Rheal Superfoods Reviews

: 20

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Ulcerative colitis relief
Fed up with bloating and stomach pain? Give this product a go! I bought it after reading reviews ...Read on
Wendy Robinson

Review with most votes

Gut health drink
I've been having this gut health drink every morning for about 5 weeks now and it's rea...Read on

Reviews (20)






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    Would buy here again

    Balance, Gut and Shroom Coffee

    Balance, Gut, and Shroom Coffee. I mixed the Balance with some cranberry juice and ice, and it was really tasty. It was a great way to kick off my day. The Gut juice took a bit of getting used to for me because I'm so used to having coffee or tea first thing, but it was actually quite bearable. But let me tell you, the real standout was the Shroom Coffee - it was just incredible! I even got some for a friend who loves coffee, and she was a fan too. Since I've started including these products in my daily routine, I've been feeling more awake and at peace with myself. With everything else I'm doing like taking other supplements and collagen, I really think all these products are coming together to improve my overall health. I'm definitely keen to give Rheal Superfoods' collagen a go once I've finished my current supply.

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    Would buy here again

    Balance Tonic, Berry Beauty, and Magic Matcha

    I thought I'd give Rheal Superfoods a go because of all the talk on social media about their stuff. I ended up getting three things - Balance Tonic, Berry Beauty, and Magic Matcha. But, after using them for a couple of months, I have to say I'm not as blown away as I expected to be. Berry Beauty actually caused a weird rash on my face, so I had to ditch it. And Magic Matcha didn't do anything for me in terms of promised perks like better focus or energy. So, I won't be buying that again. I'm still holding out hope for the Balance Tonic, but up till now, I haven't noticed any real changes or benefits.

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    Would buy here again

    Gut health supplement

    I wasn't too sure about trying out the gut health supplement at first, but then I started having a lot of bloating, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It actually took me around 2 weeks before I started noticing any real differences. The first few days were a bit tough, I had some tummy issues, which I reckon was down to my dodgy diet. But once I got through that initial phase, things started improving. Gotta say though, the taste isn't great - it's like sipping on pond water. But I discovered that squeezing some lemon in and adding a bit of ginger helped to cover up the taste and made it easier to stomach.

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    Would buy here again

    Balance tonic purchase

    I'm afraid my experience with the balance tonic from this store wasn't great. I bought it hoping to add it to my daily routine for health reasons. But when I drank it, I ended up with really bad stomach ache and feeling bloated. The taste was nice, but the texture was a bit weird when mixed with water. It seems like I might be allergic to one of the ingredients, as I've had similar reactions to certain fruits before. The pain from this drink was so bad that I had to spend a whole day in bed. It would have been useful if they had warned about possible bad reactions to some ingredients.

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    Would buy here again

    Ulcerative colitis relief

    Fed up with bloating and stomach pain? Give this product a go! I bought it after reading reviews and it's been amazing for my ulcerative colitis. I'm thrilled I tried it out, it's really improved my daily life. I definitely recommend it!

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    Would buy here again

    Balance tonic for peri menopause symptoms

    The Balance tonic has completely changed things for me! I was really struggling with anxiety because of peri-menopause and couldn't take HRT, but this stuff has been a total game-changer. I've been using it for 5 weeks now, and I'm not anxious all the time anymore. It's been incredible and has made such a difference to my life. I've even decided to try out gut feel as well, so I can't wait to see how that goes. Thank you so much - you've created an amazing product that really does what it says on the tin!

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    Would buy here again

    Balance Tonic, Berry Beauty, Clean Greens, and Gut Health

    I've been wanting to get some healthier options for a little while now and after hearing good things about this place, I decided to give it a try. I ended up buying Balance Tonic, Berry Beauty, Clean Greens, and Gut Health, and I have to say, they are absolutely fantastic. Since I started using them, I have noticed a real improvement in how I feel. The website was user-friendly and my order arrived pretty quickly. The prices were a bit on the high side, but I think the quality definitely makes it worth it. Delivery went smoothly with no issues at all. All in all, it was a great experience!

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    Would buy here again

    Gut health supplement purchase

    I gave the gut health supplement from this company a go recently and I have to admit, it really exceeded my expectations. I've been dealing with bloating for quite some time, but after only a month of taking this supplement, I've seen a big difference. Being 67 years old, I've had issues with my digestion and sleep for years, but this product has made me sleep better than I have in ages and has sorted out my bowel movements. I can't speak highly enough of this product for those wanting to boost their gut health and general health.

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    Would buy here again

    Gut Feel product for diverticular disease

    I bought the Gut Feel product from this shop because a friend suggested it for my diverticular disease. I have to admit, I was really surprised by how well it worked. In just a bit over 2 weeks of using it, I've seen a big improvement in how I feel. My stomach feels much calmer, and I haven't had any pain or flare-ups lately. The taste of the product was a bit strange at first, but now I'm used to it and it doesn't bother me at all. I would definitely suggest this product to anyone struggling with similar digestive problems.

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    Would buy here again


    I recently had a great experience buying Superfoods from this company. The whole process, from ordering to delivery, was smooth and simple to follow. I liked that I could easily make changes to my order, like adding things, swapping items, or delaying delivery, without any trouble. The delivery was quick, and I got useful updates along the way. The product itself was really good quality, and I've seen real improvements in my mood and gut health. To sum up, I'd definitely suggest giving this product a go.

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    Would buy here again

    Gut Feel

    The Gut Feel product from Rheal Superfoods has really helped me out a lot. I've had issues with bloating and gut health for a long time, but since I started using this product, things have definitely improved. I'm not as bloated, my gut feels better, and I've noticed I have more energy and less brain fog. I'm so thankful for how much better I feel overall because of this product.

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    Would buy here again

    Health supplement

    This health supplement is honestly amazing! It has completely transformed my life. I feel so much better now, and I've even got my daughters on board with taking it. The packaging is really impressive and the instructions are easy to understand. Also, the fact that it was featured on Dragon's Den just made me trust it even more.

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    Would buy here again

    Gut Feel supplement

    I've been taking this Gut Feel supplement for about a month and I've gotta say, it's been brilliant! I really feel a change when I forget to take it for a few days. My stomach just doesn't feel right, so I would definitely suggest giving it a try!

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    Would buy here again

    Balance tonic purchase

    Balance tonic has been amazing for me since I started taking it daily in January. It's really helped with my PMT symptoms and I feel like I've got more energy and motivation. I enjoy adding it to my morning porridge as a tasty and healthy way to kickstart the day. The packaging always comes in perfect condition, and I even signed up for a subscription to save some money. I'm really pleased with the results I've seen from using this product.

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    Would buy here again

    Superfood supplement

    I recently bought this superfood supplement from a shop. On its own, it tasted pretty awful, but when I mixed it with orange juice, it became easier to handle. At first, I was happy with how it was working and even got another month's worth. But, after about 4.5 weeks, I started getting really bad indigestion and stomach pains, so I had to stop using it even though it was helping me in other ways.

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    Would buy here again

    Tastes bad but makes me feel good

    I went to this place and picked up something that makes me feel good, even though it doesn't taste great, at first I was like yuck. But then I decided to mix it with juice in a shot bottle and gulp it down, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much better it was! And then I began adding it to my smoothies and oh my, that was a real game changer. I absolutely love it now!

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    Would buy here again

    Product packaging query

    Can you believe this? They're talking about making smaller packaging for our orders to be more environmentally friendly. But are we really sure that's the best way to go about it? Are they really thinking this through properly?

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    Would buy here again

    Smoothie, made me sick

    I had this smoothie and it made me feel ill every time I drank it. It was strange, but as soon as I stopped having it, the sickness disappeared. I definitely won't be giving that smoothie another go!

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    Would buy here again

    Gut Feel supplement

    I've been taking the Gut Feel supplement every day with a glass of water, and I've really noticed a big improvement in my IBS symptoms. I feel way less bloated and just generally much better. This product really does what it says on the tin and has had a really good effect on my digestion.

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