Offer Games Reviews

: 26

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

19% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Digital code purchase
I bought a digital code from this online shop not long ago, and I have to admit, I was a bit worr...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Controller purchase
I wouldn't recommend buying from here. I honestly felt like I'd been scammed when it to...Read on
E. Thomas

Review with most votes

Pre-ordered product delayed
I'm really disappointed with the lack of communication and resolution from the company. I�...Read on

Reviews (26)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Game code

    My first time using this gaming site was actually really good. I found it interesting that they accepted payments through Klarna, which wasn't an option on other sites. Even though it was a bit more expensive than other platforms, I thought I'd give it a go. Everything went smoothly until they asked for my Photo ID after I made the purchase. It was a bit surprising, but I get it, I work in retail and sometimes need to do the same for certain payment methods. I bought the game code on the 12th and got the code on the 29th, which I thought was fair enough timing. Overall, I had a pretty good experience and I'm thinking of giving the site a shoutout on my Sim racing YouTube channel.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Digital code purchase

    I bought a digital code from this online shop not long ago, and I have to admit, I was a bit worried at first because I had read a few bad reviews. But I'm happy to say that my experience turned out to be really good. The code arrived quickly and I didn't have any problems using it. Even though I had seen some complaints about their customer service, I actually found them to be quite helpful. They replied to my emails in about 5 minutes on average. All in all, I had a really positive experience with this company.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Game delivery issue

    I had a bit of a problem with a game I ordered not long ago. When my package arrived, the physical copy of the game wasn't in there. So, I got in touch with their customer service for a hand. You know what? They got back to me super quick and sorted it all out in no time. In just a few hours, they fixed the missing item and made sure I got it without any hassle. I was really impressed by how fast and helpful they were. I reckon I'd totally recommend their service to anyone else who might have the same problem.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Pre-Ordered Video Game for PS5

    I recently pre-ordered a video game for my PS5 console from this company and it was a great experience. I chose the signature on delivery service, which was definitely worth it as it made sure my package got to me securely. Even though they took payment right away, being able to save money by pre-ordering well in advance of the release date is a big plus for those trying to budget. I would definitely suggest Offer Games to anyone wanting to pre-order games without any hassle.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Controller purchase

    I wouldn't recommend buying from here. I honestly felt like I'd been scammed when it took 2 weeks for my Controller to arrive. It did eventually turn up, but the long wait was really annoying and made me doubt if the site was legit. The customer service wasn't much help in giving me updates, so I had no idea what was going on during the wait. The prices were OK, but the lack of communication and slow delivery really let the whole experience down.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    PS4 controller order delayed

    I'm really disappointed with the service I've received from this company. I ordered a PS4 controller back in October and I still haven't received it or been refunded. I've sent loads of emails and messages on social media, but haven't had any replies. I even tried commenting on their Instagram posts, but now I've found out they've deleted their account. It's not on for a company that's supposed to be reputable.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Pink DS Lite

    I was a bit unsure about this place after reading some reviews online, but I took a chance and got myself a Pink DS Lite. The customer service wasn't great, they didn't even give me a tracking number for my order, so I was a bit worried. But, to my surprise, the console arrived really quickly and in great condition! It's working perfectly and I'm absolutely thrilled with it!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Game purchase

    I was really looking forward to buying this game from that store, but when I paid for it and waited for it to arrive, it never turned up! I'm so upset and annoyed that I ended up wasting my money.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Delayed delivery of Minecraft game for Nintendo Switch

    I ordered a Minecraft game for the Nintendo Switch on the 26th of December as a birthday present for my son. Today is the 5th of January and the game still hasn't been sent out. I've tried reaching out to their customer service through email and online chat a few times, but haven't heard anything back. I'm really annoyed by the lack of communication and the long wait for my order to be shipped. I just want a refund now so I can buy the game from a more reliable website.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Purchased a game online

    I bought a game online from this company, and it's been a total nightmare. It's been 12 days and I still haven't received my delivery. There's been zero communication or updates from them. I've tried contacting them through different channels, but they've completely ignored me. I decided to cancel my order, but shockingly, there's still no response from them. It looks like they really don't care about providing good customer service like they promise.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Console purchase delay

    I'm pretty upset with the service I got when I bought a console from this company. I placed my order in December, and it's now March, but I still haven't got my item or heard anything from them. I decided to buy from them because they were the first company that came up in the sponsored section on Google, but it looks like that was a bad move. Even though I've tried emailing them heaps of times, I haven't managed to sort things out or get a refund. It's so annoying to be kept in the dark with no updates or contact from them. I'd recommend that people stay away from this company to avoid having the same letdown.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Pre-ordered game with bonus content; early access

    Being a big fan of gaming, I thought I'd treat myself and pre-order a game I was really looking forward to. The idea was to get some extra content and play before the official release date. But, 20 days went by and still no sign of the game. I emailed the company several times but got no response. It's taught me a lesson - don't fall for deals that seem too good to be true, especially when you really want something. Turns out, the game I was promised was never actually going to arrive. It's a warning to watch out for dodgy sellers who don't follow through on their promises. Wish I'd checked out the company properly before handing over my money.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Controller purchase for my console

    I purchased a controller for my console, but it was really disappointing. I paid for it but it never arrived, not even once. When I tried to contact them, it felt like I was talking to a brick wall - they ignored me every single time. So frustrating!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Delayed order, no refund

    I'm really gutted with how things went down at that shop. I ordered Frontiers of Pandora during Christmas two years back and I'm still waiting for it or my £50 back. The customer service team's poor communication and lack of follow up is just so annoying. I wouldn't suggest this shop to anyone after what I've been through.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Unfulfilled purchase

    I made a mistake by ordering something almost a year ago, but I still haven't got my stuff. I've sent loads of emails asking for a refund, but I haven't heard anything back. And I can't even get hold of them on the phone. This has gotta be the worst customer service I've ever had.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Xbox disc purchase

    I'm afraid I had a bit of a rough time with this company. I ordered an Xbox disc online, but it never arrived. I tried emailing and calling them a few times, but didn't get any response. It was quite annoying to deal with their poor communication and customer service. I really should have checked the reviews before buying from them.

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