Direct Energy Reviews

: 26

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12% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Switching electricity service
I just changed my electricity provider and I have to say, the whole process was really smooth. Ta...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Overpriced crooks
I can't believe how awful these guys are! I've been trying to sort out my complaints wi...Read on
Rowena Evans

Review with most votes

Transition to average billing
I recently decided to switch to average billing with my current energy provider. But I've be...Read on

Reviews (26)






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    Would buy here again

    Power and gas services

    I have to say, as a customer of this company, my experience with their power and gas services has been really disappointing. The billing has been inaccurate, the communication about meter readings has been lacking, overall the service provided hasn't been great. The fact that the full amount isn't always taken for auto debit payments and the sudden bill spikes without explanation have been really frustrating for me. Dealing with unexpected charges, especially when my power/gas usage hasn't increased, is just not on. I wouldn't recommend others to use this company for their power and gas needs, as my experience has been really unsatisfactory.

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    Would buy here again

    Electricity and Gas

    I had a bit of a nightmare with my energy supplier recently. I had this feeling like they were trying to pull a fast one on me by adding on these extra transmission and distribution fees over the festive season. Even though I was using a pretty average amount of gas and electricity, my bill shot up thanks to these cheeky extra charges. So, I decided to give them a call to find out what was going on, and they came out with this vague excuse about pipeline works and maintenance – which I wasn't buying.

    After speaking to a few other companies, it became clear that I was definitely being ripped off. On top of that, Direct Energy decided to scrap budget billing for households on low incomes and move everyone onto this "Average Billing" scheme which definitely seemed more beneficial to them than us customers. Luckily, I made the switch to a different supplier and I'm pleased to see that they've got much fairer billing practices and charges.

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    Would buy here again

    Recent experience with customer service

    I've been getting loads of phone calls from this company every day, even though I've asked them several times to stop. Turns out there was a mix-up with my account because they had someone else's details linked to my phone number. I spoke to a few different people who promised to fix it, but the calls just kept coming.

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    Would buy here again

    Unauthorized billing

    Direct Energy keeps sending me bills for a property I don't even own anymore, even though I've tried loads of times to let them know my new contact details since April. They just won't listen and it's making me really annoyed and like they're trying to trick me. I never asked for their services or signed up for anything, but they won't stop billing me. I really think people should steer clear of this company.

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    Would buy here again

    Transitioning to new energy provider

    I've just changed my energy provider and had a bit of a nightmare with my old one. They hit me with some sneaky charges when I tried to switch, left me with a bill of around £800 to £900. Honestly, it's so irritating and feels like they're just trying to rip me off. It's really disappointing to see a company that's meant to be looking after their customers pulling tricks like this. To be honest, I'd suggest giving them a miss if you're trying to save money and dodge getting stung with extra costs.

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    Would buy here again

    Energy delivery fee waiver

    I was told that I wouldn't have to pay for delivery if I used 0GJ of energy, but I've been hit with a bill that's gone to a debt collection agency instead. This company can't be relied on and doesn't keep their word. I'm really let down by their deceptive ways and how they don't take responsibility. I wouldn't advise anyone to use them.

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    Would buy here again

    Low-income payment plan denial

    I tried to set up a payment plan with the company because I don't earn much, but they said no. This meant that my disabled aunt and I suddenly had no power and no water. Our food went bad because the fridge and freezer stopped working. It's clear that the company doesn't care about helping customers who are struggling financially - they only care about those who have money. I wouldn't recommend this company if you're on a low income or think you might have money problems in the future.

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    Would buy here again

    Switched to another energy provider

    I had a bit of a rough time with the energy provider, to be honest. They hit me with a last-minute cancellation fee, which wasn't great. The system they had for customers to keep tabs on their energy usage was a nightmare to use, and even after getting in touch with their tech team for help, the problem was still there. So, I decided to switch to another energy provider in the area that had a much easier platform to use.

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    Would buy here again

    Service contract renewal

    So, you know, I signed this contract with these people a while back, yeah? And then, they tried to renew it without even asking me first! It was totally dodgy and just not cool. They owed me over $400, and when I asked for it back, they were like, "Sorry, it's ours now." I had to go to my MP and get in touch with the Energy Minister for Canada to sort it out. Finally got my money back, but honestly, these guys are the pits! Total liars and crooks, I'm telling you!

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    Would buy here again

    Disappointing communication and no savings.

    I was really let down by the service I got from this company. They say they're all about customer service, but the call centres were useless and just made things worse. It was like banging my head against a brick wall whenever I tried to talk to them.

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    Would buy here again

    Transition to average billing

    I recently decided to switch to average billing with my current energy provider. But I've been really let down by the service I've been getting. I've been keeping a close eye on my energy usage for the last six months, yet my bills have suddenly doubled. When I asked about this, I was given answers that just didn't make sense and didn't match the rates I'd been given.

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    Would buy here again

    Energy services

    As someone who has been with the company for a long time, I must say that I've been a bit disappointed with the customer service. It just doesn't seem as professional and efficient as I'd like. Whenever I've tried to get help through chats, emails, or calls, it always seems to take too long and the assistance isn't very effective.

    And don't even get me started on the new website design - it's just not very user-friendly at all! Trying to navigate the platform has become a frustrating chore. Overall, I have to say that my interactions with customer service and the website have been quite below par, and I'm feeling pretty dissatisfied with the level of support I've received.

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    Would buy here again

    Payment issues

    I attempted to set up autopay or pay my bill using a credit or bank draft, but it didn't go through. I ended up spending more than 2 hours on the phone trying to settle my electric bill. Eventually, the supervisor managed to take my payment over the phone. The customer service was awful and I feel like I've wasted 2 hours of my life that I'll never get back.

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