Shaw Academy Reviews

: 3732

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93% Would buy here again

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Online course platform review
I can't afford to pay for the course right now, but I'm still using the platform to lea...Read on

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Online psychology course with
I signed up for an online psychology course on this website and finished all the modules they ask...Read on
Shannon Robertson

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Photoshop class
So far this class has been amazing!! I have learned a lot. I am a novice with Photoshop. I am al...Read on

Reviews (3732)






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    Would buy here again

    All Tool Kits for various Courses | Life Time Membership | E Certificate (Select Ones only).

    At the outset, thanks to AirTel - India ISP provider for offering it's Platinum Members Free Membership for 1 year, which I actually encountered by 'Chance'! Initially, no payments or subscriptions were required since I was a AirTel’s Premium Member, except for buying the Tool Kits, which was very much affordable at that point of time. - A year back, somewhere around June 2019.

    Frankly speaking, I was never aware of any such Online Shaw Academy though I was aware of few existing ones, the popular ones in their respective domain(s).

    Earnestly jumped into the fray my most desired | favoured courses. I was indeed contemplating to undertake from other Online Institutes that I earmarked and identified after doing the necessary research about them. But Shaw Academy (SA) turned out to be more economical than those Globally reputed Institutes that I had identified, also the advantage of Online, Free Scheduling - Time & Week | 2 Classes per week made it more attractive proposition.

    Gladly I started my journey with (1) Social Media Marketing, after attending for a week on to my classes on SMM, added Digital Marketing since there is an overlapping and commonality between the two. It was easy to understand and whatever was missing in one was actively compensated by the other. Additionally, opted for ‘Leadership & Management’, since that's what I basically endured and practised as an avid professional for more than three decades in Healthcare industry. That made my fruitful engagement for the entire week.

    At some point of time I even completed English, Blogging & Content Writing, and a few 'On Demand’ classes too.

    ‘Why’ or ‘What’ made ‘Me’ decide to opt for so many lessons:)
    (1) I was reasonably aware that I have 365 days of Free Access and I can learn to Up-skill myself whatever possible. Knowledge can never go waste, it remains with you forever! And in today’s transformational world one can never guess which talent or knowledge would be required and can act as an precursor adding to your future endeavour. Hence ‘Learn – Unlearn - & Relearn’ constantly is my dictum and motto!
    (2) For all the good reasons the course overview as far as basics are concerned, was far better than expected. At least, you & me are made aware of all the basic components and then if one is interested, may go further refreshing or even towards more Advanced level, which I did.
    (3) What better choice does one has to learn under One roof numerous subjects of personal choice and interest!
    (4) Most of the Educators are Extremely good, with special mention of Caitlin Hogg for all Marketing related and Christopher MacNulty for Leadership & Management.
    (5) I am made to understand that the ‘Graphic Design’ course is one of the most highly rated and it’s Educator too is extremely knowledgeable.
    (6) Well I do acknowledge that not even a single course I undertook are factually Online, mostly recorded, but you get that feeling that you are ‘Actively Online’ and moreover, mostly get to interact with the ‘Bot’, which often is not able to answer most of the questions one has. Redirects it to the email, which unfortunately, till date I could never get an response directly from any of the favourite Educator.
    (7) What is important is the personal “Engagement”! Even though we understand that it’s not Virtual Reality, let’s accept, with a pinch of salt.
    (8) Sending constant emails has its own advantage – it’s a constant reminder to us, and this conditions our mind and sets a routine, that we are supposed to attend our classes, like our College | University days. If anyone of us really think that it’s a constant annoyance by bombarding with number of mails that fills our inbox, then simply stop looking at it and go and delete or place it in Junk Box. If done repeatedly 3 -5 times it will thereafter start going directly to the ‘Junk’, automatically. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in particular (AIML comes into play).
    (9) Resources like The Tool Kits, Bonus Lessons, Lecture Slides, Class Notes, Quizzes and Module Assignments are all extremely beneficial. The recordings help to go again and again, revise repeatedly. As if an readymade E-Book for us.
    (10) For E-Certificates in my personal capacity and opinion, I shall opt only the Final – Advanced ones, else with the recent increase in their Diploma E-Certificates it’s become quite ‘Expensive’, if not unaffordable!
    (11) As recently as of March - April 2020, after the worldwide lockdown was imposed in ~187+ countries thereby leading to an enormous surge in every online academic related activity, Shaw Academy had undergone noticeable transformation in terms of upgradation, pricing and designs layout. The last one maybe made it more attractive and even their quantifiable volumes of emails have increased. Their Facebook page interactions which till recently; non active has suddenly quadrupled may be, because of the simple reason that human online interactions have increased tremendously, almost clocking ~ 90%. It’s a demand and supply scenario.
    (12) To sum up in all its entirety, there are every good reasons to look for the good – positive reasons and also there are the flip sides. Now, one has to weigh and measure which are advantageous verses the ones that are not and act accordingly, depending upon the cost factor. It’s not an universal phenomenon, and neither applicable to all course applicants.
    (13) My personal suggestion: Like the ‘Life time Membership’ offered earlier, a ‘Onetime’ upfront payment for the all the Module Certificates may again be offered | revived, which would be extremely beneficial in the long run for harnessing existing student participants and taking up every module assignment challenge in right earnest.
    (14) Moreover, one would continue learning more and keep exploring newer courses, expanding their respective horizons. A Direct goodwill and publicity (A Word to mouth publicity) will be created.

    My own irresistible, passionate drive for learning and also because of my being tech savvy, coupled with high degree of engagement in scientific academic orientations I am privileged to acknowledge that after enjoying a gap of 2-3 months, whereby I was engaged in other online tech orientation I have again enrolled myself for (a) Web Development & (b) Mobile App Development. I am actively considering adding Web Design too since again like DM & SMM the two are interrelated and participative, each complimenting the other.

    The Internet is probably exploding by its high level of dynamism and unique possibilities being offered, churning, sharing intuitive, interactive knowledge & information. It depends on individuals what we can and should embrace to enhance our knowledge, beliefs and wisdom! So, choose what you like and like what you choose!!!

    I truly admire Shaw Academy and it’s courses (What I had undertaken so far) and more importantly the ‘Contents’ which has helped me at least to explore further. I also acknowledge the fact that within the realm of its possibilities and limitations it’s been a very satisfying and encouraging journey so far. Thrown open lots of opportunities to remain inspired!!!
    Thanks so much & enjoy the learning journey……………

    N.B.: Whatever opinions expressed in my review are all explicitly mine / personal, without any influence from any source(s). Hence, please do not accrue that kind any benefits or any other gains are associated with it. Neither do I encourage or discourage anyone from exploring, canvassing from any point.




    found interesting but found the one click purchasing unnerving. I have accidentally spent £49.99 on a certificate before even doing the course completely by accident. The lessons themselves seem good but I am still waiting to hear whether I will get a refund. If you do be careful about clicking ANY links

    I never knew online school could be this easy and smooth. Everything so far is at my fingertips, I'm also glad that I have the option to go back and review classes and ask question during lectures.

    It's worth my time. I'm taking 3 courses and the explanations from my educators are always so helpful and easy to understand. Thank you Shaw Academy for the 1 Month free trial ☺️; I wish to get an additional free month(June), but wishes are not horses????. Shaw Academy has been awesome so far, can't wait to complete my 1st modules.

    It’s been a wonderful and great opportunity from Shawacademy , with the class I have attended, I can say I am so pleased and well clear about the courses on Diploma In Project Management classes have attended was the best so far. And right I can’t just wait to attend the next class because I have been opened to so many things on Project Management and after these, I am going sign in for another course. I have started recommending the Shawacademy to my friends and some people I know, and I am sure they will be willing to be part of the great Shawacademy as soon as possible. Thank you Shawacademy I am one of the luckiest students.

    I'm overwhelmed and really lack the right words to use in appreciation to this platform name shawacademy. It behooves me that skills acquisition can be acquired via online learning at any part of the world especially as kudos as shawacademy online platform.
    Their webinars are interacting and interesting with right and precise graphics to aid explanations. During this period of lock down I find it most and enticingly immersed in learning with this platform which has made me to enroll for different courses to occupy at most times with their webinars.
    I'm addicted to learn from this platform and also introduced it to my friends also to benefit.
    I don't have anything substantial token to appreciate with that can measures a quota of their kind gesture and knowledge acquisition they have impacted to thousands if not millions of people including me than to say a big heartfelt THANK YOU
    my best regards to all the key pivot players of this great online citadel.
    Once again THANK YOU

    Why are there 2300 reviews for Shaw on this website and no more than 10 for any other company? I'm looking up reviews before joining but that seems suspicious

    Wonderful style and very professional really. I am beginner and understood very nicely.

    I reluctantly signed up for the photoshop course and to be honest, the first two lessons have been really captivating. I find it so easy to assimilate the lessons.

    It's an amazing experience..

    For me in a nutshell Shaw Academy is simply the best among many online schools

    For me in a nutshell Shaw Academy is simply the best among many online schools

    This is a great opportunity that you have created for everyone equally. Thank you

    Like many others, I too was caught out by the 'one click' trick. I find it shabby in this day and age of transparency. I clicked on the workbook link to find out more, and suddenly I receive an email saying 'thanks for your purchase.' And don't expect a refund, you won't get one. The same goes for their unsubscribing process .... you really have to search. Great companies never do these two things. It's a shame, because I think the product itself is excellent. But I've opted out because it makes me not trust the company.

    So far everything seem straight forward and as expected for an online course. I am looking forward to learning all there is to know from the comfort of my home. This will advance my current skills to another level. To be fair, the one thing that made me a little uneasy was the payment process. It wasn't as clear that there is 2 options for the same things, which you could easily make a mistake and double pay. Overall the courses seem to be on point with information.

    So far, so good. One lesson in one course does not reflect on the whole, but we are off to a good start. Easy log, good communication and clear, concise teaching. Tool kit should be included or at least mentioned before enrollment.

    Shaw Academy is great its give a lot understanding about my courses and a lot of idea and that i will share it to may sibblings.

    Feeling very comfortable with course material, flexy schedule allows to learn at my own pace.So far good and lets see ..

    I'm loving my photography, web design and coding courses, I'm just struggling paying 50 quid a month for it due to being on benefits.

    Thus far, I am finding the material for my online course amazing. What I am not liking is constantly being bombarded with reminders to order tool kits and certificates for additional fees. If you are going to offer a month free, then allow the extras for that month so that one can experience the full deal. It would remove the the feeling of "not trusting the company" I had read many reviews about issues with unsuccessful refunds and have now read issues with single hit purchases. The company/site needs to be more open with options and what those options include. Just be transparent ! Nobody likes to be dealing with "shady" companies. Given all of that, I will continue with my course hoping that I won't have any "fee" issues. Should I. I will not have nothing to do with ShawAcademy again.

    I have had one lesson so far and am on a free trial. I also feel uneasy about the 'Buy now with one click' appear everywhere. Also I attended a class following the link sent to me at my scheduled time and then received, 3 emails, two voicemails, two text messages to say I had missed the class. 1. I did not miss my class. 2. Extremely overwhelmed and pressured and frustrated with the different platforms of repeated communication. Not shining a good light on the academy or selling itself for future purchases from me.

    Please give some clarity with all the pop up about purchasing of toolkits. Let me know what is free as to what is being advertised. The every minute money pops is confusing. I cant open anything to do assignments without money pops. Please clarify. Every thing else is great....only that constant money dealings makes it looks very bogus and suspicious

    I'm on a trial for the Project Management course, which was marketed as free. This is more of a review for me, so I thought it would be perfect. However, I've been barraged by popups and notifications to buy the resource toolkit and the certification since first login, neither of which I need, but apparently how they make their money. There are emails and texts when you don't actually miss your class as if its just the default expectation that you will. Its unclear that if you miss a class you can just watch the recording afterwards, but I had no problem doing so. All in all, if you can put up with the annoying inaccurate notifications and pushy sales tactics, you will likely learn something.

    Hi guys. Did anyone managed to get a refund for those 'one click away purchases'? I am not even aware of accidentally clicking it and I received no purchase email whatsoever. I only noticed money missing from my back account.

    My experience with Shaw Academy is very fruitful because it taught me a lot about the course that I am and she used the most effective means to make me understand the different factors that make up the course that I chose. So, I can say that I will be fit in the field after lessons. Thank you Shaw Academy !!!!!

    Writing a negative review on here & on Trustpilot should help you get a refund, I am still trying...

    Trying to get a refund still, what a scam

    Its easy to understand. Great module

    Shaw academy has been good, still in my first module, but I'm yet to see it's awesomeness

    I am too is still awaiting for a refund who they declined to give me for an accident one click purchased. I didnt get any confirmation plus i didnt need that certificate, i dont even have it on hand. I have reported SHAW ACADEMY to ACTION FRAUD please guys do it as well. Atleast maybe this company will be banned in UK as it scammed a lot of money from people.

    My experience with Shaw Academy was very nice. Online class seems like a physical interactive class. The facilitator broke down the module into little chunks to grasp easily. Shaw Academy is the way to go .

    The best learning app! Shaw Academy has so many courses and the best educators. I am having awesome experience with the app.

    It so good????????????????

    I just finished module 3 and so far have enjoyed the classes. What is disappointing is that I’ve been bombarded with unnecessary text messages and emails stating that I’m either late or I’ve missed my class all together. I’ve been to everyone and even sent a screen shot to show I was in class and instructor said goodbye. I’m also confused by all the emails and texts about the toolkit. I did purchase already and still continually feel like I’m being harassed. As for certification/diploma...shouldn’t we have the opportunity at the end of course to get one instead of after every module?? The harassment may force me to back out from a class that I like.

    At first it was great. I completed Mod 1 in the free trial. For genuine reasons I couldnt continue and went through the long cancellation process. I received a confirmation of cancellation but a few weeks later I was charged the monthly fee. After various emails they were NOT going to refund but did offer me additional options so i decded to give it ago and see if I could complete the course. I was given a free toolkit - I clicked on a open now button and it charged me. Email a complaint agian and was told I would get a credit, Credit didnt appear so have contacted credit card company. For good will I chased them up about refund and a different advisor told me in no uncertain terms 'they do not refund' and tried to offer me other 'free items' most of which I already have. I now do not trust this company and I am too uneasy to continue my learning with them - that i have effectively paid for, as you do not know when/what you will be charged for.
    It is a shame as the course is great and easy to use but they do not refund even when you cancel memebership or have two of something which you wont use so this makes them untrust worthy. :-( They also told me I have signed the t&cs, which yes I did but I was well within the t&Cs, I quoted there t&cs to them via copy and paste to prove I was right and they said I was wrong with no jusitfication. Please beware only use if you are happy to pay for everything!!

    Shaw Academy is really good. Today was my first class and I learnt alot. The lesson was broken down although rushed. I'm yet to see and learn more.

    Quite surprised that their prices are premium but the courses are outdated. I decided to learn Excel on Shaw Academy and once I started the course realised it was for Excel 2013 and I have Excel 2019 installed on my computer. Quite a lot has changed in this period so Shaw academy should update their courses before asking people to sign away their credit card.

    Me experience with Shaw academy has been great. Even if I consider cost, the free tutorials at the beginning has given me I taste I won't want to lose. The classes have been interesting. Tutors are highly knowledgeable. I have enjoyed every moment at Shaw academy.

    I'm on m third lesson for web development and mobile app development and finding the classes great. For someone without any knowledge of coding, it really gives a lot of insight into the basics and a lot of explanation, wether through the videos or through the free available notes.
    It is however very annoying that they have one click buy set up for tool lits and certificates, that go straight to your account without even allowing you to go in to check what they actually contain, so be very careful about clicking anything that doesn't specify they were free. Thankfully my card blocked the payment for that, as apparently a number of people have had issues with this without refund.
    Constant emailing and messaging and call reminders are very annoying, however useful for a procrastinator.
    Also, I have received a notification for a missed classed which is not true, not even telling me which one I actually missed. I have rescheduled it as there is no easy option to tell them I haven't actually missed any, so I'm hoping that works.
    I'll update the review further along my courses.

    Gran plataforma, dejo este mensaje en español pues es mi idioma nativo y para que mas personas de habla hispana sepa de shawacademy, por ahora estoy tomando un curso de Gestión de Proyectos y me experiencia ha sido muy buena, los videos contienen explicaciones detalladas y muy amenas, recomiendo navegar por el sitio y explorar los cursos disponibles.

    sahw academy has been an awesome host since the beginning , the teachers did not let me slow down for a minute always on top of everything for the student to finish the course thank you shaw academy

    First Lesson went really well good instructors and class structure I would add subtitles to the video lessons for the hearing impaired and the non english spoken users but its a great option

    I have only attended 2 lessons on DIPLOMA in Social Media Marketing. Of all the online classes I have attended,none has been as interesting,smooth and well explanatory as Shawacademy's. So in depth and simple to understand.

    second unit was very good everything is going fine

    Shaw academy is doing fine, I love the presentation.

    Did my best to first lesson..I'm a little confused what the toolkit and other needed programs to actually get hands on..
    It was not as difficult as some other online courses ive taken. I like it so far I'm a artist and trying to expand and grow potential I hopefully can use knowledge to create beautiful art and financial aspirations..

    Awesome experience !

    The training on leadership management was well understood. I am still observing, I will get the tool kit after some weeks

    First class was quite interesting. Lots of things I didn't know. I am not a graphic designer but always had an interest in learning and/or becoming one. Even looked into attending a school.
    I agree with all other reviews, the One-Click is unnerving and not fair. We should be allowed to decide whether we want to purchase something or not instead of just clicking one time and being charged for something we may not want or may not necessarily need. That is a deterrence and a turn off to recommending this program to others. PLEASE FIX THAT!

    What a wonderful class! Great teacher, great course. Easy to access. I appreciate Shaw virtual presentations.

    Thus was my first class and I really enjoyed it. The teacher was very good at engaging the class and asking questions!

    Shaw academy all the way.

    I have attended 2 class so far... It's been a amazing experience... The way of teaching is very nic..

    Today was my first class and i enjoyed every bit of it. The instructor was elaborate and also made sure that everyone is carried along. I earnestly look forward to my next class. Thank you Shaw academy for this great opportunity to learn easily.

    5 ???? for Shaw Academy, my first class was very interesting and very educative.

    Very good

    I feel even better than any other online course I have attended i have a great time to improve my skills through your online class and much love you show on very important thing I noticed that you gave much of examples with videos that was much interesting and catchy to understand -thank you ❤️

    So far I've just taken the first module in Digital Marketing which was ok although I did feel maybe it could have somehow been slightly more interactive because it's hard to hold your attention for almost an hour when communicating quite a lot of information.
    Like many others here, I've been less impressed by the continual bombardment of emails, sms messages and reminders from the app to buy the additional toolkit or the eCert. Thankfully I havent signed up for the whatsapp or FB messenger reminders that have also been offered!
    I'm also very wary of the constant pop ups and buttons for one click purchases.
    I agree with other comments saying that if you offer a 1 month free trial then all aspects should be given for free and not have these add ons as a way to make more money.
    Will proceed with caution

    My experience at Shaw Academy was great. Despite the fact that i was unable to pay for my tool kits before the commencement of the class lesson I really appreciate that i was given opportunity to attend the lessons.
    It was very interesting, interactive and educative. I recommend Shaw Academy platform for many more people to learn from their expertise.

    I am finding the material for my online course amazing.
    What I am not liking is constantly being bombarded with reminders to order tool kits and certificates for additional fees. If you are going to offer a month free, then allow the extras for that month so that one can experience the full deal. It would remove the the feeling of "not trusting the company" I had read many reviews about issues with unsuccessful refunds and have now read issues with single hit purchases. The company/site needs to be more open with options and what those options include. Just be transparent ! Nobody likes to be dealing with "shady" companies. Given all of that, I will continue with my course hoping that I won't have any "fee" issues.

    Aside from the one-button insta-purchase, I think the course are easy to understand and follow. I also had an issue where only half the screen being presented is visible on my browser so I am not able to see what's being presented.

    Great job show academy your lesson is so good

    I feel like the first day at school , I am learning project management and it was good introduction. Hoping for successful course completion

    I just ended my very first class in Excel I was pleased with the pace and clarity of the teacher I view that I will learn a lot and look forward to soon pay for other classes in the near future Thank you for this amazing opportunity...

    Very interesting course...

    Avoid this company at all costs. I’ve had an extremely negative experience. After the first lesson of the 4-week trial I decided that the course was not for me. I cancelled immediately, the tutor who called who goes by the name Nathan called me and I let him know that I wanted to cancel and he explained to me how to do so on the app. I cancelled and stopped receiving any calls from the company, if I were subscribed I would have received calls and texts to let me know I had a lesson etc. This stopped so I know for a fact that I cancelled. This occurred on the 31st of July a month later on the 30th of August I was charged £50, my account was reactivated without my consent. I contacted customer service over the phone who were extremely unhelpful and I also emailed the billing address they still have not replied to me. Please avoid at all costs.

    This was clearly written by someone from the company. DON'T BELIEVE IT! this place will still your money! DON'T ENROLL! FREE TRIAL IS A SCAM!!!! TOOLKITS PURCHASE BUTTONS ARE A SCAM!

    They will take your money without authorizartion and you'll never see it again!!!!


    Scammers only after your money
    I feel utterly disgusted by the shaw academy, after cancelling my payments, they have continued to take money from my account. be warned this company is a scam just want your hard earned money then will not give it back to you.
    I did not take any paid lessons after the free trial.

    Card details. Is that normal for a free trial course?

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    Would buy here again

    Photoshop & Digital Marketing

    I have taken a ton of online courses, both for marketing my the business my husband and I have start
    , for college and for high school. I have completed my 2nd course on Module 1 in PhotoShop and the 1st course in Digital Marketing in Module 1. So far I have been very impressed. Although I could do with a **whole lot less** marketing texts and e-mail selling me to sign up for a plan as well as purchase the toolkit and/or the e-certificate. However, I really, really appreciate all the texts and emails reminding me my course will start in 24-hours, 1 hours and is starting now.

    I think most of us realize these are not "live" courses, but have been pre-recorded. However ... 1.) the pre-recording is done so well you feel as if it is live and 2.) The way they actually ask you to schedule you course time in advance and then all the reminders really, really help to motivate me to sit down and work the courses, or the review of the previous lesson everyday! Courses without this kind of accountability ... well, I seldom finish them!

    As far as the costs and the advertising. As I said I could do without the continual repetitive sales pitches via text and email. Seriously, it does get old. And then you get pop-up everytime you get on to the site selling you the very same thing! Thank God they are easy to x-out of and move on with whatever you need to do.

    That being said ... I was trying to go through and listen to the recordings any day I was not taking a class and screen print all the information I needed to keep and dump those into a PowerPoint like program. I decided my time was worth more than this and went ahead and purchased the toolkit. At that point I was shocked to see we will have to purchase both a toolkit and the e-certificate / final challenge for EACH MODULE of the class? REALLY?? I would have been glad to pay for this once per class, For an 8 module course that is 40x2x8 = $640 per course if you are going to take this course seriously and go all the way through it. That is IN ADDITION to the $70 or so they are going to charge you per month. By the way, you have to purchase their 3-month, 6-month or 12-month plans in advance (pay in full). I am suspicious their "you can cancel at anytime" will work like this ... "Sure. we would be glad to cancel that for you ... but you purchased the X number of months plan, so we will have to keep your account active until that period of time is complete. You will have access to the courses until that date, and then we will cancel your plan." In other words, you can cancel ... but you will not receive a refund for the time you are not planning to use.. Again ... this is my suspicion, based on some other pay-in-advance for your per month services. An 8 module course, based on their 2 lessons per week scheduling requirements, with 4 lesson per module will take you approximately 32 months. That means you will really be paying $640 + between $1568 ($49/32 months) and $2208 ($69/month). That's somewhere between $2208 and $2248 for your first course. If you are able to take 2 courses at 2 lessons per week, then it, of course, becomes less expensive per course. Having costs all this out ... I am thinking a course at an online community college might be cheaper.

    That being said, I really do like the instruction in the two courses I am taking.

    For those looking to obtain the certification to put on their resume or to show to a current or perspective employer in order to get a job or a raise, I worry about is whether the professional certificate will hold water?? I can't find anywhere that says anything in depth about that. I know if I received a certificate directly for Adobe or a college or even a community college it would hold some weight. But what will a certificate from "Shaw Academy" get you?

    Again, I love the courses so far, I really love the scheduling and the reminders ... which serve as an accountability factor for me. But ... the ads and the cost of the toolkits and certificate per module makes this INCREDIBLY expensive!!

    I am glad I wrote this review ... I may have to think about how far I go with these courses after my free trial period runs out!

    I am satisfied with the quality, professionalism, information content of digital marketing training on Shaw Academy. Useful, interesting, fully packed with knowledge.
    The chatwall "robot" during classes is quite new, so the robot is still learning, can not really give answers for all your questions.

    Cheri - get ready for some deceptive and unethical practices when you try to cancel. If you are already tired of the constant sales pitch you ain't seen nothing yet. There is a lot of feedback that they are taking money that they are not entitled to after you believe you successfully jumped through their ridiculous hoops to cancel. The cancellation phone call alone requires 6 mins of your time responding to not questions like "press 2 to give up on your hopes and dreams". Good luck, and to everyone else I say avoid.

    I know absolutely nothing about trading but the First lesson gave me an education and I was hooked. Detailed and delivered at a pace you will be able to follow.

    Not a bad start today. Easy to use and log into. Could be better if I could start later in the programme as i have a working knowledge of excel already

    The webinar was very good, simple and to the point which suits my needs perfectly. What I do not appreciate is that you have to pay extra for slides and content. For someone like me, struggling at the moment, and for loads of others in this crisis I think this isn't kind or helpful. There should have been more thought into this.

    Shaw Academy are being widely accused of deceptive and fraudulent behaviour with regard to unauthorized taking of payments for cancelled accounts. It is recommended to cancel your bank card if they have your details.

    Just enrolled with Shaw Academy and have thoroughly enjoyed my first lesson in Photoshop. The teaching is very clear and easy to follow. Watching the video back really helps consolidate the lesson.

    On a website where many big brands only have one or two reviews there are over 1300 for Shaw Academy. It doesn't add up. It stinks of a cover up and a scam.

    I attended my first webinar today and it was passively educative. It was delivered with first class expertise.
    Thanks Shaw Academy.

    The Idowu comment above, this is what I mean. Watching a pre-recorded video masquerading as live doesn't realistically inspire people to write this nonsense. From what I've seen and heard, it screams SCAM

    I am a senior who works from home and need to squeeze in some new learning regarding our digital world. I started my career on a manual typewriter. Would like to access the lesson more that once and I don't see an option for that! Help!

    This is well structured and a great form of learning if you are looking for a solid course. Covered all the basics and then once foundation was set moved onto more advanced concepts. Great little course I did

    This is so good. Content, explanation and method is great. It makes me interested.

    Its ok so far

    Another 100 great reviews for Shaw in just one day. I really don't trust any of it. Some interesting reviews on the last pages (from March and before). They have very different ratings. I repeat, this screams SCAM. Others say cancel your card if they have your details, that sounds sensible.

    Yes its very helfpful courses fr me and i am satisfied with lessons , all the teachers are amazing. They helps me and answer my questions so i like this

    Just started on the Photoshop course and I am absolutely loving it. Very clear instructions and having the video of the lesson to view in your own time is brilliant. Can't wait for the next lessons. Really make using Photoshop a pleasure. Carry on the great work, I will be recommending Shaw Academy to friends. Thanks.

    It was a great first class. The content was just the right amount in balance to take in a single class.

    The first lesson was a great intro to the next sessions. It was positioned well with terminology and basics to go deeper. I look forward to the upcoming sessions.

    I am satisfied with the quality

    I'm perplexed by your service. Quite user friendly, convenient and no excuse for one not to upgrade his/her self.
    A great platform for self development and it's so much interactive. This is unique and it's one the very best I've seen and experienced

    Super good service! but too much spam on my mail from shawacademy
    fully recommended!

    Nice work on the Project Management Lessons. I get to learn a great deal

    I don't understand all the extra cost shouldn't the tool kits come with the class and if they are webinar recording can we take courses at our own pace around our schedule. Then when we finish RECEIVE ECertificate. Due to only 2 classes a week makes this very expensive for me low income. I can handle full time classes. 5 classes a day!!!

    I sincerely appreciate my instructor, he was clear and taking the course step by step. it's actually my first time of going through a training with Shaw academy. It was interesting and I love the fact that the time is flexible and trainings recorded for revision purposes.
    Great Job!

    At first when I saw the online program at Shaw Academy I was reluctant due some experience I had over the years with online study of which I never thought I could go through an online program any longer. But this is different I felt at home as if I was with the audience. I can assure you that I was smiling all through and didn't even know when my time ends. The topics on Management and Leadership are clearly delt with without holding back, nice tutorial and sound knowledge. I am excited and promised to introduce many friends to the platform. The follow up on students, sending reminder, mails, infact this institution pampered her students so much. I felt a huge sense of belonging. It's a wonderful experience I must confess. Please keep the good work. My recommendation is to review the modules payment app to MasterCard and visa.

    Shaw Academy are desperate to cover up the bad reviews, by keeping adding false ones. Now over 1500 on this obscure review site. Go to the earliest pages to see the real picture. BritainReviews is complicit in this fraud, a check on the IP addresses behind each post would uncover the extent. A similar problem exists on more reputable TrustPilot, but there are higher hopes that they will investigate

    As a new, also elder, not savvy in technology.... [ brain is too rusty?!, ], it's very challenging. Just give you a ideas so I mention name; Udemy formats is/was friendly on schedules, no hidden purchases pop up, I have freedom+, to control etc., ....whatever it is I choose w/ no fears....etc. [ I see very good for younger ones who have lots of futures to keep up, & savvy on media....., highly recommendable..].

    Gosh! I enjoyed my class project management. Being in the financial world and recently added my own business, renovations and industrial cleaning I feel more confident about facing it. I've taken other online courses MBA but I feel more relaxed here and listen to the lectures easily.
    And I like Morpheus the chatwall robot who honestly says he may not know it all. I hope the experience just gets better as I upscale and add to my skills.

    I started my first class today and I am excited to return tomorrow. I also chose to enroll in numerous classes as it seems that it would really give me the knowledge that I need. Thank you for the opportunity, I have also recommended a few of my friends to enroll.

    The classes are decent, but I learned from the good folks in this comment section that its difficult to desubscribe, and that they are shady and will charge you even after you cancel. good thing i used a fake payment source. f*ck this abusive shit

    Great job from Shaw Academy. The lessons are great and the materials insightful. Highly recommendable for anyone interested in starting a career in Project Management. Keep up the wonderful work guys... Huge thumbs up!

    The sound and video quality and the fact that you can go back to watch records are somethings out of many i love about shawacademy

    First time to study about graphic design and the lecturers way of teaching is clear and easy to understand.

    It is good learning experience with Shaw academy content and information given is good , just few system error needs to be fixed , like regular reminders on dashboard tab for subscription packs and rescadule of lessons are not working well.

    Amit Kumar

    The information is well laid out... However, technically, it's not live but a playback of a recording.
    There is not enough time to make a response when asked for one. Prob coz they're recorded playback lessons.

    Hi, I'm James Egan, founder of Shaw Academy. We take great pride in scamming thousands of people per day. Covid-19 was a lottery win for us. My wonderful staff in Dublin and Bangalore create hundreds of new reviews every day on this and other review platforms. Each as fake as the next to mislead potential victims, kudos to them, its appreciated. It's amazing to think that we're still getting away with it

    I'm only on the 2nd lesson. I do like the format teaching format, but it is pretty slow. I don't like only being able to take 2 lessons a week, especially the initial super basic lessons. I was hoping to consume the content much faster since my business is shut down, once it reopens, I'll likely not have time to spend learning and should instead be able to implement. I'm not a complete newbie.

    The classes are absolutely great! I have learnt interesting topics within the lessons. It gives a lot of knowledge and I would highly recommend for everyone to join Shaw Academy

    So far, so good. I knew a lot about PS, but have learned a few new things. Only 3 lessons in, so I am hoping to learn even more as the course progresses.
    LOVE the dud's accent!

    I have always wanted to take a photography class and now have some extra time. So far, the first two classes were excellent.

    I have watched two lessons so far and I am pleased. Pricing is decent as well .

    The topics are very suitable for the needs of our learners and as well as the educator. With the pandemic that we're facing right now this would be a great help. It made me appreciate and understand the design. I am looking forward for more knowledge that I could acquire on this lessons.

    I thought the first class was well organised,in terms of presentation.The only downside i felt,was that the pace of the lecture was a bit too fast,being the first lecture i could have done with a little mellow approach to be up to speed with the course.

    Web Development course:- I have just completed 2 lectures of this course and got knew very new things like CSS and I alredy knew about HTML but after those 2 lectures I learned more about it. Teacher for Web Development couser is also very good I understand everything,every point that he wanted to tell....
    So till nice experience to the class....

    I started learning yesterday and It was a great experience

    So far the lessons have been good with the free trial

    Good. Slide simple, clear and understand

    Learning with shaw has been amazing, the step by step procedure and the simplicity in them has been a totally whole new experience for online classes for me. Lol the voice over is great too, thought its pre recorded, yet it's so interactive.

    Great job at shaw academy

    Question - do you need to purchase the ecertificate to go to the next module or can you do all four modules and just buy the final diploma?

    really good very understanding and also... point to point... everything give the information.

    As I joined my very first lesson about photography, I gained a lots of inputs regarding to the field of photography, lots of tips to make my photograph more realistic and catchy. Thanks to this site i know that this will help me a lot.

    Its my first time for any online course and I am very much impressed with shaw academy. Shaw academy is providing a great quality of online courses. I suggest to everyone to use your free time with shaw academy to build your future.

    I attended my first class.Basing on what I was taught, it sounded so relevant and awesome to me.

    I was so satisfied with the first course, that I also started another one. I love the way lessons are divided for better explanation, as well as the tasks after every second lesson that trigger us to practice even more. I would definitely recommend to everyone willing to save time, and study from home in the free time. It's amazing how you can schedule your classes as you like. The only "bad" side is the pricing. However, I come from poor country where the average salary is 400€, so I guess the courses' price is totally acceptable for countries with higher standards.

    shawacademy help me a lot. Great experience

    The course was very useful ,and knowledgeable...thanku

    Interesting. Simple and great experience

    It was my first lesson on shaw academy today. The class was well organized, slides was simple and easy to understand. The question and answer portion was pretty good.

    The first class was well organized and clear to understand. Great job from Shaw Academy

    This one is a great experience for me. So grateful!

    I have recently start my classes and I really am happy and grateful for the help that I have been getting I would buy all that shaw academy offer but I don't have the money at this time however I would recommend to anyone who is able to make purchase of these offer to go ahead a do so because these opportunity only come once in a life time the you regret the big mistake of not taking the life changing opportunity great job shaw academy keep up the good work I anticipate all my classes to come I really look forward to them these are my few words

    I have recently start my classes and I really am happy and grateful for the help that I have been getting I would buy all that shaw academy offer but I don't have the money at this time however I would recommend to anyone who is able to make purchase of these offer to go ahead a do so because these opportunity only come once in a life time the you regret the big mistake of not taking the life changing opportunity great job shaw academy keep up the good work I anticipate all my classes to come I really look forward to them these are my few words

    Hi, I'm Carmela in South Carolina. I am taking the Leadership Diploma class. The class is well structured and taught. I do not like the constant up selling of the support materials and tool kits. I have been laid off since March and will not be returning to my job. Unemployment benefits does not pay all of the bills.

    Its my first time doing online course. I felt the class was effective and everything was just fine .

    Excellent teaching methods
    Horrendous marketing schemes.
    Do not provide payment details to them.
    You will find yourself in a hole.

    The online Project management course ourse is very interesting but I must say it is not properly structured. It is better you clear everyone from the beginning that there are charges attached the course than indirectly introducing charges at every stage of the training. We are learning project management but I assure you a lot people will drop off at one stage of the course or the other meaning that it will become an ABANDON PROJECT because of poor project planning. Please review your program for each course and tell intending participants how much a course will cost with all materials, tool kits, certificate etc inclusive so whoever that is interested and financially ready to enroll will start the course. Again, why restricting the training only twice a week and just for 1hrs,? My second lesson wasn't even up to 40mins?? Why not incorporate everything into a package and then allow each student to choose how he or she wants the classes. Some of us will like to have 2 - 4hrs a day for 5days and get the program completed ASAP. Please Shaw academy management look into these complaints and improve on your course management. Thanks.

    It’s been a great privilege and a life-changing experience. I’m grateful to the Academy for providing an affordable and user-friendly platform for individuals to launch projects and be heard in this way.

    -As with many, ended up buying an e- certificate by clicking. That is a practice that no reputable educator would adopt.
    I am 2 lessons into a course so will stick with it for another couple, but having studied similar topics, the course is poor. There is nothing new original so far that you couldn't get yourself online. are advertising free online courses and they are much better (if not great).

    Rudimentary at best for an aged student (61) but it’s a trial in Nutrition so I can’t expect much to start...too much pressure to “Buy in extras!”

    I am doing online course first time. I felt the class was effective and everything was just fine .

    I agree 100% with the comments on the abundant false positive reviews, lots & lots of 1/2 sentence reviews, just to get their rating up & hide the negative reviews of the past few days - very deceitful

    Well seeing all these reviews about shaw academy is quite different from what I expected. I was really super excited and still really excited that I'm among this academy because with the lesson I've gotten soo far, I would say they're rather smooth and very educative. My educator made classes really comprehensive which to me was never a bore.
    Thank you shaw academy for giving people like me with little income the platform to pursue my dreams

    Shaw Academy online training is next to none in term of lesson simplicity and style of presentation.
    Their flexibility of lesson schedule makes it more friendly to one that has a busy schedule and their arrangements on reschedule missed lessons also make it easy for me to follow up the lessons. This is a very commendable landmark for Shaw Academy when looking at other Academies that offer similar training to people. Kudos

    This is my first day on Digital Marketing free trial. I've learned so much in Lesson 1. Can't wait to finish them all. Thank you so much Shaw Academy.

    TOTAL SCAM. One and a half months after CANCELLATION, they have taken 50 Euros from my account for no reason. Even though I had no access to the platform or any communication AT ALL, they have unlawfully charged me and are now refusing a refund.

    Their initial claim was that I did not cancel, then they said that the cancellation was "not complete" despite having no access to the platform, having a member of their team gathering feedback about the cancellation and not having any payments as the trial period expired or the month afterwards. They have RANDOMLY AND UNLAWFULLY taken money from my account for a service that was not provided, based on an absolute and non-sensical lie (that I did not cancel, despite the overwhelming evidence).

    Shaw Academy is nothing but a collection of pre-recorded and fairly poor musings about different subjects that acts as a front SCAM OPERATION, that even as you follow their procedures still has the nerve to illegally take money from your bank account.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Graphic Design Module 1 (1-month trial)

    I signed up for a trial for two reasons. First (and primarily), out of interest in gaining a working knowledge of the theory and skills needed. Second, I wanted to compare how Shaw Academy provides training versus how other companies do it.


    1. The lecturer for my course was very personable and engaging (as far as one-sided lectures go). She had a dynamic and interesting slide deck with great examples that clearly demonstrated the talking points. It was nice that she posed questions and encouraged some on-the-spot thinking about relating her examples to real-life examples all around us.

    2. Lessons were scheduled and spaced out. This gave me time to reflect on the information given and do my own research, finding a variety of examples using the new information. In addition, though not required, small assignments were given for us to take information from the lectures and apply it to a small project in preparation for the next lecture.

    3. Email support was quick when I contacted them with issues I encountered.

    4. As a bonus for signing up, we were told it was possible to get a full month trial of Photoshop instead of the normal one week trial from Adobe.


    1. The big one is this: as others have mentioned, the one-click purchase buttons are a little unnerving. They also seem a bit expensive assuming students pay for monthly membership, and then pay separately for course packets, and then again for eCerts recognizing completion (and twice as much for a physical certificate) - and this is for each module. If this is not how it works (it's not clearly explained anywhere that I found) it would be nice to know. I also did not readily see a clear description of what is contained in each packet, only a brief mention of "bonus material."

    2. Inside the chat window is an AI chat bot they call Morpheus. I'm not sure what the purpose was as I saw no gain from it. It simply acknowledged when I typed something in the window prompted by the lecturer. The only information it relayed was a reminder at the end of the lesson regarding upcoming lessons, but since I got email reminders from Shaw Academy anyway, that wasn't really necessary.

    3. The webinar waiting room procedure didn't work well. For the second lesson, I entered the room early and the screen said to press play to start the class, but it instead took me to a secondary screen with no controls and where nothing happened. After five minutes into the class and nothing was happening on my screen, I decided to try again. I went back to my email reminder and clicked on the start class button again and it took me to a new window where the class was already in session, so I missed the first five minutes.

    4. This one is common to almost all the learning webinars I've participated in from several online learning sites. The course was pretty much one-way and there was no official coursework, grading or other method of verifying I was making progress other than a short quiz (that seemed to be optional). I'm hesitant to even mention this as a con for Shaw, because I have yet to see ANYONE else implement a good way to judge a mass group of students online.


    Even though there are some technical hiccups, a lack of information about what all is available on their website to help during specific courses, and supplemental resources seemed pricey, I found the information presented in the lectures to be solid and well worth the time.

    The presenter is good. The information is basic, but good overall.

    The experience was great,but the tutor is too fast.

    Not happy. Money taken from my account with my consent. Very underhanded.

    I find it very realistic and very helpful in this time of pandemic,because it is a great opportunity that in developing professionaly shaw academy send its way to delivers continuety of education at home.Being capacitated makes you capable of doing the right thing because you are now packed with knowledge to become suitable on the things you want to.In my first and second lesson,i feel satisfied with the learnings because it is very timely.Thank Shaw Academy.God bless your way of helping people like us.

    I really enjoyed this class. Had a great intro. The teacher was very engaging and fun to listen to. I am looking forward to the class!

    I just finished my first lesson and am very excited. I found the teacher engaging and able to squeeze a lot of information into a short period of time without seeming rushed. I look forward to learning how learning with Shaw Academy. The pop-up ads in the middle of the lessons are off-putting. The toolkit and e-certificate packages are already listed on every page and I would like to focus on the lesson during the online session. Also, concerned about the positioning of the one click buy button as it would be very easy to make a mistake and hit it.

    I enjoyed the class but I m unable to start quiz...

    I enjoyed my first class alot. Looking forward to rest of the classes. The teacher was friendly and nice too. Information is easy to absorb.

    Second lesson was quite interesting I'm really looking forward to the rest of the course

    Shaw academy deserve more 5????⭐, looking forward to finish the course successfully .????

    I have had the best time so far with my classes,very informative and understandable,can't wait to learn more

    It was a nice and great experience being part your class.

    TOTAL SCAM. One and a half months after CANCELLATION, they have taken 50 Euros from my account for no reason. Even though I had no access to the platform or any communication AT ALL, they have unlawfully charged me and are now refusing a refund. Their initial claim was that I did not cancel, then they said that the cancellation was "not complete" despite having no access to the platform, having a member of their team gathering feedback about the cancellation and not having any payments as the trial period expired or the month afterwards. They have RANDOMLY AND UNLAWFULLY taken money from my account for a service that was not provided, based on an absolute and non-sensical lie (that I did not cancel, despite the overwhelming evidence). Shaw Academy is nothing but a collection of pre-recorded and fairly poor musings about different subjects that acts as a front SCAM OPERATION, that even as you follow their procedures still has the nerve to illegally take money from your bank account.

    Would not give a refund after I cancelled within the 4 weeks free trial period
    Said that as I went back on the site I had re instated the course
    I only went on to make sure it was cancelled !
    So stay away if you need any more proof they were actually featured on watchdog and have a look at Trustpilot as Shaw Academy are pestering people to change their reviews to good
    UNTRUSTWORTHY COMPANY not interested in education but driven by money , yours !

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Nutrition diploma

    Hi. I am Ezinwanne. I am Nigerian.. I am currently on Shaw academy free trial course.. Nutrition diploma

    . This is an incredible opportunity for me to finally study in one of my dream school.
    I know amazing things awaits me after my studies.

    systematic review, food choice, nutrition, consumer behaviour, healthy eating
    The current food system is facing serious challenges and envisages certain disruption in the previous years, particularly in the context of climate change [1]. The year 2019 began with the call by the EAT-Lancet commission for the world to change food consumption in order to remain within planetary boundaries [2]. They specifically called for a population change towards diets mainly of plant origin and using minimally processed foods. This statement parallels most of the national and international recommendations about healthy and sustainable diets [3,4]. Achieving such targets requires immediate action from all societal actors, and it requires a change in food habits. Unfortunately, although societies have been systematically investing on the promotion of healthy food consumption [5,6,7], the population at large is still under-consuming foods of plant origin (fruits, vegetables, pulses and nuts) [8,9,10], while overconsuming foods of animal origin (meat, dairy, eggs poultry) and highly processed foods (rich in added sugars, added salt, and in added lipids, mostly saturated fats or trans-fats) [11]. Therefore, it seems that many of the efforts made by large national campaigns to promote healthier eating have not been successful in achieving healthier food consumption patterns, or in reducing malnutrition, in particular obesity [5,6] which can be prevented through a plant-based diet rich in fresh and healthy plant foods [12].

    The fact that food choices affect nutritional status [12,13] is common sense. Consumers at large have been driving the rise in the demand for healthy, sustainable and ethical food products [14]. Food choices are of interest to several actors in the food system, as they drive, e.g., the demand for industrial production [15], or the demand for provision of public health care, as unhealthy dietary choices result from a pervasive obesogenic environment where consumers are manipulated by clever marketing strategies [16].

    It is in the context of such knowledge that this paper aimed to providing an update on the latest knowledge in the multi-disciplinary field of food choice and nutrition through a systematic review and to serve as a framing paper for Nutrients’ Special Issue on Food Choice and Nutrition. The additional aims were to identify the larger fields of research where interactions are possible, and the outcome indicators related to food choice and nutrition....

    After my studies I'd like to bring the knowledge on the importance of good nutrition to my society and educate them as much as I can at no cost... I want to be able to deliver the message on self consciousness and awareness to my community on good nutrition.

    The covid 19 virus outbreak has brought my thinking as "understanding that Health and people comes first and we can not get through this thinking as "Me" we'll get through this if we think as "We"

    I am grateful for this opportunity.


    really good very understanding and also... point to point... everything give the information.

    subject matters are really interesting . I can say that this will change my perspective as a Platforms specialist for my Future Activation. Facts are real and attainable. We i am looking forward to learn more . Thank you Shaw Academy for sharing this kind of Online courses that would help us .

    The classes are very good. The teacher has a good methodology

    Finished initial lesson today. Good class which leaves me feeling I've chosen a great source for learning Excel.

    Great time today! I was some minutes late for my class but was able to meet up with the lesson of the day by listening to the audio. Great job.

    great experience, excellent and efficient communication style. classes are easy to understand and follow, I would def recommend to friends and family.

    I'm loving it and is helping me develop my personal and professional life.

    Frank Cryan 18-05-2020
    So far, so good. One lesson in one course does not reflect on the whole, but we are off to a good start. Easy log, good communication and clear, concise teaching. Tool kit and diploma should be included or at least mentioned before enrollment.

    Nutrition: The presenter is good, but a little difficult to understand. The content is good overall, but basic.

    What a great academy,the classes are comfortable and our lecture explains things in detail I am living it already

    Very very good

    when logged in to site i originally planned on taking sports nutrition but accidentally ended enrolling in nutrition about which i am glad as it is helping me pretty well in brushing up my knowledge levels ( i am a graduate in nutrition)
    The things that i liked so far :
    Each class is made as an interactive session with Q&A
    making it interesting with all the example taken to make it easy to understand
    and of course the quiz at the end just thing to recollect whatever learnt in the lesson
    THE BEST PART is the toolkit where in you get not only the summary of each lesson but also slides additional lesson etc .
    although it would be even more helpful if we could ask question to the subject teacher some easy access to it

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online course platform review

    I can't afford to pay for the course right now, but I'm still using the platform to learn. I like that I can get a certificate when I'm ready. It would be nice to have courses about library management, career advice, and more details about different job choices. I'm thankful for Shaw Academy's hard work and commitment.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online psychology course with missing certificate

    I signed up for an online psychology course on this website and finished all the modules they asked for. I even decided to buy the certificate to show off my new skills. But, even though I tried my best, I never actually got the certificate. What's more, I can't even log back into the site to try and sort it out. The lack of help and not hearing anything back is really annoying and has made me feel like the whole thing wasn't worth it.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Professional Diploma in Nutrition

    I've never taken any online courses before, so I gave nothing to compare this to.


    The first month free is great, so you can try it out.

    The schedule is very flexible. That has to be the best thing. I work a lot and have a very strange schedule, so the flexibility is wonderful.

    Reminders are sent so you do not forget about your classes or lose track of time when a class is about to start.

    Info is presented clearly in slide show format.

    You can rewatch each class as many times as you want. I've found this to be a huge help.

    While rewatching a class, you can press pause to copy a diagram, rewind or fast forward.


    The classes go too fast for me to take notes.

    I don't understand how to interact with the class, because I don't have any chat options. So it's hard for me to believe this is live and not just pre-recorded.

    I benefit more from the recordings than I do from the live classes, because I can rewind or pause.

    Lessons are so packed with info that I have to watch them multiple times. This is becoming too time consuming for me to keep up with.

    I live in USA, so with everything being presented in the metric system, that's very confusing for me. With the speed of the class, I don't have time to stop and do conversions.
    Also, the teachers pronounce certain words differently and some things are spelled differently. This has been somewhat distracting.

    I can't afford all the costs associated with the course. I'd like to take advantage of the tool kit, but can't afford it. I wish you could have temporary access to the tool kit so you can see what it contains in order to decide if it's worth your investment.

    I accidently made a purchase when I clicked on something for more info. I didn't even realize I was charged until I just got my credit card statement. I'm not too happy about that. I had just downloaded the app and was checking out it's features, so I didn't yet know how it worked and accidently purchased the Module 1 Certificate (which I still don't understand the purpose of, so I don't know what my $40 is going towards). I would've much rather invested that money in the tool kit to help me along.

    There's a lot of typos on the website. This isn't impacting my learning experience, but it's unprofessional. If you apply for a job and mention Shaw Academy, an employer might check into it. Upon visiting the website, if they notice missing punctuation and grammatical errors, they'll probably figure it's not a high quality education. There are a lot of areas that require editing.

    I began the intro class today.The lecture is top notch; easy to grasp and understand. I'm grateful for this platform

    It is a good basic course for the beginners. Someone with zero knowledge of marketing can also grasp with their learning. I have recommended personally to many of my friends and some have already taken the course.

    I appreciate that Verizon Wireless is providing a 60-day training course at no cost to take the training at Shaw Academy. Photoshop is such a powerful program, so I knew that I needed to take a class from a professional. With a background in photo editing from using programs included with my Photo app, I understand the terminology and concept we worked on today. I am looking forward to the next lesson. Thank you.

    I have been taking Diploma in social media marketing and blogging and content marketing. Both courses benefited me a lot during this period as I think I have found my interest and hobbies. Also, I would want to join the media industry in the future and these courses give me a heads up on seeing what its really like in the working world.
    I have been doing the online lessons and It has been engaging unlike other classes I have attended even in my own school previously. I am so thankful for this course and the free online courses provided during this covid19 period. To get me learning even though Im stuck at home.

    Thank you so much!

    It's a very lovely class, I enjoy every bit of the class, I want to use this medium to say a very big thank to everyone making Shaw Academy a Success, thank you all it's a privilege to be here and I am delighted and grateful.

    It's a very lovely class, I enjoy every bit of the class, I want to use this medium to say a very big thank to everyone making Shaw Academy a Success, thank you all it's a privilege to be here and I am delighted and grateful.

    The classes go to fast to take notes

    I won't win a MacBook pro for this but honesty goes a long way. As you used a quote in lesson 4 let me use this back to you. Unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
    You preach one thing and do another. Your email are unqualified, I have bought the lesson pack yet I have two-three emails asking me to buy it. The scheduling of lessons sucks! You have wasted two days for me. Furthermore apparently my account is cancelled after having a conversation with you yet NO ONE has called me. Think you really need to buck you ideas up here if you are running a professional course. I feel for you and I find it embarrassing! We all make mistakes but this is getting beyond mistakes now, its just wreckless abandonment! I have listed problems in email and you shut cases and queries down without having even resolved them or interacting with me. Really!!!! I would question whether you even care about customer service. I would rather you just ran the course at any time without the "fake real time presentation" as you aren't fooling anyone. I feel you have really set your own self up for HUGE criticism. This query and others have not been addressed at all in fact far from it.

    My course was cancelled with NO explanation. Who did it and why?
    I have problems rescheduling my courses.
    I initially couldn't access the toolkit and its still no obvious where all my info that I have paid for is.
    The course content comes far too fast when in this course I have no time to write nots before you move in.
    I am being marketed to to BUY the toolkit when I have ALREADY BOUGHT it. Why?
    There are broken links for the 12 month free subscription.
    Morpheus is completely useless in session.
    Your customer service is shocking. Telling me my issue(S) have been handled and shutting them down is not effective from a customer service or a customer management perspective.

    As you are lecturing in this subject, I would have expected a lot more from the organisation in terms of its conduct.

    Please call me directly this may be a better way of resolving this, my number is +44 7812347134

    I really think the problem lies with your scheduling tool and NOT me. Was meant to sit this last night and it kept changing. Then was 9 then 10 then midnight.

    This tool for scheduling is a joke. This course better go ahead in 38 mins or I will flip my lid here. It's a joke this!

    I articulated all the problems in a email yesterday that rather than sending me this pointless childish badly informed BS.

    Wise up! I am your client and to be frank your customer service needs a complete overhaul! Fact.

    May I advise reading the cases raised in my email FIRST before contacting me. Most of the issue are here. I will await you call. Regards, Mr Thomson

    I attended my first class this morning and I was truly appreciative of all the information that was prepared and taught in my class. I am truly excited to continue this course as I would have needed this for future business ventures I have already acquired and have yet to bring on stream. The best feature so far the ability to go back and re-watch the recording for the sole purchase of getting what you may have missed during the live session. The session can go a bit fast and have scrambling for notes but that re-watch feature is the best as I would have already re-watched all the parts that I missed. Other than that this is just the beginning and this is what I can comment on for now. Yes I would recommend this particular class (even though I am not even halfway through it) and this platform to anyone wanting to take advantage of online learning.

    I did my first lesson today but so far everything has been great!

    this is my first online course, and my best part is that i can look over the videos.

    Good job !

    I am currently in the middle of the diploma in social media and absolutely loving it. Jessica is clear and easy to understand and speak in a language that is relatable and believe I am learning some great things which will be an asset to myself and business

    the classes are very interesting and very usefull.

    First time attending an online course. A great experience. The presenter presents the teaching materials very well. Easy to understand and catch out of the module. I still wondering the exam and certificate charges that going to charge to me. If within a week allowed to attend more classes be better. That will spend up the learning rather than a week twice. Thank you

    This is my first time online course, affordable I never compare with any other course, thank you so much

    I'm so happy with the teaching learning process. It's English teaching process is fantastic.

    I'm so glad I took this course on shaw academy, my first class was awesome(extremely).
    1. There's a free trial to convince you before financial commitment later on.
    2. One is reminded about the time for lecture.
    3. There's a chance to reschedule class.
    4. Lectures are taken live which doesn't give room for some sort of malpractices to forward lecture and move to the end of the lecture in order to move to d next one just to get d certificate.
    5. There's a certificate at d end of the course.
    6. It's a great opportunity for someone like me who doesn't like long classes. Normally, my school lectures lasts for 2hours per lecture.
    6. It's interactive, just like I'm in class but not as boring as school lectures though. During the lecture, we were asked a question which proved it was live.
    7. There's an opportunity to replay.
    8. Toolkits are available to get ahead of class.

    1. The toolkits are for sale at first recognition, could have been free at first to let us know the quality of what we're paying for.
    2. Since it is live, there should be an interaction between the students but we could only relate with a bot(that's Morpheus).

    Aside those two cons, personally I think it's a perfect study platform because I had to rack my brain to notice those two cons I pointed out. Thank you.

    It has been a wonderful experience for me since the past week... By getting to know about Shaw Academy. More grease to your elbow. Thank you

    Although this is my first class, I am more than happy with the instructor and the explanations. why I didn't give a higher rating has nothing to do with the class, it has to do with your support. I have replied to your emails and all i got back were replies from a computer. I will not restate my questions, if you are interested in finding out what they were, you can do so. I hope to enjoy the course but I can't have a warm and fuzzy feeling about a company that just uses AI to answer what I would consider a personal matter.

    This is the second time in five years that i am taking a course @shawacademy. Quite a lot has changed since the first time around. Lectures are delivered way too fast therefore hard to grasp at once. The idea of taking an online course is to save time. Having to go through the recordings over and over isnt saving any time.shawacademy is one of the best places to learn all the same.

    I am attending the Diploma in Leadership classes. Jonathan is very clear in his lectures, and gives relevant, real-life examples to elaborate on the material. The class notes (from the toolkit) are probably better value than the webinar notes, because there is enough time during the lecture to write the main points from each slide.

    I have recently started taking the online class. It is fantastic how all topics are converted along with real life example. The classes can be rescheduled which is great. Although the lectures are a bit fast there is an access of playing the recorded classes.

    Love the diploma in nutrition course.It is fast paced and yet Abby is covering all topics well.Her slides are very well prepared and so is the content.
    Option of rewatching or rescheduling the recording is very helpful

    Pros: I’m only at my first module but I can say I learned a lot already and give me more knowledge as to modern marketing and why social media is so vital in todays any kind of business.

    Cons: I wish I could say one but none so far

    I'm doing the project management course - I have worked in IT for many years so I am familiar with the concept of IT project management, but during this downtime I decided to formalise my knowledge with some proper training. I did some research into the various programs and I was looking for a freebie to test the quality before I committed to paying for the qualifications. I came across the Shaw Academy course and it looked like you get a lot of content for free. So I signed up and I haven't been disappointed, The content is great so far and really well delivered, and easy to understand. I would recommend this.

    I'm just finished my module 1 today, I like it

    I forgot to mention it that, this is my first online study , believed i would finished it

    I am taking the Project Management course. I am only 3 lessons in but I am pleased with the content and delivery so far. The upsells are quite aggressive, and lack explanation of value. I honestly wouldn't be interested in reviewing them until after completing my first course. As I get more familiar with the program I may consider some of the paid features. I wish the Morpheus feature was more immediately interactive and not retroactively so, but I haven't had too many questions so it hasn't been a problem yet.

    I started yesterday and completed my first class. It's an amazing platform to learn and classes are well organized. Lectures have clarity and an appropriate illustration to explain the particular topic.

    PROS: I have just done my first lesson which was full of great information, and I am looking forward to the next one, but as others have said was too quick to take notes. I can obviously re watch the course which is good but will become time consuming if I have to rewatch every lesson.
    CONS: I have a few complaints - I seem to receive 6 - 10 emails a day asking me to buy the toolkit, or reminding me that a lesson is coming up, and another 6 or so texts! This is overkill. One reminder should do the trick and the toolkit should be a part of the course - not a hidden cost.
    I also do not like that I have to schedule in a time - this is learning from home and so should be flexible. If I have the time and inclination I should be able to do more or less in my own time frame. The classes are clearly prerecorded so stop with the "live " spin, it just ends up making you seem a little disingenuous.

    i have started trading course around 2 weeks ago and was totally new to the concept .shaw academys course teaching is so simple and easy to learn.all the steps are simple and explained properly which makes things easier for new comers ,i will definiely recommend shaw for eveyone who is willing to learn something new online.thanks

    Everything was wonderful. The opening 'offer email', the choice of scheduling timings, the daily reminders and more reminders just before the start of the class etc. Also, I like the fact that the schedule time is on my own time zone and not at the USA / Europe time zone. The course content was simple and easy to grasp. Everything was just great!

    Im doing 3 courses really great but false advertising as you advertising a monthly price for the course but the entire amount was taken out of my account
    The blogging lecturer has someone else speaking in the background and it is very distracting
    Other than that no issues

    Regards Roscheall

    Im doing 3 courses really great but false advertising as you advertising a monthly price for the course but the entire amount was taken out of my account
    The blogging lecturer has someone else speaking in the background and it is very distracting
    Other than that no issues

    Regards Roscheall

    It's a good way to spend time

    Nice teachings,love it being recorded whereby one can review but I would have preferred the lesson more than twice in a week with more questions and answers.

    Don't believe any of this. These reviews are fake and intended to bury the real ones on the first few pages. There are multiple cases of Shaw Academy scamming people by not allowing cancellation and taking charges for spurious reasons. You will likely regret giving them your card details, keep an eye on your statements. AVOID unless you enjoy being scammed

    It's really good
    We just having challenges on the fact that the classes go way too fast sometimes that you can't take notes. If you could just go a bit slower it would be superb

    I have attended my first class in digital marketing and I have no any questions and no any problem yet. I hope it will really helpful for starting my digital business , thank you so much to shaw academy

    Great clear & consist teachers, relevant & accurate instruction, thorough content, and absolute convenience to study from anywhere, excellent affordability. Thanks Shaw!!

    The courses might exist but this company's ethics are as dodgy as anything. Do not trust them with your bank details even for the free trial. The ten step web then phone cancellation process is ridiculous. And they don't leave you alone even once that is done. Ask yourself if this number of good reviews and replies on an obscure review site could be real, they are worthless, like any diploma from them would be. Don't just be wary, steer well clear.

    These reviews are all fake. Only reviews before 17 Apr are real and all were negative. This company will rip you off. Difficult cancellations that they ignore and still charge you. Courses that are pre-recorded from years ago. Don't be another of their victims.

    good but need improvement.

    Today was my first class on photography. I have enrolled for the free photography online classes. Happy with the first class abd can't wait for the next class. The session was very informative and the best part is not even for a single moment i felt disconnected from the instructor.
    This is the best till today i have attende many classes online.

    This company are fraudsters. The majority of the reviews and replies on here are fake. Do not give them your bank details.

    I am very thankful for Shaw academy. I have enjoyed my class with photography. It’s easy and clear plus it’s also very helpful as we get the chance to choose our own class time. I have shared the good news to my friends and family.

    Shaw Academy are SCAMMERS who will take unauthorised payments from your account. Don't trust reviews on here, be suspicious that there are so many of them. Stay safe

    There is a team in Bangalore churning out these fake reviews and responses. Shaw Academy are not legit. It's a scam, its fraud. Avoid.

    Yes I would buy here again.

    This is my first online class, the lectures are well presented in an expository slides with real life examples to help you understand the topic.
    The main issue I’ve with the lectures is that they’re too fast to make notes and the AI will always refer you to buy the tool kits if you ask a question during the class. I’ve enjoyed all the classes I’ve attended so far and I hope to complete the course.

    Its a great platform for students to learn as they explain in a very simple way so that it can be easily's first time i'm doing some online course as earlier i always prefer traditional method but now i came to know that online also we can learn in a better way.. just we need to find the best one like Shaw Academy....i just want to say thanks to SHAW ACADEMY...

    Simply super but instead of slide presentations you can show some live examples and websites.

    Simply super but instead of slide presentations you can show some live examples and websites.

    I regret ever going near the fraudsters at Shaw Academy. Tricked into extra charges for single clicks on their website. They are flooding this website with fake reviews. Taking advantage of people reaching out for new skills during covid lockdown. Lowest of the low.

    I am taking a Professional Diploma Course in Graphic Design and I am simply amazed by it. I have just finished my second session and I am motivated to continue. The facilitator has made it very simple and easy to grasp. Really grateful to be taking this course on Shawacademy.

    Have been attending online classes and programs this is world class, keep soaring except for little issues of payment decline in purchasing my toolkits, just hope it wouldn't be the same for the e-certificate after each module or programs

    I consider signing up to increase my photography. But people say more and more this is a filthy scam company out to rip my money. I read that reviews on this page and others are paid fake for the company. I would like safe learning for my camera

    I finished my first week of Photoshop class. Was very interesting. I waiting for next week.

    Shaw Academy are being widely accused of deceptive and fraudulent behaviour with regard to unauthorized taking of payments for cancelled accounts. It is recommended to cancel your bank card if they have your details.

    I was disappointed in the quality of lesson and constant sales harrassment, like a cult. Then I saw these warnings. I have heeded them and contacted my bank fraud department. So my money is safe from their hands. I read that they take unauthorized payments after you have stopped looking

    i enjoyed the class today, looking forward to the next class.

    I am very glad my first online study was from well organized body as Shaw Academy. They're pure professionals determined to help humanity in spreading knowledge and Improving workforce through skills. Keep up the good work.

    That’s a really good start for me. I’ll keep up until the end.

    Am really grateful to ShawAcademy. Am enjoying this course and will represent Shaw in a great way as long as leadership is concerned. Will reach the end. Thanks.

    am on my second week, everything is fine so far

    I am very happy with my choice to do professional diploma in nutrition with shaw academy. I like the way of education that they are giving.

    I give it to you Shaw Academy. I have attached lot of Online Schools, but I can attest to the fact that yours is so far matchless, quite educating, easy to comprehend, a lively experience, very clear and articulate voice. As the Delightful day remains yours, I also pray more Grace to your elbow.

    Actually the course it's very interesting and I really enjoy it,by teaching, explaining, images that's help more to understand the whole course about,and I'm so excited and ready to finish this course successfully. An special thank to Mis. Annerie du Plessis

    I am very happy to attend this course today as a beginner. The class was so impactful helpful also, i gain a lot in less than an hour and i can't wait to finish the course and start implementing in my business. Also thanks to shawacademy and my lecturer Kate Savage.

    Please I need my refund, I cancelled subscriptions about 6 months ago, and they started charging me last month again, also charged me this month too. This guys are scammers,

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Personalized Beauty

    I had quite knowledge already within the beauty industry, but these classes kept me entertained and focused, actually learned a lot of new stuff. Lessons are easily understood, lecturer has broad insight, explains clearly and informatively, not only reads up the slides. I like that you can schedule when you wanna attend. Price is good for what it offers, it is the additional prices I find a bit pricy, if you wanna have the toolkit, notes and wanna have a diploma.
    the homepage after login is hard to see through, it takes a while to see what are your upcoming classes(it was very hard to find a way to an overview, I dont even know how I did it) and it takes way a lot clicks to reschedule. Basically you can only see your next class and two other buttons (to buy certificate and toolkit)
    The continous email and sms harassing is very irritating. Email, well... they send at least 15 emails a day - about every tiny change I made on my page: (literally if I just change a letter in my name), rescheduling, editing, plus advertising emails, reminders in every hour before the next class starts. They also sent sms from two different numbers, doing all the same like in the emails. So basically I have 15 emails and sms/ day about when my next class is. This is insane for me! Had to block all the numbers after a few days:D emails are still coming, fine...

    But these things cannot divert me from the conclusion which is - a pleasant experience within the industry I wanna know more details about, and even though I thought I had some basic knowledge, these classes had provided me a much deeper and detailed perspective which I can interpret in the future. Lessons Have good structure and we get guidance from a lecturer who is highly qualified within her field. Slides are just enough to make the pictures and small words burn into your brain, so it is helpful for you to remember the crucial info. Lessons are detailed but not overcomplicated. Just because it is very well explained and understandable, feels like it is very easy to implement in real life.
    I would recommend it to anyone who wanna cover one specific area and to have a better insight about a field. Speaking about money - for one class it is okay, but with all the additional buy, it is too much. And €50 a month is way too much. Even though the service it provides is good, I couldnt afford it.
    The profile webpage could be improved by making it easier to see through, easier to handle.

    i love it! I'm literally learning something and actually taking away from this class which is amazing! 10/10 def would recommend ir come back if they have more classes!

    I luv it! Have always wanted to do cosmetology class, but wasnt able to cause I was a stay at home mom and couldnt afford daycare and classes, but with this app ive been able to start the class!. And its been great so far cant wait for more classes!. Thanks for this opportunity to try something that I'm interested it and that can help me get my foot in the door. And getting my future stated. Would defiantly recommend and would defiantly come back if theres more classes!. Thanks again!.

    Shaw Academy's course on project management is very exciting and educative. It's a whole new experience for me. Thanks shaw academy

    I love it and it's a great experience my goal is to complete my course and have something l can start with when l start my business ,thank you Shaw Academy l am already halfway through n l feel like joining another course

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    First of all, I took the PS course because travel photography is a hobby. The class is geared for those who want to earn a certificate in order to advance a career. So, I might have a different viewpoint than those seeking a certification. From the start I tried using an old version of Photoshop on an old laptop. I had problems with that so got behind almost immediately and never submitted the assignments. Eventually I purchased an updated PS program
    Basically I audited the course. I would prefer a live class and one that is hands on. You don't get that here you do have a class schedule, but the classes are recordings. You communicate with a bot. Also, I was surprised that the class materials cost extra, and were quite expensive, at $40 per module. In addition, every time you log on you are hit repeatedly with reminders that you can buy the tool kit for $40. My initial complaint was that there was no syllabus, no class outline. Eventually the instructor started at least giving a little outline before starting the lesson and a preview outline for the upcoming class. That was helpful. I found the recordings of the classes to be very helpful, especially when I missed a class. Also, there were some extra videos provided to provide more detail on specific topics. I found those very helpful,
    The Photoshop classes Modules 1 and 2 were very good, though the first 2 classes covered very little, while later classes were rather overwhelming due to wealth of material covered. The Photoshop program is very detailed and frankly, it was difficult to see all the icons and buttons the instructor was using. I am using a 16" laptop screen for viewing. I found that auditing the "live" class gave me an overall understanding of the most important features of PS. Later I would use my own Photoshop program and use my own photos to try to recreate the lessons, sometimes while listening to the recorded lesson on my iPad at the same time. The instructor, James Eames is very knowledgeable and did a good job covering a wealth of material. I would recommend Shaw Academy.

    I would recommend Shaw Academy to many, this is my first session and I've learnt a lot in less than an hr.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Graphics design

    I am writing this review after I attended 2 lessons.

    - The whole website is designed greatly as student can easily enrol classes , reschedule, revise, take quizzes and receive updates.
    - Love the way how they organised the course. All the content is listed down and consistently followed up before the course start and end. We can ensure we are sticked to the plan and objectives were achieved according to the list of content (which is the same they shows in the description of the course before we enrol. Throughout the course, the instructor will link the lesson/ knowledge back to the basic. It is great so what we learned pieces here and there are puzzled and complete a picture. Another thumbs up for quizzes asked during the course. Quizzes , in form of finding answer from the graphic and explain the answer/analysing skill by guiding step by step is absolutely amazing and help me understand faster and memorable way.
    - Love the way how instructor keep her talk simple and clear during the whole class.
    - Absolute worth of the price.

    - Rescheduled the class (sometime before the class) but still receiving email said I missed the class. Made me very nervous but when I checked is nothing.
    - I will prefer to have more flexible time? Ie. Like from evening to night time for same day.
    - It will be best if we can have more than 2 days of learning. Absolutely understand cramping everything is not a good way to master a knowledge, however it will be best if we are allowed to choose 2 lessons per week or 4 lessons per week or more.

    Overall I am happy with the course. I gave it rating 6/10 before I start the classes as I feel is not possible to learn new skill so easily. After first class, I have to give 8/10. Interesting and easy to understand. After 2nd lessons, my new rating is 9/10. Maybe it will become 10/10 after my next lessons :)

    The course is so amazing... I'm impressed by it

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Learning new skills

    I absolutely adore this course! The instructions are really clear and simple to follow. I genuinely feel like I'm learning a huge amount and improving with every lesson. It's at just the right pace for me and it's great to see myself making progress.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online professional development course

    I recently did an online professional development course and was really let down with the service I got. I had a few problems when I tried to cancel my membership and ask for a refund. It was just too complicated and the people I talked to gave me different information. Also, the website felt like it was trying to force me into buying things and wasn't easy to use. In general, I wasn't happy with this online platform and I wouldn't suggest it to anyone else.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online education course

    As someone taking an online education course, I have to say I'm really impressed with the instructors' expertise and knowledge. The content is well-organised and interesting, which makes it easy to keep up and remember what I learn. The interactive elements of the courses keep me interested and keen to learn more. All in all, I'm happy with the quality of education I'm getting.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online course purchase

    Buying an online course on this platform was really easy. I liked that I could easily access the course materials and download them to look at later. It was great not having to rush and being able to study when I wanted. The assignments being multiple choice was good, but it would have been better if I could see my score afterwards. I didn't like how I was constantly told to buy more things, and how my payment was processed immediately without a verification step. This made me feel uneasy about the transaction. Because of these issues, I couldn't give it a 5-star rating.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Compact refresher course for previous studies

    I found this course really useful as it refreshed my memory on all the stuff I learned before and put into practice. It not only reminded me of important things to know, but also showed me where the industry is heading in the future. The course did a great job of linking together all the different activities and showing how they are all connected, which gave me a wider view of things.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Informative and well-structured online classes

    I've been really impressed with the online classes - they provide such great quality information that has really helped me grasp concepts I thought I already understood. The tutors have been brilliant, and the fact that I can adjust the schedule to fit around my life is a major bonus. Being able to catch up on lessons or rearrange them has made it so much easier for me. On the whole, it's been a fantastic learning experience that hasn't broken the bank.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online course purchase

    I recently bought an online course that was really informative and well-organised. I found the lessons easy to follow and the content was engaging. However, I was a bit let down when the app got updated and the fees went up out of the blue, even for just finishing assignments. Before that, you only had to pay if you wanted extra resources or to take assessments ahead of time.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online learning subscription

    This online learning platform is basically a scam. I got charged a lot each month for ages without even clocking it because of the sneaky tricks they used. Then when I sussed out what was going on and asked for a refund, they just offered me a lifetime subscription rather than giving me my money back. To top it off, the customer service was useless and never got back to me, making me feel annoyed and ripped off. It was just a total waste of time and cash, and I'd warn anyone thinking about using this platform to think twice before getting caught out by them.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    My online classes

    I absolutely love my online classes! They're really interesting and simple to access. I can learn loads of new things whilst chilling at home and make up for any lessons I might have missed. I can also study at my own speed and not feel pressured to rush through it. It's amazing being able to learn without having to splurge loads of cash or time on it!

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