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    Finance Reviews & Experiences

    What can you do with your money?

    Depending on your financial situation and targets, you can either save your money or invest it. You can put your money into an account or invest in stocks, assets, shares, property, etc. But first, build an emergency fund.

    What is equity?

    In finance, equity is the value due to the shareholders of a business. In accounting, it's equal to the value of the assets minus the liabilities amounts. You will find two types of equity, respectively the book value and the market value, but for individuals is generally refers to the second definition.

    What falls under equity?

    In finance, "equity" comprises the money that would be reimbursed to the company's shareholders in case of liquidation and full debt settlement. It's the degree of ownership in a company's assets after subtracting the companies liabilities.

    Savings vs Investments

    To save means putting money into a low-risk cash account, with low to zero risks. You can withdraw the amount you put in, plus the low earned interest. But to invest, which has a higher risk, means putting money into an asset you believe will grow, with bigger potential returns, but also a higher likelihood of loss.

    How do you calculate assets?

    A company owns current, fixed and intangible assets. In finance, a company's total assets comprise the book value of tangible assets and the market value of intangible assets. Add up the current value of assets minus the value of liabilities.


    What does it mean to save money and what are the different options?

    To save money means gradually putting money aside for the future. You can place money into an account in a building society or a bank. Cash accounts include instant access accounts, regular accounts, fixed-term deposit, index-linked and cash ISAs (tax-free).

    Why save?

    Save money for emergency funds, holiday, important projects and for financial security. You should regularly save money and place it into an account, so it can earn interest. Improve your financial situation, and security as you know what the future may hold. Especially if you do not have a strong understanding of investing and the risks involved, saving accounts can be a great way of putting your money to work.

    What is deposit saving?

    Long-term deposit saving means depositing an amount into a closed account, which has a fixed lifetime over which you are not able to access the fund. The interest in this accounts is slightly higher as you are not able to access the fund or have a limited number of allowed withdrawals, after which costs are incurred. The account is generally at a bank or a financial institution, as they use the capital for loans, and there is a fixed maturation date.

    What are some best practices to save money?

    To properly direct your free expendable cash, you should pay the necessary expenses and aim for minimizing debt. After that, set up an emergency fund for unexpected expenses. Try to avoid registering unnecessary new credit cards and centralize all your accounts.

    What are the principles to save money?

    (p>The basis to save money comprises 3 principles, respectively, spending less than you earn, and improving the level of your income through growing your existing capital. You can gradually save money or make one-off deposits into an account.

    How much of your saved money can be tax-free?

    The Personal Allowance scheme helps you enjoy free of tax interest. You can earn up to £5,000 tax-free interest for salaries under £17,500. But a salary of up to £50,000 allows for £1,000 tax-free interest.

    What can you do with your saved money?

    You can build a 6 months' worth of expenses emergency fund with your saved money for unexpected expenses. Also, you can save for a holiday, gifts, expensive antiques, a house or a retirement plan.


    What is investing?

    To invest means using your money to work on starting or developing a project, purchase an interest, bonds, shares, or assets to increase in value. It's a mechanism to generate future income. Investing is something that takes place on an individual and institutional level, and is the reason the current economic system is called market capitalism. It is about people using existing capital (available funds) to invest in a venture (whether it’s a business, property and scientific research) with the belief that the resources generated by that venture will be higher than the invested capital.

    Where can I invest?

    Depending on the target of your investments and the amount of capital available, you can invest in a company or commodity which you consider will grow in time. Also, consider the stock market, investment bonds, mutual funds.

    How can I invest?

    You can invest through a broker or use online platforms. A good approach is to use financial advisers who can help you determine the best approach depending on your cash flow situation and investment goals.

    Benefits of making an investment

    Although it's reasonable to hold on to some cash, you should diversify what you do with your money and check the returns potential from different assets. You will enjoy high-interest rates, increase your long-term returns, outperform the rate of inflation and receive a regular income. However, be sure to know the risks you are taking and never over-expose yourself to financial factors out of your control, such as market fluctuation or other macroeconomic changes.

    What are my options for investing?

    You can choose from a wide range of investments such as bonds, property, or equities for regular income. Consider the stock market but account for the high volatility of prices. You can achieve increased returns but with higher risk.

    How should you declare the profits from investments to the tax?

    You should declare your income from profits made if you are self-employed to the HMRC. You can pay it through the PAYE system. And to check that you are paying the right amount of tax, use the online resources at the HMRC site.


    Speculation means carrying out a financial transaction which presents a high risk of decreasing in value but also an increased potential of returns or other significant value. The risk of loss is counterbalanced by the gain.

    What is speculation and how does it work?

    Speculation refers to an investment in an asset with a significant risk of losing value but also a high value expected return. The prospect of gains stands behind the speculation. For example, you can speculate in property to resell.

    How to earn money by speculating

    You can earn money speculating with online brokers and special trading platforms using contracts on the primary value of a financial instrument such as company stocks. You can also speculate on the FOREX market movements.

    With which can I speculate (shares, crypto, binaries, online platforms)

    You can speculate on the stock market in shares of publicly traded companies or on crypto conversion rate movements. Follow the price fluctuations of binary options in global markets and use online trading platforms for low fees and more control.

    Investing vs speculating

    The main distinction between speculation and investment is the level of risk you undertake. If you are taking calculated risks to profit from a transaction, then you are investing. But if you spend money on an asset with great failure potential, you are speculating.

    How and where to start speculating?

    When you are speculating, never consider tips. Speculating involves hard work, and it's not an easy way to become wealthy. Check the market and do not take high risks for small rewards. Make your next moves based on the assets' evolution.

    What to be wary of?

    When you are speculating, it's easy to get caught in the excitement and lose track of relevant indicators. You should consider the markets' danger movements and do not exceed the price limits which you have established for yourself.



    What are cryptocurrencies?

    Cryptocurrencies are virtual or digital currencies which use cryptography for safety purposes. They are traded on a decentralized system comprising blockchain technology. Cryptocurrencies allow for peer-to-peer transactions to take place without any bank or financial institution involved in the operation.

    How do cryptocurrencies work?

    Transactions are made between peers with cryptocurrency wallets. The person initiating the transaction uses the wallet to transfer an amount from a public address to another account and adds a password which is communicated to the receiver of the funds.

    Where can I buy cryptocurrencies?

    The safest way to buy cryptocurrencies is through a centralized exchange such as Coinbase or Bitfinex. And, after opening an account and verifying your identity you can tap into cryptocurrency conversion with FIAT currency or other digital currencies.

    What kind of cryptocurrencies are for sale?

    You will find a wide range of cryptocurrencies for sale such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple or Litecoin. Not all cryptocurrencies can be bought with FIAT money. It depends on the pairs available on the exchange platform which you are using.

    How to start with Trading/Invest in cryptocurrencies?

    To trade or invest in cryptocurrencies, you need to have a cryptocurrency wallet and choose an exchange. You can trade FIAT to crypto or crypto to crypto. Start with prominent digital coins such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.

    How should you declare the profits from investing in cryptocurrencies?

    The HMRC taxes cryptocurrency profits based on what the owner of the cryptocurrencies does. If the holder is carrying out trades, then the Income Tax is applicable. A trade with cryptocurrencies is similar in nature to trading securities or shares.

    What are the most popular coins?

    The most popular digital coins include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Zcash, Dash, Ripple, Monero, Cardano and EOS. However, the market comprises more than 1,600 cryptocurrencies and it's constantly expanding with initial coin offerings (ICOs) taking place with increasing frequency.

    What should I be wary of?

    Before you consider to invest or trade cryptocurrencies, you should account for the high volatility of the asset's price and government regulations. The rapid market movements of cryptocurrency prices are significant and can lead to large losses.

    International currency transfer

    When should I use a currency converter?

    You should use a currency conversion tool when you are looking to buy or sell a specific currency or determine the situation of the FOREX market. You will find a variety of currency conversion programs and services online provided by banks or other financial institutions.

    What options do I have for international money transfers?

    You can make international money transfers via bank wire transfers or using alternatives payment solutions sometimes provided by apps. Specific apps will allow you to create multi-currency and international accounts with low transfer fees and increased transfer speed.

    What are the hidden costs?

    Hidden costs of international bank wire transfers comprise transfer fees, foreign currency conversion differences, swift tracing fees, quick send premiums, inter-bank fees, overhead fees, and other charges.

    How Has Fintech Changed the Industry?

    Fintech or financial technology has had a strong impact on international money transfers, by offering efficient solutions to users to transfer money across borders with low costs and at increased speed. Also, these alternative transfer solutions offer improved security and encrypted transfer channels.

