Beer52 Reviews

: 64

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53% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Beer subscription
The customer service at this company was absolutely brilliant. I had a problem with my order and ...Read on
Alex Jackson

Most relevant negative review

£324 a year for 96 terrible cans of ... Be careful ordering from this company. i had a cheap vou...Read on
Martin Clements

Review with most votes

Beer52 subscription
People call it a scam dont buy from them, you cant cancel so all looked concerning. So I orde...Read on
Jay Mac

Reviews (64)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Monthly subscription beer box

    As someone who's been getting the beer box monthly, I have really loved trying out all the different beers they've picked out for me. Every month, I've got a mix of interesting brews, some snacks to go with them, and a magazine that tells me all about the background of each beer. But lately, I've been cutting back on my drinking, so I've decided to pause my subscription for now. I've really enjoyed getting to taste new kinds of beer that I might not have tried otherwise. I'm looking forward to starting up my subscription again in the future because I've had such a good time exploring new beers and learning more about them through this service.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Light beers box

    I took advantage of a very good deal. Unlike others I was aware that I was joining a club. The beers weren’t to my taste so I decided to cancel after the first delivery. Cancellation is only possible by phone and initially I found this very frustrating as the 0203 number I found on the website disconnected after six minutes on hold every time. I then found a 0131 number which was answered after about ten minutes. The chap I spoke to was very helpful; obviously he offered me incentives to stay but then he duly cancelled my account, which was quickly followed by an email confirmation.

    10 mins on the phone at 50p per minute just to cancel your subscription. You were lucky to get this done in 10 mins. A lot of people wait 20 mins and then their call is disconnected. Total scam

    Glad I read this review about cancelling. I definitely won't be ordering from them now

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription cancellation experience

    I've just cancelled my subscription, and I have to say, the customer service agent I spoke to was really helpful. She listened to what I wanted and processed the cancellation straight away without any fuss. I liked that she made it easy for me to cancel and respected my choice. She did mention some deals to try and keep me as a customer after I said I wanted to cancel, but it wasn't pushy or annoying. I know it's her job to try and keep people signed up, so I didn't really mind. In the end, I was happy with the service I got.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription cancellation experience

    I got in touch with customer service the other day to cancel my subscription that I signed up for when there was a special introductory deal. After a short time on hold, I spoke to a guy called Frazer. Gotta admit, I was pretty impressed with how professional and polite he was during our chat. Frazer was not only nice but also super helpful, quick, and easy to talk to. He made sure I was happy with everything, offered to help if required, explained how to cancel clearly, and even sent me an email afterwards just like he said he would.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Beer subscription

    The customer service at this company was absolutely brilliant. I had a problem with my order and they dealt with it in a really professional and efficient manner. The person I spoke to, Joanne, was so helpful and polite. She not only sorted out my issue fast, but also gave me some extra useful info about their products. I must say, this has been one of the best customer service experiences I've had with any company. Thank you, Joanne, for your fantastic service!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    The lagers are really good, aren't they? But I do wonder why they include snacks and a magazine in the box. It would make more sense if they just lowered the price.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription cancellation experience

    I was actually thinking of cancelling my subscription, but I have to say, I was really impressed by the customer service I received. The lady I spoke to, Haley, was so professional and even managed to add a bit of humour to the call, which made it quite pleasant. It's clear that their commitment to top-notch service really shows through in her excellent customer service skills. I might have to rethink my decision about cancelling my subscription, all thanks to the great experience I had with Beer52.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription cancellation experience

    Overall, my experience with cancelling my subscription was quite positive. I really liked the first pack of beers I got from Beer52, but since I'm not a big beer fan, I decided to cancel. When I called to cancel, I spoke to a really nice lady on the phone who was very friendly and understanding. She didn't try to push me into keeping the subscription, although she did mention a good offer that was available. I thought the way she handled the cancellation was very professional and courteous.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    I happened upon an advert for these guys, so gave it go!
    Lots of different beers with a variety of strengths and nibbles to go with. If you like something different to your normal tipple this is the place to go. I spoke with James, as I was going to cancel due to not getting through all what we have!!(this is unusual!) But instead delayed for a few months, which will give us chance to catch up, ready to resume in a few months, was a lovely happy chat and chappy! Helen

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription payment query

    I had to give customer service a ring the other day about my subscription payments. Joanne, the person I spoke to, was really helpful and understanding. She went through all the options with me and gave me some good advice on managing my subscriptions in the future. I was seriously impressed with how well she looked after me, it made me feel like a valued customer. All in all, I've had a great experience with the company and its staff during my time as a subscriber.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Beer subscription

    I gave Sarah 5 stars for her service, she was really friendly and knew a lot about beers. However, I'm not happy with the system cancelling my order - it's taking forever to get it sorted out.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription cancellation

    I got in touch with customer service the other day to cancel my subscriptions on the website. The lady I spoke to, Natasha, was really understanding and the call didn't take too long. They did try to give me some other options before I made up my mind, which I get because it's a small business, but they did respect my choice to cancel. I'll just have to see if any problems come up in the future.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Customer service, persuasion, Italian wine

    When I rang up to cancel my membership, I was really impressed by the top-notch customer service from Hannah. She listened carefully to what I had to say and even convinced me to stick around by throwing in a half-price box of Italian wines for next month. I really value her effort in getting where I was coming from and working out a solution that worked well for both of us. I can't wait to give the new Italian wines in the next box a try now!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    6 month gift card, cancellation

    I gave them a ring to cancel my 6-month gift card subscription and Andy was really friendly when I told him. He didn't pressure me to keep it, but he did mention other choices in case I had second thoughts. I might decide to subscribe again later on, but for now, I wanted to keep my options open. I really like the company and their beer is great, so I'll definitely consider returning in the future.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Got help with delivery issue

    There was a bit of a mix-up with my delivery, but Daniel was an absolute legend. He managed to track down my missing box, sorted everything out, and even threw in some credit for the inconvenience. He really took the time to listen, got what I was going through, and fixed the problem. Big thank you to Daniel!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Beer subscription

    I called to cancel my beer subscription and Andy, the person I spoke to, was brilliant. He was really helpful and friendly. The only downside was the long wait on the phone before getting through to someone. It would be much better if we could cancel our subscriptions online.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Beer selection variety

    The choice of beers and ales is really great. It's nice being able to try out lots of different brews. I've enjoyed tasting the different flavours and learning about them. There were a couple that I didn't really like, but I'm glad I got to figure out what I do like. In general, I'm happy with the service and the quality of the products I've tried.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online beer subscription

    I have to admit, I wasn't too keen on cancelling my subscription at first, but when I finally made the call, I was really surprised by how great the customer service was. Even though I had to wait on hold for a bit, the lady I spoke to, Jilly, was really friendly and handled my cancellation smoothly. She did a good job of explaining the perks of the subscription without pressuring me to keep it. I must say, I was quite impressed with the customer service I received.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription box purchase

    My experience with the customer service representative, Jilly, was absolutely brilliant. She was so professional, really friendly, and super helpful. Even though I had some trouble cancelling my membership, she convinced me to give another box a go, showing just how good she is at keeping customers happy.

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