Your Stride Reviews

: 21

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Personal safety device
I just bought a personal safety gadget from this shop and at first I thought it was a bit too sen...Read on
Danielle Fox

Review with most votes

Fitness tracker purchase
I must say, I was really impressed by how quick the team at Your Stride responded to my queries. ...Read on
Cameron Lloyd

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Life-changing elderly watch

    This watch for the elderly has really made a big difference to my mum's life. Before getting the watch, she would only go out once or twice a week because she lacked confidence and was afraid of medical emergencies. But since she started using the watch, she's been going out more often, shopping, and spending time with friends and family. The Emergency Centre linked to the watch has been so helpful during test calls and incidents, giving my mum peace of mind and support in case of emergencies. And the customer service from Your Stride has been fantastic, with a focus on the customer that really improves the whole experience. The watch itself is comfy to wear, discreet, and easy to forget about, so it's a practical and essential accessory for anyone who needs help. Overall, this purchase has been the best thing for my mum's health and safety.

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    Would buy here again

    Confidence Boosting Mobility Aid

    I recently bought a mobility aid from Your Stride and I have to say, it's made a big difference for me. I've had trouble getting around and had a couple of falls in the past year, which really knocked my confidence. But since using Your Stride, I've seen a noticeable improvement in how well I can move. My daughter used to worry about me going out alone in case I fell, but now she's seen how much Your Stride has helped me, she's feeling more relaxed. Just the other day, I even managed to go to a hospital appointment on my own, something I wouldn't have dared to do before having Your Stride. I'm really thankful for the independence and confidence Your Stride has given me, and I've already told my friends about it in case they could benefit too. Thank you, Your Stride!

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    Would buy here again

    Fall detection watch for dad

    The fall detection watch has been a real lifesaver for my dad. We decided to get the additional service and so far, we haven't needed it, which is a relief. We did a test call and the person on the other end was really nice and helpful, dad could hear them clearly. It's so simple to use, there's no set up required. The online account feature is a great extra, I can keep an eye on dad's activity and battery level. It's comforting to know that he's up and about every day. He's not usually a fan of technology but he's getting on well with it. The quick help with any questions online has been fantastic. I would definitely recommend this watch and service to others.

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    Would buy here again

    Smart watch purchase

    I've just bought a smart watch after hearing good things about it online and watching some videos. The company has been checking in with me a lot to make sure I'm happy with it. The watch is really comfy to wear and I feel much more confident now that I have it, especially since I live on my own. I like how quick it is to charge too, only needing two hours. The fall detection is a really useful feature for me because it gives me peace of mind knowing that help will be on the way if I ever need it.

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    Would buy here again

    Personal safety device

    I just bought a personal safety gadget from this shop and at first I thought it was a bit too sensitive. But, once I tinkered with the settings, it's been spot on. It's a relief to know that assistance is just a push of a button away. Plus, it's sleek and classy, doesn't scream 'alarm'.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Smart glasses purchase

    These smart glasses are amazing, they've really changed the game for me. I love how they make things so much easier and fit seamlessly into my daily routine. The design is really slick and up-to-date, and they work like a dream. I don't think I could go back to ordinary glasses after using these smart ones - it's like having an extra set of eyes that help you out. I'm really excited about the future of this product and I think it's going to do really well.

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    Would buy here again

    Smart and stylish watch with alert button and auto fall detection features

    I was really impressed with the service I got from ordering to the testing process. The staff were great - professional, friendly, and really attentive. I liked that accidental alert feature when my mum pressed the watch by mistake - it's handy. The watch itself is easy to set up and use, and it looks quite stylish, like a smart-watch. The alert button and auto fall detection features are really reassuring, so I think it's a good buy for anyone who worries about their safety.

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    Would buy here again

    Fall detection device

    After I took a tumble in the garden, I realised I needed something to help me call for help if I ever got into a spot of bother. This watch has been keeping an eye on me and has checked in on me a few times since then, especially after little accidents. It's reassuring to know that I have this safety net, particularly since I live on my own. It gives me peace of mind and the reassurance I need to carry on with my day-to-day life without constantly fretting about what might happen.

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    Would buy here again

    Safety device

    I just bought a safety gadget from Your Stride, and even though the idea is good and makes me feel safe, I've come across a few problems. The fall detection was set to low at first, and I tripped indoors with no alert going off. I changed it to medium, but now it's too touchy, always going off when there's no real emergency. Nevertheless, I value having this device for peace of mind in case of any emergencies.

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    Would buy here again

    Security system

    I recently bought a security system from Your Stride and I have to say, I am really happy with both the product and the service I received. I feel totally secure now, especially as I live on my own. The installation went smoothly and the customer service team was really helpful in answering all my queries. I would definitely recommend Your Stride to anyone looking for a trustworthy and effective security system.

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    Would buy here again

    Smartwatch purchase

    I was really impressed with how quickly the watch responded when I pressed it three times. It was a brilliant way to stay connected with me.

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    Would buy here again

    Quick and efficient purchase

    I have to say, the service I got was excellent. From when I ordered to when my stuff arrived, everything went really well. I like it when companies have high standards, and it's obvious this one does. I usually notice little things, but honestly, I can't find anything wrong with my experience here. I'd definitely suggest them to anyone wanting a smooth shopping time.

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    Would buy here again

    Comprehensive coverage for peace of mind

    I've just bought this product that gives me really good coverage, and it's honestly exactly what I needed. The fact that it works everywhere is a massive bonus for me, it just makes me feel safe and worry-free. I've only had it for about a month now, but it's already shown me that it was definitely worth the investment.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Smartwatch purchase

    The people at the store were so lovely, they really went out of their way to help me. They were kind, patient, and really understood what I needed. I always felt like I could ask them anything without bothering them. The only small problem I had was that the volume on the watch was a bit low when I tried to use it for messages or calls. Hopefully, they can fix that for next time.

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    Would buy here again

    Easy-to-use device, reassurance for friends and family

    I love using this website, it's really user-friendly, and the team has been so supportive. They kept me informed every step of the way. The device I purchased is so easy to use and charge, which is perfect for my family member with dementia. It gives us all peace of mind knowing that help is just a button press away.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    The process of ordering my watch was really smooth, I didn't have any problems sorting out the details for the purchase, like contacts and payment. But I was a bit let down that the watch doesn't show the time all the time. It's a bit annoying to have to keep tapping on the screen when I'm busy doing things like gardening, cooking, or driving.

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    Would buy here again

    Reassuring product

    After using the product for four weeks, I must say it's been a real relief for me and my family. The product seems sturdy and dependable, giving us a sense of security in these unpredictable times. Even though it's only been a short while, I'm feeling pretty positive about how well the product works.

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    Would buy here again

    Emergency watch purchase

    The emergency watch I bought from Your Stride has been a real lifesaver for me. Living alone, I often stress about what would happen if I needed help in an emergency and no one was there. This watch has made me feel much safer and more relaxed. Knowing that help is just a button press away has really helped me feel less anxious and more confident in dealing with any potential problems.

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    Would buy here again

    Fitness tracker purchase

    I must say, I was really impressed by how quick the team at Your Stride responded to my queries. It would have been handy if I could charge the tracker whilst wearing it, but I do like that the team sends me reminders when I forget to put it back on. This tracker has really boosted my confidence on my fitness journey and I am absolutely delighted with it in general.

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