was incredibly helpful, and they even shared some tips and recipes for me to try out. I'm now on my seventh week of eliminating those foods from my diet, and I feel so much better - I've even managed to lose some weight!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Home health tests with quick results

    The home health tests were really easy to use, the instructions were clear and made it simple to follow. I got my results quickly, and being able to access them online was really helpful in understanding them. I've been using their services for over 25 years and have always found the testing process to be quick and reliable. Thanks to advancements in technology, getting results is even faster and easier now. I also really appreciate the added bonus of a consultation with a nutritionist, it gives great insights and guidance. Big thank you to the team at YorkTest for their excellent service.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Food intolerance test

    The service was brilliant - super quick and efficient. Ordering was easy peasy, and I got the results delivered in no time at all. The guides they gave me were really clear and simple to follow, so understanding everything was a breeze. If I needed to chat to a GP about my results, it would be a doddle. I also loved the free chat I got with a nutritionist and all the extra info on food intolerances they sent my way. They've got a great range of tests to choose from, which has really helped me keep an eye on my health without having to rely solely on the NHS.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Premium food intolerance test

    I wanted to share that I got my results back from the premium food intolerance test, and I have to say, I was really impressed with the whole thing. The test kit arrived promptly and getting a blood sample was easy thanks to the clear instructions. I was surprised to get my results in just 2 days, and when I saw my intolerances, it was quite eye-opening. The information was detailed and easy to understand. I've now booked a consultation to talk more about my results and I'm excited to adjust my diet based on this new information.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Quick and efficient service

    I was really impressed with the amazing service I got from this company. They made sure my test was delivered quickly and my consultation was booked promptly, with professionalism and care evident at every stage. The customer service team were not just helpful, but also really knew their stuff, giving me some great advice for my diet. The follow-up calls showed how dedicated they are to keeping customers happy. All in all, I had a fantastic experience with this company.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Food intolerance test purchased

    Ordering the food intolerance test was really straightforward and easy to do. The instructions were clear and detailed, so it was simple to grasp what to do next and what to do afterwards if needed. If you're looking to take control of your health, I would definitely suggest giving this service a go. It's a great place to start, whether you're getting your yearly check-up or trying to pinpoint any food intolerances.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Food intolerance test

    I chose to buy a food intolerance test because a friend suggested it, knowing I was having stomach problems. Ordering it online was simple, and the instructions were easy to understand. I got my results quickly and found them really helpful. Changing my diet according to the results made a big difference to my health. The follow-up call I got, with extra advice and suggestions, was really useful in helping me move forward in the right direction.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Digestion test

    I've been having stomach issues for a while now, and the doctors couldn't work out what was causing it. They even took some polyps out of me for a test, yuck! But it all came back normal, so they recommended doing some other tests. It turns out I have some food allergies and intolerances, which makes a lot of sense. Knowing what to avoid has made me feel so much better. I reckon everyone should consider doing these tests, they're honestly so helpful.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Blood tests for intolerance, new diet plan

    I've used their services a few times now to find out about any intolerance issues and the results have been great. They also gave me a new diet plan which has really changed the way my family lives.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Food intolerance test purchase

    I was pretty shocked by the results of my food intolerance test, to be honest. It turns out I have a really high intolerance to foods that I've been eating for most of my life - nearly sixty years! The document they sent me with the results had all these disclaimers which just made it even more confusing and made me doubt how reliable the results actually are. I'd suggest anyone thinking about getting this test to really do their homework first, so they don't get any surprises that might worry them. I live in York, so I'm planning on popping over to their office to talk to someone face-to-face about these mixed messages and hopefully get some more answers.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Quick test results

    The test results came back super fast, just 2 days after I sent in my sample. The kit was really easy to use and the instructions were clear. However, the 30-minute consultation that came with the results left me feeling a bit let down. The nutritionist was late for the call, and I was hoping for more advice on what foods would be good for me in the future. Nevertheless, the information I did get during the consultation was helpful.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Tests and results

    The tests and prices are good, but the process is way too complicated. You have to sign up online for each test, put your info on a label, stick it on the test tube, then write your info again on the bag for the test tube. If you forget or don't finish any of these steps, they won't accept the test. It's just not needed and probably causes a lot of failed tests.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Food intolerance test

    I did this test because I was having some tummy issues, and it turned out to be quite revealing! The whole thing was really straightforward - just a small blood sample and it was all sorted. The nutritionist was really knowledgeable and gave me great advice on what to avoid eating. I should have done this earlier, but I'm feeling much better now!

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