Moco Museum Reviews

: 16

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31% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

My visit to the museum
Hey everyone! I visited a really cool museum in a lovely neighbourhood. The artworks there were a...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Overpriced experience
This museum, I've got to say, is just not worth the money. It's way too small and alway...Read on

Review with most votes

Experience at the museum
The museum turns out to be smaller than I thought from the pictures online. The best bit about it...Read on

Reviews (16)






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    Would buy here again

    Modern art gallery visit

    The museum is in a handy spot near Museumplein, so it's easy to pop in with a visit to the more famous museums nearby like Van Gogh and Rijksmuseum. Even though it's not as big, this place has a cracking collection of modern and street art, and Banksy's pieces are the main event. When I went, I got to check out work by big names like Arsham, Kusama, Warhol, and KAWS. The outdoor garden is lovely too, with cool art and a chill vibe away from the busy crowds.

    One thing that bugged me a bit was the price - seemed a tad high compared to the bigger museums nearby. Might put off art fans on a budget. Also, they only took card payments when I was there, which could be a pain for folks who prefer cash. Just remember that if you're planning a trip!

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    Would buy here again

    Banksy exhibition

    The gallery was quite small, but filled with lots of amazing Banksy art. It was a really cool way to see modern art, and it was easy to get what it was all about. It was a little crowded on the Saturday when we went, but it was definitely worth it for the money. Don't forget to buy your tickets in advance and make sure to start from the top floor and work your way down for the best experience.

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    Would buy here again

    Visited museum, overcrowded

    When I visited the museum, it was so packed that I could hardly appreciate the art on display. Even though I bought tickets online for a set time, it was still really busy and hard to fully enjoy. There were so many people there that it was tough to walk around and properly see the exhibits. I was let down that the overcrowding took away from my overall enjoyment of the visit.

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    Would buy here again

    Entrance tickets for 15 euro each

    I went to this really interesting museum and some of the artwork was a bit hit and miss, but the section on Robbie Williams was amazing! We had to fork out 15 euros each to get entry.

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    Would buy here again

    Overpriced experience

    This museum, I've got to say, is just not worth the money. It's way too small and always jam-packed with people, making it nearly impossible to have a proper look at the exhibits. And let me tell you, the artwork they've got on show is pretty disappointing, except for a couple of pieces by Banksy. But honestly, I'm from Bristol, where Banksy's work is everywhere, so it seems silly to pay so much just to see a few of his pieces when I can see more for free at home. Plus, they really need to sort out the facilities for visitors - having only one toilet for the whole place is a bit of a joke. As for the visual displays, they were pretty dull overall, with only a couple of them catching my eye, like that room with all the mirrors and diamonds. But even that wasn't enough to make up for the hefty entrance fee. All in all, this museum was a huge let-down and a total rip-off.

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    Would buy here again

    Moco Museum visit

    I visited the Moco Museum and honestly, I don't think it was worth the money. The building was impressive but the museum was way too busy. Personally, I feel seeing Banksy's work on the street is a better experience. I wasn't expecting much from the art inside, and the entrance fee was quite steep. It felt like the museum was overselling itself in their ads. I found that the more they hype it up, the less impressive it is. Later in the day, I checked out the Stedelijk Museum and it was definitely a better experience.

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    Would buy here again

    My visit to the museum

    Hey everyone! I visited a really cool museum in a lovely neighbourhood. The artworks there were awesome and the building itself was really impressive. It was such a great find!

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    Would buy here again

    Crowded, small, warm, overpriced

    The museum was way too busy with loads of people milling about in their coats and carrying bags, which made it really difficult to properly take in all the art. I definitely wouldn't suggest this place to anyone, and I won't be going back myself. I ended up leaving after just 20 minutes.

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    Would buy here again

    Tickets for a museum visit

    Oh my goodness, I was really looking forward to visiting this museum but it turned out to be a huge disappointment! I had bought my tickets in advance online and even reserved a specific time slot, but when I arrived, it was incredibly overcrowded, making it impossible to properly appreciate the art on display. I mean, what's the use of visiting a museum if you can't even enjoy the artwork, you know? It seemed like they were just interested in selling as many tickets as they could without considering the visitor's enjoyment. Not a great experience at all!

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    Would buy here again

    Ticket for Moco Museum

    Oh my gosh, I was really looking forward to going to the museum with my friends, but when we arrived the queue was incredibly long, even though we had a ticket! I had to leave as I couldn't wait around. The staff told me I could request a refund by sending them an email, but they weren't telling the truth! No refund for me. It's just not right. I'm feeling really upset about it all.

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    Would buy here again

    Museum visit review

    I popped into the museum recently and honestly, it was a bit of a letdown. There were just too many people crammed in there, so it was hard to really take in the art properly. The museum itself is tiny, with lots of small rooms packed full of visitors. Everyone was pushing past each other and taking photos, which made it hard to even see the artwork properly, let alone appreciate it properly. I think art should be savoured and thought about, not rushed through in a noisy crowd. Plus, the entrance fee was quite steep at €25, especially considering there weren't many pieces on display.

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    Would buy here again

    Visit during school holiday

    Wow, the museum was amazing with some fantastic art! The building was really interesting and the art inside was absolutely brilliant. However, there were so many people there, I thought it would be less busy with the time slots. Some people weren't following the directions and it was a bit chaotic. It was also quite warm inside and the fans didn't seem to do much to cool down the place. Someone even fainted! I thought the ticket was a bit expensive for what we experienced, and it felt a bit too focused on making money. Hopefully, they will take feedback on board and make some improvements.

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    Would buy here again

    Visit experience during busy hours

    The museum was so packed when I went during peak hours. It was really uncomfortable with all those people around. It made it hard to properly enjoy and take in the artwork on show. It felt like a bit of a waste, with the overcrowding and not enough space to take it all in properly. I'd suggest avoiding those busy times if you want to really appreciate what the museum has to offer.

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    Would buy here again

    Visit disappointment

    This place isn't really a museum, more like a total tourist trap. It used to be a gallery and still feels like one. It's fine to run a business and make a profit, but pretending it's something it's not is just wrong. Check out all the bad reviews from other unhappy visitors. I urge them to come clean and change the name, no more pretending to be a museum.

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    Would buy here again

    Experience at the museum

    The museum turns out to be smaller than I thought from the pictures online. The best bit about it is the interactive rooms with all the lights and technology, but really, there are only about 3 or 4 of these rooms. It gets pretty packed with people, which kind of spoils the whole experience and makes it hard to take good photos. They do have some modern and pop art which is pretty cool if you're into that stuff, but I was a bit gutted to see that some of the pieces were just copies. I was hoping for all original artworks, so that was a bit of a disappointment for me.

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    Would buy here again

    Visit experience

    The museum was far too cramped with the number of people they let in. It was a real mission to catch a glimpse of the artworks amongst all the other heads, and forget about trying to read the tiny writing about them. And to top it off, everything was only in English, so you really had to concentrate hard, but that was pretty much impossible in the overcrowded chaos. What a letdown! We had come specifically for Keith Haring, but there was only one of his pieces on show. Even the gift shop had more of his stuff!

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