Shop-Apotheke Reviews

: 34

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

56% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Trustworthy, satisfied, online
I just want to say that I received most of my order - can you believe it? It's quite surpris...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Pain relief medication, flu re
I recently bought pain relief meds and flu remedies from this online pharmacy. Sadly, I had the s...Read on

Review with most votes

vitamins and skincare
So I bought some vitamins and skincare stuff from this place and honestly, it was the worst exper...Read on

Reviews (34)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    stuff for my skin

    Yeah, so, I've always really liked everything I've bought, you know, but then one time my order went missing or something and I had to get in touch with the customer service team, which was a bit of a nightmare. It took ages, but they eventually managed to track down my order, so I'm feeling positive that I'll be getting my refund soon.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Prescription medication purchase

    I had a really awful time with Shop-Apotheke. I ordered some medication I needed and it never showed up. When I got in touch with customer service to try and sort it out, they were no help at all, especially Frau Sonja. She didn't want to help me track down my parcel or find a solution. Honestly, the whole thing was so annoying and let me down, so I won't be ordering from them in the future for sure.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Garlic juice at a low price

    I recently bought some garlic juice for a bargain at 5.99 each. I was so excited about the deal that I bought ten bottles! But then, a week later, I got an email asking for a prescription. A prescription for garlic juice? It's just a regular thing you can buy in the shops. Then, they told me my order was cancelled because they didn't have it anymore. But I can still see it on their website for over 7 pounds. Seems a bit dodgy to me. So, I've decided to delete all my details from their site. I don't think that's a very trustworthy way to do business. They could have just asked if I wanted to wait a bit longer for my order. That would have been fair, in my opinion. Oh well, that's that.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Some health stuff

    I recently purchased some health products from an online store and the customer service was fantastic. They were really quick at responding to all my queries and sorting out my order. I was really impressed by their professionalism and felt very confident in their service. I will definitely recommend them to all my friends!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Prescription delays and incorrect delivery location

    If you're after a trustworthy online pharmacy, I'd steer clear of this one! My first order got held up, and they went and sent my prescription to a brick-and-mortar pharmacy without even telling me on the second order. Trying to cancel my order has been an absolute nightmare, and I'm left waiting for a fix after days of trying.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Prescription medication purchase

    I've just had my first go at ordering from an online pharmacy, and I'm a bit unsure whether it's the pharmacy or DHL to blame for the delivery mess-up. They sent out the meds super fast, and said it would come the next day, but somehow it arrived sooner than expected and now it's waiting for me at a collection point. It's a bit frustrating really - I was actually home when they supposedly made the delivery, but no one bothered to ring the doorbell. If this keeps happening, I might as well give up on online and just pop down to a physical pharmacy in person.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Fast and excellent quality service

    I'm really happy with the quick and fantastic service I got from this online pharmacy. Ordering was easy and the items I bought were top-notch. Overall, I'm really pleased with my experience.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Disappointing experience

    As someone who has been a loyal customer for a long time, I have to say that the service from this company has really gone downhill recently. I've had many positive experiences over the years, but I was really disappointed when my complaint was ignored and I was just told to contact the manufacturer instead. It's just not good enough - they should be taking responsibility!

    Not only that, but the company only lets you use vouchers on their own products once you've spent a certain amount. It's clear that they care more about making money than looking after their customers. And to make matters worse, they seem to dominate search engines like Google, so it's hard to find other online pharmacies.

    I've decided to take my business elsewhere from now on.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Good experience, damaged box, wet packaging

    My visit to Shop-Apotheke was mostly good, but my order arrived in a slightly damaged and wet box. I think they could have done a better job packing the products to avoid damage during delivery. Also, I really liked the discount codes they gave me for my next purchase, it's a good way to encourage customer loyalty.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Ineffective nasal spray

    I've bought stuff from this place a few times, but I realised that the nasal spray I got here didn't work. Once I went to the pharmacy nearby and got the same thing, it worked like a charm. I emailed customer service but never got a response, so I'm a bit confused. This place doesn't really have good customer service.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Medication through the mobile app

    I've been a happy customer of this online pharmacy for a while now, but things changed when I decided to try out their mobile app that they were really pushing. I was shocked to see that the medication I always buy was much more expensive on the app compared to their website. What's more, the app was advertising a double pack as a special deal when it was actually just the regular price on the website. I reached out to customer service to get some answers and got two completely different responses. The first explanation was that the prices on search engines or apps are only valid if you add the products to your cart and buy them in the same session using the original link. The second explanation mentioned that prices might vary depending on how you place your order, like through the app, on a computer, or on a mobile device. This mix-up in prices and explanations has really disappointed me and now I'm not sure if I can trust this online pharmacy anymore. So, I'm a bit wary about buying from them in the future, especially with so many other online pharmacies out there.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Medication and health supplements

    I recently ordered some medication and health supplements from Shop-Apotheke. The ordering process went smoothly, and I got an email confirming my order with all the details. However, when my package arrived, there was no invoice in it, which was a bit frustrating for me as I like to keep records. I got in touch with Shop-Apotheke, but they told me they don't include invoices in the packages. The customer service person I spoke to couldn't really help me with this issue and just threatened me with a collection notice straight away. This lack of transparency and unhelpful response really bothered me, and I felt pretty disrespected as a customer. All in all, I was disappointed with how things went, and I won't be buying from Shop-Apotheke again.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Wasted time dealing with poor customer service

    I recently bought something from this online shop and it turned out to be a bit of a let-down. The website sent me to another site to complete my order and when I had a problem, they refused to help. The customer service wasn't much use either, so I ended up spending ages trying to sort things out and feeling pretty annoyed and let down in the end.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    vitamins and skincare

    So I bought some vitamins and skincare stuff from this place and honestly, it was the worst experience ever. They sent my bill to the wrong email address and then this collection company was all threatening me to pay up, or else. It was so stressful trying to sort it out and the Shop Apotheke didn't even offer any help. The guy I spoke to was just like, "Oh well, not our problem, deal with it yourself." So yeah, I'm definitely not going to shop there again, that's for sure!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Phytosterols supplement

    I recently bought some Phytosterols supplements from an online pharmacy, hoping they'd help with my cholesterol levels. Sadly, the whole ordering process was a bit of a let-down. Even though I placed my order quickly, I had to wait a long time for any confirmation or shipping updates. The lack of communication from the company made me feel quite annoyed and let down. I tried getting in touch with them several times through phone and email, but I didn't hear back. Now, I'm not sure if I'd want to buy from them again in the future.

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