New Skill Academy Reviews

: 20

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Online course experience
I recently finished an online course that had a really good curriculum. The course had listening ...Read on
Alex Wilkinson

Review with most votes

Fitness Trainer Certification
I've just finished a Fitness Trainer Certification course and I have to say, I was really im...Read on
A. Robinson

Reviews (20)






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    Would buy here again

    SEND course completion

    I've always been keen on learning about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), so when I found out about the course this academy was offering, I knew I had to sign up. I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised by how much knowledge and skills I acquired from this course. The content of the course was really informative and easy to understand, and I was grateful for the support the academy offered me during my learning experience. It really boosted my confidence and belief in my own capabilities to excel in this field. I would definitely suggest this course to anyone who is keen on learning more about SEND.

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    Would buy here again

    Online learning platform review

    I've just come across this really cool online learning platform where you can pick up new skills and keep your brain sharp. The courses are set up so you can learn at your own speed, and there's help on hand if you get stuck. What I really like is the mix of resources they offer, like video tutorials that make learning more fun and hands-on. The tests for certification are nice and relaxed, so you can show what you know without feeling stressed. If you're into learning and trying out new things, I'd definitely suggest giving this platform a go.

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    Would buy here again

    Online course experience

    I recently finished an online course that had a really good curriculum. The course had listening tutorials and written materials, along with self-check exercises after each chapter and a 30-minute test at the end. When I finished, I got an official Diploma certificate, which was great. I also liked how fast the admin team replied whenever I had a question. Being able to learn whenever I wanted and go back to chapters I needed more help on was really helpful. The whole experience left me feeling smarter, more confident, and ready to take on new challenges.

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    Would buy here again

    Completed digital marketing course

    I've just completed the digital marketing course, and to be honest, I wasn't really keen on it to begin with. My manager suggested it for an upcoming project, and I have to admit, it wasn't as awful as I thought it would be. While I won't be a digital marketing whizz straight away, the course did give me a good enough grasp of the fundamentals. This isn't my first time taking a course with this company, and like in the past, it was well-structured, interesting, and beneficial for my work. Looking forward to the next one!

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    Would buy here again

    Online course purchase

    I had a really good time using their online course platform. It was so easy to make an account and sign up for courses. The discounts and promotions they have are a great bonus and make it even more tempting to enroll in courses. The content of the courses was well laid out, informative, and easy to understand, suitable for all levels of expertise. I would definitely suggest this platform to anyone wanting to learn more and improve their skills.

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    Would buy here again

    Nail technician diploma course

    The nail technician diploma course was absolutely brilliant! It was really easy to grasp and there were loads of questions to check what you've picked up. I received my pass certificate straight after completing the course. I feel like I'm on my way to becoming a pro! I would definitely suggest it to anyone interested in getting into the nail tech industry!

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    Would buy here again

    Art Therapy course purchase

    I recently bought the Art Therapy course, and I must say it was definitely the best choice I've made. I was looking to learn more about art therapy and art coaching, and this course gave me exactly what I was after. The material was clear and easy to understand, which made learning a lot easier. I am now thinking about buying more courses from this provider because they are really good at simplifying difficult topics. I would definitely suggest this course to anyone wanting to improve their skills and progress in their career.

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    Would buy here again

    Multiple online courses

    I have to say, I was really impressed by the variety of courses that New Skill Academy offers. They're all well-organised and simple to understand, which makes learning a breeze. What I particularly liked was that there was no rush to finish the courses quickly - I could take my time. Plus, the fact that the courses don't expire is a massive bonus as it means I can go back to them whenever I want, even if it's been a while. Honestly, I would highly recommend these courses to anyone who wants to develop new skills.

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    Would buy here again

    Online course experience

    I must say, I was really pleased with the online course I got from New Skills Academy. Being able to study at my own speed was so handy and let me juggle my other responsibilities while still moving forward in my learning. The course content was thorough and explained in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Plus, the video lessons were really helpful and made my learning experience even better. Overall, I thought the course layout was well thought-out and interesting, which kept me motivated to keep going.

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    Would buy here again

    Fitness Trainer Certification

    I've just finished a Fitness Trainer Certification course and I have to say, I was really impressed with how thorough and flexible it was. The topics we covered were super important for fitness training, and I liked that I could go through it all at my own speed. The online platform was really easy to use and made it simple to access all the course materials and assessments. Honestly, I would definitely recommend this programme to anyone thinking about getting into fitness training as a career.

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    Would buy here again

    Excel beginners course

    I found the Excel beginners course a bit tough because numbers and formulas aren't my strong suit. However, I could go through it at my own speed, so that helped. I did the PowerPoint course a year ago and was pleased to find I could still access it to brush up my memory. Overall, both courses were great value for money.

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    Would buy here again

    Passed admin courses

    I've been really pleased with all the courses at this place! There are tons to choose from and I've successfully completed several admin ones which have allowed me to switch up my job. You can work at your own pace and receive a certificate upon finishing each course. It's brilliant! I think everyone should give this place a look if they want to learn new things and achieve some personal goals.

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    Would buy here again

    Mental wellbeing course

    I've just completed a mental wellbeing course instead of sitting in front of the telly, and I have to say, it was really great. The course was nice and straightforward, easy to follow, and the information was presented well. I think it would be really useful for anyone who works with kids and teenagers. I would definitely suggest this course to anyone wanting to learn more about this topic.

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    Would buy here again

    Courses selection, saving money, user-friendly website, informative with audio option

    I'm really impressed with all the different courses you can find on the website. It's great that there are offers to help save money on them too. The website is so easy to use, it's a doddle to find all the info I'm after. I like that there's an audio option too, it's spot on for me being dyslexic.

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    Would buy here again

    English and Maths refresher courses

    Oh my gosh, I found these really great courses to brush up on my English and Maths skills. Initially, I wasn't that keen, but they ended up being just the right level of difficulty and length. You can complete them online at your own pace, without having to go to a physical classroom. It's ideal for me, especially because I tend to get distracted easily by other students in a classroom setting like I did at school.

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    Would buy here again

    Fast-paced online learning experience

    Why bother with old-fashioned schools when you've got New Skills Academy offering excellent learning materials that are on par with universities? You can learn at your own pace, which is great for progressing smoothly. The website is really easy to use, whether you're on a computer or your phone. I definitely suggest giving it a try!

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    Would buy here again

    Online course experience

    I've just started studying with an online course provider and I have to say, it's been absolutely fantastic so far. The website is really nicely designed, easy to use, and the colours are great for navigating around. I especially like how easy it is to find what I need, log in, and get to my course materials. It's really helpful being able to listen to someone reading out the module info, especially because English isn't my first language.

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    Would buy here again

    Adobe Illustrator Level 1 Certificate

    I recently signed up for the Adobe Illustrator Level 1 Certificate course at this academy, and I have to say I was really let down by the quality of the training. The trainer didn't seem very confident, kept switching up his instructions, and left me feeling pretty lost. The course itself wasn't laid out well, so it was hard to take good notes and remember the information. All in all, I found the whole experience really frustrating and not very useful for actually learning the skills I needed.

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    Would buy here again

    Easy-to-use site, good support, informative courses

    I loved how user-friendly the website was. The support I received from Facebook and email was fast and super helpful whenever I had questions. The information I gained was really useful and easy to grasp. The courses might not be as fancy as NVQs, but they will definitely help you acquire new knowledge.

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