Gymproluxe Reviews

: 20

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80% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Hip replacement recovery resis
As someone who's generally fit but has had some challenges with hip replacements and a snapp...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Bar band set
I'm really into fitness, so I thought I'd treat myself to a bar band set from this comp...Read on

Review with most votes

Full collection
I was really impressed with how quickly my order arrived and the variety of exercises I could cho...Read on

Reviews (20)






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    Would buy here again

    Hip replacement recovery resistance bands

    As someone who's generally fit but has had some challenges with hip replacements and a snapped achilles, I've found it tough to get back to my previous fitness level. Even though I cycle regularly, I just haven't been able to reach the same strength and endurance as before my surgeries. I've come to realise that I need to focus on building strength in a gentle way that won't strain my hips, which is why I decided to try out resistance bands. These bands have made a huge difference for me, as they offer just the right amount of resistance without putting too much strain on my body like lifting weights can. I've been able to gradually increase my strength and endurance without causing any issues with my previous injuries, and I'm finally starting to feel like my old self again. I would definitely recommend these resistance bands to anyone else in a similar situation, looking to safely improve their strength and fitness levels.

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    Would buy here again

    Home workout equipment

    This home workout gear has really made a difference for me and my teenage son. He's not keen on going to the gym, but he knows staying active is important. This equipment has been spot on for him - he can exercise at home whenever he likes, which keeps him motivated. Plus, I've managed to fit it into my fitness routine too, so it's a great option for the whole family. The instructional videos are a real bonus, showing us all sorts of exercises we can do with the gear. It's straightforward to use, and has made a positive impact on our fitness journey.

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    Would buy here again

    Portable home workout equipment

    I bought this portable home workout equipment and I must say, I'm really impressed with how good it is and how well it works. It does exactly what it promises. I travel a lot for work and sometimes I can't get to a gym, but this equipment has been a real lifesaver for me. I can easily do a really good workout at home or in my hotel room. It's convenient, simple to use, and gives me a great workout every time. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who wants to stay fit while on the move.

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    Would buy here again

    Portable exercise equipment set

    I've been using different exercise gear at home like dumbbells and resistance bands, but I needed something reliable and portable for adding more weight gradually. The Gymproluxe exercise equipment set has been just what I needed. It's great for working out my whole body, simple to set up, and even my partner likes using it with me. The quality and durability of the gear are top-notch, so I've ended up buying more items from the same brand. I really commend Gymproluxe for their innovative products.

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    Would buy here again

    Resistance band purchase

    I bought a resistance band from this company but it snapped after just two weeks of using it for my workouts. I'm waiting for a replacement now, but they don't have any in stock at the moment, which is a shame. It seems like a lot of other people are having the same problem with these bands. I'm really let down by the quality, especially considering how much I paid for it. You'd think something like this would last longer than just two weeks.

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    Would buy here again

    Bar band set

    I'm really into fitness, so I thought I'd treat myself to a bar band set from this company. I have to say, the whole process of buying it went smoothly, but the overall experience wasn't great. The workout videos they show on their website are good, but they only work with longer resistance bands, which you have to buy separately. This limited the exercises I could do with the set. On top of that, I was gutted to discover that if you want to use their workout app, you need to pay extra for a subscription or a one-off lifetime fee. The app itself is a bit rubbish - it's basic, crashes a lot, and I struggled to even log in. Fed up with all these issues, I decided to send the set back. But here's the kicker - the company doesn't provide a return label, so you've got to fork out for pricey tracked shipping yourself. Not impressed at all.

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    Would buy here again

    Quick workout solution

    I bought this product about two weeks back and I have to say, it's been really helpful up to now. It might not fully replace going to the gym, but it's super handy for short and effective workouts, especially when I'm on the go or staying in hotels. The range of exercises I can do with this product has really kept me interested and motivated, and I've already seen some good results in my fitness progress. I would definitely suggest it to anyone in need of a convenient workout option.

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    Would buy here again

    Bar and belt set

    The Gymproluxe bar and belt set has totally surpassed all my expectations. Ever since I first visited their website until the day I got the equipment delivered, I've been really impressed by how good the quality and efficiency of the product is. Setting up the equipment was a piece of cake, and using it has been even better. The bar and bands are super sturdy and simple to use, giving me a full-body workout that hits every single muscle group. I honestly can't recommend this equipment enough.

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    Would buy here again

    App for gym equipment

    I bought this App for my gym equipment not too long ago, and I must say, I'm pretty happy with it. It gives loads of helpful tips on how to make the most of the gear, helping me push myself during workouts and get closer to my fitness targets. However, I was a bit miffed to find out that the App actually cost extra, as I had assumed it was part of the initial purchase. That being said, even though it was an unexpected expense, the App is top-notch and has definitely improved my exercise routine.

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    Would buy here again

    Fitness equipment with accompanying app

    I bought some fitness gear from this company recently and I have to say, it's been amazing. It really pushes me during my workouts and the app that comes with it is a nice extra touch. I like that the app only requires a one-time purchase without any extra costs. However, I do wish I could personalise my workouts on the app. Maybe they'll add that feature in the future. But, all in all, I definitely suggest getting this product - you won't regret it.

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    Would buy here again

    Dope gear

    I bought this really awesome gear from a place recently and I absolutely love it! It's the best thing ever and I use it all the time. Also, the company was great at staying in touch with me to make sure everything was going smoothly.

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    Would buy here again

    Easy ordering, prompt delivery, helpful instructions

    I found it really easy to order everything I needed, and it arrived very quickly! The equipment was simple to set up, and the instructions were really helpful. I can't wait to get started on my weight loss journey!

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    Would buy here again

    Life-changing gym equipment

    This gym equipment has been a game-changer for me! Going to the gym used to make me feel really insecure because of my mental health, but this has really helped me kickstart a journey I never thought possible. I'm taking it easy since I'm a newbie to working out, but I can already feel a change. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who has experienced similar struggles.

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    Would buy here again

    I bought some gym gear

    So, I recently bought some new gym gear from this website, and let me tell you, the communication was absolutely terrible. They just kept sending me emails claiming I had items in my cart and taking money from my account, but then they told me they didn't actually have my order on file. Can you believe it? I had to provide them with my order number and ask them to cancel it because I felt like I was being bombarded with spam. And then, all of a sudden, they said it had already been sent out. Sounds a bit dodgy, doesn't it? It seems like they were trying to lure me into buying more things. I don't trust them at all. So, just a heads up for everyone else out there – stay cautious!

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    Would buy here again

    Quick delivery, easy to use

    The product arrived promptly and was a breeze to use straight away. The instructional videos on the app were really helpful to get me going. I can't wait to start using this product in my weekly exercise regime.

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    Would buy here again

    Gym equipment

    I got my gym equipment pretty fast, which was a nice surprise. The product looks like it's good quality, but I haven't actually tried it out yet so can't say for sure. Hopefully, this new purchase will be the kick I need to start exercising more regularly.

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    Would buy here again

    Polite, helpful, social media assistance, solid advice, results

    I was really impressed with how polite and helpful the staff were at this business. Their social media presence is top-notch - they offer great advice for beginners and tips on how to stay focused on fitness goals. I can't wait to see the positive results from using their services.

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    Would buy here again

    Easy and Convenient Workouts

    This product has honestly made working out so much easier for me. The guides, app, and Facebook group have been really useful in helping me figure out how to use the equipment and find the best workouts for my fitness goals. I definitely suggest it to anyone who wants to get the expertise of a personal trainer without spending loads on gym memberships and private sessions.

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    Would buy here again

    Resistance bands

    The resistance bands I received from the company were a Christmas present that I really liked using for my workouts. However, I've been a bit let down by the quality of the bands because I've had 5 of them break in just 6 months of using them. Even though customer service sent me replacements, it has affected my workouts because now I don't trust the product. I've been sticking to simple exercises that shouldn't put too much strain on the bands, like they showed in the company's ads, but they still broke too easily. Now, I'm on the lookout for other options that are tougher and more reliable.

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